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Let's Look Over Thayer

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Posts posted by Let's Look Over Thayer

  1. 8b7b0d90-a345-4869-b027-35f884ab1ece.jpg


    Selling and wearing.

    Dang! I've been so wrapped up in my own brand of misery (which not only involved knives, but also saws) that I forgot all about the SD Geocachers Revival T-shirt. I have this vague thought that I might have committed to buying one...(it seems so long ago now...)


    Any leftovers (hopefully in an XL)?

  2. This just in ...


    Progress report


    An update on the sliced and diced fanger that Sue of

    The Fat Cats gave me.


    1. Before - October 6th

    2. After: - October13


    Quizz: How many fangers can be seen in the photo?


    (My point exactly.)

    Seems like the sliced and diced fanger is healing up quite nicely. My progress has been slower (though, at least it seems to be in the right direction...)


    I'll save y'all from viewing any images of Harmon's fanger pointing out the salient aspects of my wounds.

  3. This just in ...


    OMTT Switchblade Attack


    Now I'm not going to name the perp' that attacked me but

    I was shocked when she pulled a Chicago-style switchblade

    out of her jeans and started slicing and dicing my poor ol'

    fanger bone.


    Always had an idea that she was a sweet woman but after

    the attack and after seeing her force her sweet ol' mom t'

    crawl around under their Jeep t' do th' dirty work ... I'm

    thinkin' that she's been hangin' out with Jodi. Now there's

    two of 'em tryin' t' kill old people. If that's elder-care then

    I'll do without.


    It ain't funny by th' way, how would you like t' ride up a

    mountain with ten fangers and come back down with eleven?

    Tip o' my pointy fanger looks like one of them fancy carved

    radishes y' see on party trays. (Stop laughing!)


    Did I mention the pain?

    :ph34r: Holy Smokes..how much blood did ya lose?. It's

    kinda strange because John was just talking about the old

    geezer Harmon and how easily he sheds blood, yesterday

    out in the desert with Splashes and KickBakJack..


    I wonder, was it our fault? :o

    Yeah, for shore ... Sandy always says "We're not really caching

    until Harmon is bleeding." Yes indeed, the wonders of old age

    and medication for my hearteries.


    Kind of ironic that you were hanging out with that bunch of

    desperados on the same day that the Unnamed Perp' butchered

    me. Janie, for one, can tell you what it's like t' see me bleed

    because she cached with me during my year of having to take

    Plavix once a day. Plavix makes y' bleed like a fountain.


    On th' positive side of this problem ... my blood is always fresh



    Life is good,



    Note to Self: The Unnamed Perp is sure a nice ol' gal.


    I can see it now, Border Patrol will see all that blood and thank someone was murdered. :anibad::grin::sad:


    There's always three sides to a story. Side A, Side B and some where in the middle is the truth.


    The warin' and cuttin' was happening at the same time.


    Of course the "perp" didn't want to give up her GOOD woodstock shirt for a bandage so I had to root around and dig out that buried thing from the back of the jeep, with the red cross thingy on it.


    Ol Harmon does bleed like a turkey with a broadhead through the blood pump. And the "perp" kept saying how sorry she was. As she was signing the log and taking pictures.


    I think Suzi's owner was looking for a bigger rock, either to put ol Harmon out of his misery or to act as a parking brake since we weren't going anywhere for a minute, not sure which even today.


    The above statement is a true and accurate description of the event that occurred on November 6th:


    Signed The First Responder.


    I hope Ol LOTT is careful with who he caches with once he's up and runnin' well walkin' then runnin'. He can't afford no blood loss either.

    Gosh, who knew that James would turn out to be the lucky one?

    Note to self: If Harmon offers to handle the next heart surgery, politely decline...

  4. As a young man I was told that I had a heart murmur caused by

    my Mitral/Bicuspid valve. Way back then the treatment was to

    wish you well and offer a weak smile and a limp handshake. Of

    course the procedure will be a bother for you but nowadays they

    can get'erdone. To put it an old-tyme way ... just brace up and

    get over it ol' buddy.

    Having a murmur caused by a leaky mitral valve is actually not that uncommon. And for most folks, that "good luck" wish is good enough. They live to a ripe old age with nary a problem. I was not so lucky -- though, with regard to your "weak smile and limp handshake" when my cardiologist announced to me that I was going to have to something about my condition, he said "You're a very lucky man. You've lived long enough that we can fix this..." So that was my first surgery and that should have been enough. It is for just about everyone else. Me, I just have to be unique and thus, here I go for round 2.


    I could have put it off a until next spring, but then I'd just be thinking about it that much longer. Brace up and get over it...as you say.


    Now here's the thing ... there's a bunch of your local Geocaching

    pals including me that really care about you so it seems to me

    that you are obligated to request a few small or even large favors

    of us while you are laid up so's we can bask in the self-righteous

    glow of helping a friend in need, and of being a good samaritan.

    Hmmm...I kinda figured that I already used up all my favors on the last go around. People did a lot of nice things that I probably didn't deserve but I sure did appreciate, nevertheless.


    In any case, it would be nice to see a friendly face or two when I'm stuck in the hospital. FlagMan will have the details when the time comes. Also, it sounds like there's some folks working on a regimen of cardiovascular outings that my doctor will, no doubt, prescribe.

  5. By the way, as one cardio patient to another ... any way we can have a few general details about your situation?


    Or, to put it another way, ... wassup really and when's it?

