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Posts posted by hedgedr1fter

  1. My wife and I have been geocaching for a few months now. We generally look for the bigger caches, because micros just aren't as fun. But it seems like the longer a cache stands, the more people just leave absolute junk in the place of cool things. It's really frustrating to see caches full of water bottle caps, rubber bands, pennies, etc when you can tell from logs and the initial cache contents listing that these were not the types of items originally left. One of the rules of geocaching is to leave something of equal or greater value and I know this isn't the case. We didn't spend very much money coming up with a decent sized goodie bag of prizes to leave in geocaches, so it really is just a matter of sheer laziness. It's like people are just grabbing junk from their floorboards to put in caches. We've found ourselves lately just cleaning out the junk in caches and throwing it away and replacing it with good stuff for the next finders, but I hope it's not in vein. I hope we can get a few more people interested in "CIJO" Cache-In, Junk Out. We only have two caches set up right now, but I plan on periodically checking in on all my caches and removing stuff that doesn't belong. I might get sick of doing this constantly, but it really isn't fair for everyone else. </endrant>

    hi i myself is a new cacher,and already ive come across so much rubbish in easy locations,What are these people thinking?,

    im going premium soon so im hoping things will change

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