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Let's Look Over Thayer

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Everything posted by Let's Look Over Thayer

  1. I'm guessing that you are homesick without any help from me...believe me, I know how it feels... Where in the white stuff are you? Ooops! Enjoying ourselves a little too much, I guess. Sorry for the delayed response. We were in the Fraser Valley (Winter Park, etc.) A little downhill skiing, a little cross-country skiing and a little caching. All-in-all, a very good week.
  2. Well, what did you expect? And apparently, his days are numbered (he said so himself earlier on this page...) I'm curious how the math works out for that...
  3. Waited all day for mine. They never ran and I had a lousy trip as a result. Thanks for nuthin!
  4. Just wondering if someone could go wake up the squirrels... I'd like to get some get some PQs to run before the day is over...I'd even take them without hints or logs (some information is better than no information...)
  5. I'm guessing that you are homesick without any help from me...believe me, I know how it feels...
  6. Ahhh... 'Tis good to be back! (If only for a little while...)
  7. The squeeze would prove them wrong. If you are up to it, that is. The squeeze, eh? Hmmm, I don't know about this ... I don't think anyone should be squeezin' me while I'm driving, Skillet! Have you forgotten ... I'm a professional driver! No distracting! Hey, you got a 4WD I can borrow for this latest challenge, Mister Skillet? Hmph, can you believe that silly guy is doubting my abilities AGAIN? Unbelievable, I say! boysnbarrie Ok,So we are driving in her car Sunday afternoon and she runs over what possibly was a small piece of rubber in the road and it hits her undercarriage...What's that? she shreaks looking in the rear view mirror as she starts to slow down on the hightway..It's nothing...keep going Barrie and remembering the times we have bottomed out and heard rocks hit the bottom of our Jeep I utter..."You never could drive a 4WD". She becomes unglued and begins muttering something about how she can not believe I would say she couldn't do something...I suggested that she buy a Rubicon etc but she didn't go for that...I see...now she wants to borrow someone else's 4wd to prove that she can handle it...hmmm Barrie dear, You might mention to that doubting-James guy that I can submit photographic evidence that shows you driving a tricked-out 4WD vehicle over very rough terrain. Those who doubt have obviously not been following these forums...here's a reminder of what you've missed:
  8. Woody's Rag/Hard Work words and music by Woody Guthrie While we're on the subject of hard work, I just wanted to say that I always was a man to work. I was born working and I worked my way up by hard work. I ain't never got nowhere yet but I got there by hard work. Work of the hardest kind. I been down and I been out and I've been busted, disgusted and couldn't be trusted. I worked my way up and I worked my way down. I've been drunk and I've been sober. I've had hard times and I got hijacked and been robbed for cash and robbed on credit. Worked my way into jail and outta jail and I woke up a lotta mornings and I didn't even know where I was at. But the hardest work I ever done is when I was trying to get myself a worried woman to ease my worried mind. Now I'm gonna tell you just about how much hard work I had to do to get this here woman that I'm a-tellin' you about. I shook hands with 97 of her kinfolks and her blood relatives and I done the same with 86 people that was just her friends and her neighbors. Kissed 73 babies and put dry pants on 34 of 'em, as well as others, and done the When thing several times, as well as a lot of other things just about like this. I held 125 head of wild horses, put saddles and bridles on more than that, harnessed some of the craziest, wildest teams in the whole country. I rode 14 loco broncos to a dead standstill and let 42 hound dogs lick me all over. 7 times I was bit by hungry dogs and I was chewed all to pieces by water moccasins and rattlesnakes on 2 separate river bottoms. I chopped and I carried 314 arm loads of stoved wood; 100 buckets of coal, and I carried a gallon of kerosene 18 miles and lost a good pair of shoes in a mud hole. And I chopped and I weeded 48 rows of short cotton, 13 acres of bad corn and cut the sticker weeds out of 11 back yards, all on account a 'cause I wanted to show her that I was a man and I liked to work I cleaned out 9 barnloads, and cranked 31 automobiles, all makes and models, pulled 3 cars out of mud holes and 4 out of snowdrifts. I dug 5 cisterns of water for some of her friends and neighbors and run all kinds of errands. I played the fiddle for 9 church meetings and I joined 11 separate denominations. I signed up and joined up for 7 of the best trade unions I could find and paid my dues about 6 weeks ahead of time, waded 40 miles of swamps, 60 big rivers, walked across 2 mountain ranges and crossed 3 deserts. I got the fever and I got the sun stroke and I got the malaria and I got the flu and I got moonstruck and skeeter bit, the poison ivy and the 7 year itch and the blind staggers. I was given up for lost and dead about 2 dozen times. Struck by lightning, struck by Congress, struck by friends and kinfolks, as well as by 3 cars on the highways and a lotta times in peoples' henhouses. I been hit and run down and run over and walked on and knocked around and I'm just settin' here now trying to study up what else I can do to show that woman that I still ain't afraid of hard work. ©1957 (Renewed), 1992 by Sanga Music Inc All Rights Reserved.
