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Posts posted by Bodoni

  1. Hmmm, I see the advantages. Fully suited you'd have no worries from bees, mosquitoes, stinging nettles and devil's club. Now if you could just incorporate the deep sea gear you could walk right to the 2925 cache.

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by bazzle:

    Works for me as long as it is not 7/5. I will have the blues that day...

    I second this one. I'll also be at the Blues Festival -- I'll be listening on channel 2/0. Saturdays will be hard, but I'd like to be there and $3 is more than reasonable.

  3. Change o' subject (sort of)


    This thread made me check out your profile, chubby forest monkey. It says 'Other Hobbies:

    PNW native plants'. That's what I need! I'm always wondering what this is and what that is while I'm geohunting. I especially wonder things like, 'What the heck is this?', 'How poisonous is this?', 'Is this as painful as it looks?', 'What's a nice plant like you doing in a place like this?', and the ever-popular 'Is this edible?' I'd love to latch on to someone who knows the answers to all of those questions! With my luck I'd hook up with a literalist who would just keep saying, 'That's not native.'

  4. Question 1: Shall we make June 1st a potluck?


    I think it should be just like last year -- every man, woman, child and squirrel for themselves.


    Question 2: Who wants to create new containers?


    No way -- you guys set the bar too high last year!


    Question3: Is anyone planning another event cache?


    Not me, just along for the ride.

  5. quote:
    Is there anyone that I already know who is willing to swing by and pick me up on their way? I live VERY near http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=63303. If I don't hear from anyone, I may Max it, but hey now, that just wouldn't be as much fun!

    You know I live close to the EC Cache, but that also means I live close to the MAX. I can't pass up the opportunity to ride the MAX if I know a bar's involved. I plan to be there, but I haven't received approval from the entertainment committee yet . . .

  6. Being an eastsider myself, I'd be all over an eastside gathering. I don't know why this post isn't getting more attention . . . I know there are plenty of other eastsiders who dread the drive to the CPR. If you can keep it near the MAX you'll get a larger turnout. As we found out last time though -- we need room! Oh yeah, and Friday? I think the Tuesday night caching crew might have some input on that.

  7. The good:

    bodoni is free

    bodoni is one

    bodoni is rather steel

    bodoni is the nicest

    bodoni is so *italian*

    bodoni is the ideal place for a quiet and pleasant stay

    bodoni is one of the foremost desires of our civilization

    bodoni is king of the world and agaramond is a

    bodoni is another star that refuses to wane


    The bad:

    bodoni is a small

    bodoni is fat


    The font:

    bodoni is such a classic face

    bodoni is considered the "father of modern type"

    bodoni is the greatest monument ever constructed to the art of printing from metal types

    bodoni is a typeface which moved far beyond the transitional families

    bodoni is not a standard macintosh font

    bodoni is the exception; its thin serifs are unbracketed


    The ambiguous:

    bodoni is remarkable more for quantity than quality

    bodoni is the only one i know

    bodoni is one of them


    The 'nuff said:

    bodoni is


    Joe, on the other hand . . .

  8. quote:
    Originally posted by fractal:

    Right on! And with the value of the American dollar up there in the Great White North, it's just about enough to make me say "Oh, Canada!"


    I checked out the 360° view, and even though I can zoom in, I can't make out the prices on the specials menu. Too bad -- I'm drooling too!



  9. Good news for you -- bad news for me. I've got to jet to San Diego this Friday and won't be back until 3/28. I'm so sorry I won't be able to pummel you into submission (this time). Will other cachers step up to do the deed for me?


    Where did you guys end up going after the races last time?


    After the last race we actually didn't go anywhere. Most of us had early committments the next morning, so we just went our separate ways. I drove the local roads a bit ahead of time and didn't see any likely prospects besides Billygan's, but I didn't take a very scientific approach to it. Anyone live in the area?

  10. Infamous kart racer and rolling roadblock, my sister, has put out a challenge for racers on Wed, 3/26. I know, I know -- it's not a Sunday -- but we'll do one soon. So if you can make it please do so you can help me throw her into the tires! We'll start around 7:30-8:00pm and a fun time will be had by all. More info can be had at HotTrack.


    Team Joyson also found out about SyKart opening a track in Tigard. I called and they say it'll hopefully open on April 1st. We'll just have to check that out!

  11. I voted Saturday, but Friday would also work. I think it would be hard to guarantee enough table space at the 'Absolutely place' and Sassy's would be too, uh, distracting. We didn't have the best of luck at XV last time (but there's a cool new place a block away from there). I like the Lucky Lab (yes, the outside tables are under cover) or Rogue (never been there). They should work out better for soup. Unless we all want to head south and find a place near Tualatin. We could clean out the peanuts at the Billygans just off of I-5 . . .

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