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Pup Patrol

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Posts posted by Pup Patrol

  1. I found about 20 caches today (wohoo!) and uploaded fieldnotes for each of them.

    When I converted them into foundit logs, two of them showed up twice, both the actual cache log and also the personal TB visit log.

    Not a biggie, I corrected the situation by deleting the extra logs. But some kind of misbehavior in the system!


    It's not a "misbehaviour" of the system. It's well-documented in the forums that the app(s) post multiple "found it" logs on occasion.


    You have always been able to log "found it" more than once.


    But, as noted in the post above, that will soon be changed.



  2. I haven't yet read the link in GSAK but I have read a few of the reply posts. Will it be impossible to log a duplicate log or will it ask if you want to log a duplicate log and you have the option of accepting (needed for YOSM) or declining as for an accidental repost?


    You can read the official announcement from Groundspeak in the Announcements subforum:




    As you may have learned from a community volunteer reviewer or from one of our API partners, in early to mid-April, we will begin enforcing changes to the logging rules through the user interface on Geocaching.com and the Geocaching® app. The changes take effect for Authorized Developers on May 8, 2017.


    Cache owners will no longer be able to log a Find, DNF, Webcam Photo Taken, Needs Archived, or Needs Maintenance on their owned caches. However, event owners can log an Attended or Will Attend on their own events.


    Players will no longer be able to log more than 1 (one) Find, Attended, Webcam Photo Taken, or Will Attend per cache. Players will still be able to change a Write Note to a Find if they have not already logged a Find on the cache.


    These changes are not retroactive. Past logs are not affected.


    Geocaching HQ will not be making exceptions to these logging rules for any specific caches.


    We believe these changes will streamline the core logging structure of the game, address requests for these changes from the community, and reduce confusion for our newer community members.


    We’ll share more details in the coming weeks.


    This post has been edited by Geocaching HQ: Yesterday, 01:15 PM

    Reason for edit: Edited to address questions about exceptions


    How this will work hasn't been detailed as yet.



  3. I am wanting to place a cache on a us mailbox that's located at a strip mall in my town,who and where do I go to get permission to do this if any is needed at all?


    Many, many, many caches have drawn the attention of bomb squads. Many have been blown up by bomb squads.


    Putting a cache on a postal box, and having cachers attracting the attention of a lot of folks who don't know what they are doing and look "suspicious".....not a good idea, eh?




    Bad Ideas:


    The following places have historically been bad ideas for cache hides.


    - At Post Offices - postal areas are very sensitive due to problems with letter contents, and it's illegal to hide on on a postal box.






    6. Geocaches are not placed in restricted, prohibited or otherwise inappropriate locations.


    Additional regulations and laws that apply only to your country and region may further restrict cache placement. A cache may be disabled or archived if one or more of the following is true. Please note that the list is not exhaustive; there are many reasons why a cache may be disabled or archived.


    1. If your cache is reported by the land owner or land manager as being an unwanted intrusion, Groundspeak will respect the wishes of the land owner or manager.


    2. The cache placement is in an area that is highly sensitive to additional foot and/or vehicular traffic including, but not limited to, archaeological sites, historical sites and cemeteries. Note that some cemeteries permit cache placement.


    3. The cache is on property belonging to a railroad. In the United States we generally require a distance of 150 ft (46 m) from active tracks. Local laws may vary.


    4. The cache is problematic due to its proximity to a public structure, including and not limited to, highway bridges, major roadways, dams, government buildings, schools, military installations, hospitals, airports and other such locations.



  4. Do the locations ever expire? Say I download them with a three month membership and the cancel? Thanks again for the replies.


    The reason gps units with pre-loaded caches are not helpful is because caches are constantly being archived. New ones are constantly being published. A gps with old data is of no use, and is sucking up valuable memory on the gps.


    You could pay for a 3-month PM, download the maximum caches using pq's, but those pq's would need to be re-run eventually. Same reason: archivals and new placements constantly happening.


    In reality, how many caches can you find in a day? It would be much better to pick and choose caches, put them in bookmark lists, then run pq's on those bookmark lists. Once you're finished with that area and its caches, you can delete the bookmark list, the pq, and the cache data off your gps.