  9. Woo Hoo! No more parking on the shoulder! Wooohooo! I've been watching the work so I'm glad to see that it finally open. It is much needed. As good as it is, though, it won't completely solve the parking problem. On busy days, there will still be people parked along the road... To be sure of getting a parking place on a Saturday or Sunday, either come early or come late.
  10. Ooops! Previous message never got sent until just now... ...because I was in such a hurry to blast out of here to go caching! Anyhoo, the postscript to the story is that while I was out caching someone kicked the squirrels (or whatever was the needful thing) and my PQ's ran. C'est la vie!
  11. Yep, sure did. Should run today (Monday). Checked it again, just to be sure. Hmmm...then the server is not completely down... One of my queries hasn't run since 2008 so it should, in theory, run quickly... But, I tried the old "maka-a-copy" trick. It ran instantly. So, got my data, but the question of why the existing queries remain stuck in queue still exisits... ...but not going to worry about that. Gotta go find some caches!
  12. Anyone getting their PQ's today? I have a couple that have been sitting in the queue for several hours. It's not going to ruin my day but it would be nice to have them...
  13. It was Dr. Boggis that set up this thread way back in 2005 so it only seems fitting that we give him a big "atta boy" for 1000 finds (at the " Dr. Boggis, aka 007, Returns To San Diego" event cache.)
  14. It's been done. There was a mystery cache near here (San Diego) that was attached to a vehicle. Most of the time, the cache was findable at or near a specific set of coordinates. But sometimes the cache was not there. Not sure you could get that approved these days, though.
  15. The Reviewers have the latitude to stretch the guidelines if they choose. So if Jeremy wants to approve a cache in space, I say more power to him. I just can't figure out why so many people got their shorts in a twist over it. There's plenty of caches on Earth that are beyond my reach. So now there is one in space that I won't be able to reach either. My outlook on life is unchanged. (But it would be good to get the coords changed to Baikonur...)
  16. Add me to the list... Last time MyFinds PQ ran was 1/11/2010 11:12:43 AM Clicking the button causes the page to refresh but nothing else seems to happen. Normal PQ's come through just fine.
  17. These penguins have shown up before on this thread, but they are now immortalized as artwork on Ms. LLOT's new surfboard!
  18. Thank you for providing the screen shot, but please be sure to include more information about your environment when submitting a bug/complaint. Even though it appears that you're running Windows Mobile 5 on that device, you should explicitly state the OS and device model. It would also be beneficial to note the build of Mobile IE. Thanks! -Justin Quite right, I should have provided that info. The device is a Palm Treo 700w. It is WM 5.0 (based on Win CE 5.1) The build number is 14932.2.2.2 The build number of IE Mobile is the same as the WM build number (For WM, IE Mobile is released as part of the WM build tree. It doesn't have a separate build numberh.) I had not thought to do so, but it occurs to me that I should go down to the lab and see if the same behavior exists in WM6.1 and 6.5. WM6.5 uses a different code base (IE 6) for IE Mobile than earlier versions of WM.
  19. Until now, I was unaware of Geocaching Live. I haven't really tried it yet (I will...) but for what it is worth, it does have appropriately sized edit boxes when displayed on my mobile.
  20. I, too, would love to see IE6 vanish from the Earth, but the fact remains that there a lot of people of who just can't be bothered to upgrade. (My mom, for example...) From their perspective, what they've got works just fine. The enemy of "better" is "good enough". Those that provide a service via the web therefore have a decision to make. Continue to support the above constituency or stop supporting IE6 and abandon them. It's a basic business decision. For the web site that I maintain, the decision is to continue to support those people, and thus I continue to have deal with it.
  21. Oh, a little more information that may prove useful... Other edit boxes throughout gc.com seem to be sized reasonably. So there is something unique about that log-in page that handles the sizing of the edit boxes differently.
  22. Not sure if this has already been brought up. FWIW, I did look before posting and didn't see it... Anyway, yesterday a new cache popped up while I was out caching and I decided to check the cache page from my phone (a WinMobile device). It had been awhile since I had logged in from that device and not surprisingly, the cache page said "You are not logged in" So I clicked on the link to log in... ...and got a rather rude shock. Here is what the log in screen looked like: Those things that look like a sans-serif "I" are the edit boxes where I am supposed to enter my user name and password. (Amazing that the checkbox to "Remember Me" is larger...) It turns out that I am still able to log in if I type very carefully and don't make any mistakes, but all-in-all, it's not very friendly behavior on the part of your web page. I would be most appreciative if you were to fix this...
  23. Kalahari Desert during the rainy season -- the thing that gave it away was the pride of lions hiding in the bushes.
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