    Wassup: Mitral valve repair -- Part deux

    Wennzit: Thursday at way too early in the morning.

  6. This just in ...




    Speedy recover to James of LLOT .... after his cardio tuneup.


    Hang in there pal, you are one of the last Geocaching Forum

    users so I'm speaking to my pillow tonight on your behalf.


    SD Rowdies speaking for others to, I'm quite sure.

    Thanks, pal...


    I've got one more weekend and then three days of being "normal" (normal being somewhat relative...) and then several weeks of feeling like I was hit by a bus. I'm definitely not looking forward to it...

  7. This just in ...


    Italiano Dolomiti cave painting discovered.


    While hiking in the Dolomiti region of the Italian Alps a couple

    of weeks ago Sandy and I came upon a cave which we explored.

    Therein we were astonished to find a faded cave painting that

    drew our interest. We photographed the painting, of course,

    and sent the photo to the Archaeological Society of Alexandria

    by way of an email.


    To our surprise we received a response saying that we will be

    named as the discoverers for the painting and that it depicts a

    male and female pair of Neandertal hunter-gatherers of the

    type that roamed the Alps during the Ice Age. Plans are already

    in place to open a theme park at the site with cable-car lift, gift

    shop, capachino bar, and broadband access.


    Having made this discovery Sandy and I enjoy the priviledge

    of choosing common names for the figures of the painting. This

    is an exciting moment for Sandy and I that we want to share

    with you, our Geocaching friends, and so hereby invite you to

    offer suggested names for consideration.

    It is very interesting to note that the figures are depicted as wearing dog tags. It has previously been believed that dog tags first appeared in 1870 when they were issued to Prussian troops at the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War. If confirmed, this find of yours would modify history as we know it...

  8. Just be glad that I didn't post the front view of the statue ... y' don't often see pigeons perched on a .... you know, th' p-word.

    Probiscus? :yikes:


    No, wait, I did post the front view didn't I?

    I don't recall seeing any pigeons in that picture... :huh:

  9. Thank you for contacting Garmin International.

    Chirp is designed for use with Garmin products. I do not understand the

    claim that that we have misrepresented the product, as it is outlined in

    the product features on the Garmin website that it has been designed for

    compatible Garmin devices. We apologize if this in conflict with your

    commercial guidelines, however Garmin will only be producing units,

    software , and accessories for Garmin devices.

    With Best Regards,


    Robert G

    Product Support Specialist

    Outdoor/Fitness Team

    Garmin International



    913-440-8280 (fax) Att: Robert G, Associate #6970


    That's disappointing. It's clear, then, that Garmin looks at Chirp as a means of selling more GPS units rather than looking at maximizing sales of Chirps.


    It's a legitimate business decision on their part, but not one that serves me, as a consumer very well. I already own several Garmin GPSrs and if I choose to buy another it won't because of the Chirp. And my consumption of Chirps will likely be minimal due to the small subset of the GPS population that can make use of it. For me, the potential of the Chirp becomes much greater as more and more GPS units can decode it's message...

  10. This just in ...




    Boy howdy them Eyetalians shore know how t' run a fancy hotel.

    Ever' where we wuz they had two-holers. 'Course they wuz some

    plumbin' problems ... danged poor flush on th' funny-lookin' one

    when y' number two'd.


    Tell y' what ... when it comes t' poopin' y' just cain't beat America.

    I'll have to post the photo of the the fancy remote control that comes with the ones I saw in Japan. Using said remote, I discovered that when you are not sitting on them, the fountain effect can be pretty impressive. The opportunities for juvenile entertainment are tremendous... :):blink:

  11. This just in ...



    Honk if you know where this is!


    (Recuperating today from 27-hour transit, log entries later.)


    Note to Self: Hee-hee, just wait unti they find out that Sandy and I shot over two-thousand photos.

    Could this be Davide of donatello ??????
    Nope, butt actually a very short walk from David.


    Hint: Tre, and tombs of Galileo Galilei and Michelangelo

    Buonarroti are butt a few steps away.

    Honk! Donatello nobody butt it's in Firenze. It's the Fountain of the Netted Tuna (Fontana del Nettuno).

  12. This just in...




    Honk if you know where this is...

    Honk!! Its at 32-52.533 117-07.900 :rolleyes:

    Aha! ... runway at MCAS Miramar. Somebody

    went to see the Blue Angels, huh?

    Nailed it! Good to have you back! It's been rather quiet lately...

  13. This Just In...




    Honk if you know where this is...

    I know now and I should have known earlier as I used to watch this cache by his Lordship!
    Where the heck is this? May be a silly question, but, this isn't real is it?

    I guess it might depend on how you define "real". Everything you see in the photo is actually there. The skeletons are real skeletons. The clothing is real. The coffins...real but I'm guessing that they were purpose built for this tableau. The context in which all these objects were placed...imaginary, however, many of the characters presented in tale that leads to this place are or were real people.


    Where is it? The answer to that question can be found many places with a little detective work. (But for the folks that don't want to work that hard, head on over to the Critters thread...)

  14. Wolf Spider and Worm -- The cache was Necropolis of Britannia Manor III -- GC2B034




    It was dark but we kept seeing little pin-pricks of bright green light reflected from the ground. Upon investigation, we discovered that the source of this reflected light was wolf spiders. You can sort of see the flash reflecting off the eyes of this one. Later, we researched this and discovered that "spotlighting" is a common way to locate wolf spiders.


    The worm is upper-right...I didn't see it there when I took the picture.

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