  5. I have not seen any GGZ updates. If you want to update it yourself, GSAK has a Garmin Export macro with an option to save to GGZ. You could run pocket queries and add the new data to the existing GGZ, edit out the archived caches, etc.


    Personally, I think it would be a lot easier to just run a pocket query of an area before you travel there, and you'd have much more up to date information. I got a little frustrated with that when I got my 64s. I found that too many of the listings were disabled or archived by the time I had bought it.


    The OP is not a Premium Member, so pocket queries are not an option.



  6. A year ago, I had a DNF on what seemed like it should have been an easy find. Last weekend I was caching in the same area and read the logs for that cache since I'd been there. I saw a string of 6 DNF's over 4 months beginning right after I was there. This was followed by a string of finds, with no explanation of what changed. So, I went back to the spot and found the cache in under a minute.


    So, what's actually happening here? Do people actually replace caches and then not tell anyone? If so, it's mind-boggling to me that anyone was still looking for it after those 4 months.


    It's called a "throwdown". Discussed endlessly on the forums.


    Help Center → Hide a cache → Ownership after publication

    6.11. Respond to "throwdowns"



    With an absentee cache owner, Pickles might be headed for archival because of the outstanding NM. The automated email from Groundspeak should have gone out a while ago, after the DNF logs. Failure to respond should have resulted in a temporary disable, and then eventual archival, by the Reviewer.


    Help Center → Hide a cache → Ownership after publication

    6.3. Geocache Health Score





  7. http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=32259


    We're emailing to inform you that we are making two important changes to the Partner API, both of which go into effect on May 8th, 2017.


    Log Types:


    The first area of change regards the log types supported by Geocaching. They include:


    1. Cache owners will no longer be able to log a "Find", "DNF", "Webcam Photo Taken", "Needs Archived", or "Needs Maintenance" on their own caches.


    2. Players will no longer be able to log more than 1 (one) "Find", “Webcam Photo Taken”, "Attended", or "Will Attend" per cache.


    We believe that enforcing these will streamline the core logging structure of the game, resolve long-standing requests for these changes from our community, and reduce confusion for our newer community members.


    I'm hoping that next week's Groundspeak newsletter lets GS members know about these changes.


    Expecting to see an official notice in the Release Notes forum soon.



  8. I cannot find any way to delete old messages.


    2.10. Message Center - Frequently Asked Questions



    I want to delete a message. How do I do that?


    We do not currently allow players to permanently delete a message.


    You can, however, "Hide Conversation" which will cause the message thread to disappear until the next time you start a conversation with that player.



  9. I took the official quiz and passed and have successfully placed two caches. I have read guidelines I am not sure which particular ones that you are speaking of.


    If you had really read the Guidelines, you would know.


    However I did already do it, so shouldn't I try and make the best of it?


    Were you honest with your Reviewer? Did you describe the garbage you found to use as a container, an hour away from you, that you can't maintain, etc, as a Reviewer note in your submission form?


    This is just sad, sad, sad. No wonder geocaching is heading into the dumpster...literally.



  10. When a cacher posts a "Needs Maintenance" on a cache page and it becomes an Attribute, how do I remove the Attribute and the "Red Wrench" when I perform the maintenance?


    Help Center → Hide a cache → Ownership after publication

    6.5. Remove the “Needs Maintenance” icon



    6.1. Manage your cache listing




  11. I understand it is not to par with my normal caches but it is no less in quality to 95% of the caches I find.


    Don't be a monkey-see-monkey-do.


    Read the Guidelines about owner maintenance, of both the physical cache and the cache page.


    Did you check for saturation?


    Did you read the part about "temporary caches"?


    Did you read anything in the Guidelines?




  12. Since you already have 2 caches published, you already know all about the Guidelines, the submission form, and the Review process.


    Why are you asking about this?


    If you can't provide maintenance, then don't bother.


    The responsibility of cache maintenance is in the Guidelines.



  13. Me and two friends who are interested in geocaching met up and found a few caches. They really wanted to place a cache so we found a container that was littering up the park and put a paper and a trinket inside. Sadly it is an hour away from all three of us deep inside the busy city. Would it alright to leave it until it disappears or gets muggled then archive it?


    No. You just left some garbage.


    If you truly want to hide caches for others to find, you need to read and re-read and read again how to do it. There's a lot to learn.


    First, I guess, you need to understand about how caches get published by Groundspeak. There is a submission form, and a Review process.


    Help Center → Hide a cache

    Hide a cache



    There are Guidelines you must follow before even thinking of placing a real cache. (What you left behind isn't a real cache.)






  14. My old iphone app gave up the ghost today once I got out in the field. "Not to worry", I thought as I opened the newer app version. But then the new app refused to let me view premium caches and insisted I buy a premium membership. But I already HAVE a premium membership (which my old app knew all about). How do I convince the new app though, without having to buy a duplicate premium membership?


    Your PM has lapsed.


    Perhaps your problem is more with the recent payment of PM renewal?



  15. To the OP, all you need to do is just ignore the offender, show no more interest in what he is doing and he will move onto something else.


    Yeah, and you really don't want to be anywhere near him when his behaviour escalates.


    Bad behaviour starts small. Practice, practice, practice....


    To the people who think that this is about stealing small containers, think again. The guy is crying out for attention. Any kind of attention. He is currently getting it from the OP. When that gets boring, or the OP finally moves on and ignores him, then he will need to move on to something more dramatic and attention-grabbing.



  16. So I'm a high schooler and i told a friend about geocaching but unfortunately he took it the wrong way and has began stealing geocaches around Santa Cruz I've tried to talk him out of it but he won't stop, any advice on what to say?


    If your friend was stealing food or small items from stores, what would you do?


    Just stand there with your thumb up your...nose?


    Ignore the jerk. Stop being his friend. If you know which caches he's stolen, then send messages by email or the message center to the cache owners.


    Hopefully he will find some other delinquent behaviour to indulge in and someone else can deal with him.



  17. In the past I was able to recommend a temporary disable but noticed about a week ago that I cannot click on any of the 3.


    Is it in my settings or do I need a certain number of finds to reach a level or what?


    The only things you can do as a finder are the logs "needs maintenance" or "needs archived". There is no "disable" option for finders. I'm not sure what "3" options you are talking about.


    Not sure what you did in the past other than posting those types of logs.


    Help Center → Find a cache → Logging a Geocache

    4.2. What log type should I use?



    3.7. I found a geocache that needs maintenance



    3.8. I found a geocache that needs to be archived




  18. If someone logs a cache, and it counts it twice, is there anyway to remove one of the finds so that your accurate find count is visible?

    If this is a repeat post please send me the link to the original one.


    When you delete the extra "found it" log, your find count will be reduced.


    Help Center → Find a cache → Logging a Geocache

    4.7. Delete logs from geocache and trackable pages



    To delete a geocache log, follow these steps:


    1. Select View Log or View / Edit Log / Images.

    2. On the log page, select the Delete Log trashcan.

    3. Select Yes to confirm.




    Here's what's listed as the co-ordinates: N 39° 56.097 W 074° 53.625

    Here's what I'm entering: N 39 56.097 E -74 53.625

    Here's what the app automatically changes it to: N 39 56.097 E -73 6.375


    I'd be very grateful for any help!


    Is that a typo or are you actually entering E -74 53.625 when it should be W 074° 53.625?



  20. ... does not show me the new caches or upcoming events anymore.


    Did you check it in the bottom of the newsletter?


    The new format newsletter does not include newly published caches or events.


    As noted above, we've been discussing it for two weeks now.




  21. I did not get the new newsletter, and I didn't get the second survey either.


    Something wrong with my account, or are you still delaying the sending?


    I just got the 2nd weekly newsletter with the new format.


    Hello Geocaching Community,


    Sorry if we missed you last week. We are testing out our new newsletter platform and working through a few technical challenges. Please take a moment to take this survey and share your feedback, as your responses will help us to create a newsletter that is candid, authentic, and beneficial to you! Take the survey.


    Please note that they survey doesn't include the option to provide only links!


    I agree with everyone else. I don't like this new format. Even though the old format didn't sem to pay attention to my "home coordinates", at least I didn't have to click links to get to what I want to know about...recently published caches & upcoming events.


    I don't want a link to caches or events near me. I can do that on my own.


    I wish GS would go back to the old format.



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