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Posts posted by onetrapper

  1. Uninted States Marine Corps 67-69


    "A Company called Mike" 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 3rd Marine Division


    2531, Field radio opereator


    Viet Nam 13 months 23 days


    WIA January 1st 1969... enemy grenade


    Stationed all around Da Nang


    HILL 52


    HILL 55


    HILL 10




    Grandfather, Army WWI

    Father, Army WWII

    Two brothers, two nephews were in the Corps,

    Sisters son currently on active duty at Pendleton, he was also in Afganastan.

    Son in Law on active duty Army Guard.

    Great nephew (Army) currently ready to deploy.


    I always remove my cap & stand at attention wherever "Old Glory" is being presented.


    God Bless all veterans, Past, Present & Future


    Semper Fi

  2. Can you claim a find even if you did not actually find it?


    Just curious. Why would you want to?

    I didn't know if I could, not that I would. She wouldn't have found it with out a GPSr or me directing her to it. I just thought this was an unusual way to find a cache that I really didn't find.

  3. Ditto what Team Perks said.


    You appear to value the opinion of Forum participants.


    What was your wildest optimistic estimate of the percentage of posters who would endorse this query?

    I do value the opinions of the forum participants. This is the reason I asked the question here.

    I have a feeling the percentage will pretty low.


    I will not claim the cache, but we did have fun finding it this way.


    Thanks to all that replied.

  4. Being fairly new to the game I am not sure what’s legal & what’s not. Can you claim a find even if you did not actually find it?

    I’ll explain, my sister was visiting her son in California. I called her (not knowing she was in Cal.) to see if she had heard about geocaching & she had not. I explained how it works & she thought it would be fun.

    She did not have a GPSr but we thought we would try to find one over the phone. To make a long story short she & her family found the “Dewalt” Cache located in Oceanside Cal. I directed her to the cache by using the logs, the clue & the gallery from the cache page to guide her to where it was hidden. We probably got pretty lucky to accomplish this but we really did.

    I would like to know if I can claim the find even though I did not actually find it.


    Note: My sister now has a GPSr & an account & has 11 or 12 finds, she is now hooked on geocaching.

  5. My daughter heard about gecaching from a friend of hers and was telling my wife. My daughter asked me if I knew anyone that had a GPS that they could use. It happened that I had one that had never been used. (I pruchased it for an elk hunting trip that didn't happen). Of course I had to know why she needed it. The rest as they say is history.

  6. My first cache was in a cemetary. My wife, daughter & I visited "Mount Mora" (located at zip code 64485, I don't know how to link to the forum.) We had a great time & found this to be very interesting. We had driven by this cemetary for years & had no idea of its history. If it wasn't for Geocaching I doubt that we would have ever visited Mount Mora but we are glad that we did.

    As others have said it should be left up to the individule whether or not to hide or seek a cache in a cemetary, not the government.

    I have been contemplating submitting a cemetary cache myself. We have in our area many small & very old cemetaries, some dating back to the late 1700's. I have visited several of these even before I caught the geo bug, I enjoy it, I think others would also. I found 1 stone that said the person had aged 140. I have never felt that I was tromping around on graves.

    How about the property owners? Do you think that the property owner ought to have some input in determining what uses are made of his property?


    Just curious, what would have prevented you from visiting the Mount Mora cemetary?

    I like the old & small mostly unvisited cemetaires that are located in the rural areas. I didn't expect Mount Mora to be as old & as interesting as it is. Again I'm glad we went.


    I agree, property owners should have all the input to what is done on their property.

  7. My first cache was in a cemetary. My wife, daughter & I visited "Mount Mora" (located at zip code 64485, I don't know how to link to the forum.) We had a great time & found this to be very interesting. We had driven by this cemetary for years & had no idea of its history. If it wasn't for Geocaching I doubt that we would have ever visited Mount Mora but we are glad that we did.

    As others have said it should be left up to the individule whether or not to hide or seek a cache in a cemetary, not the government.

    I have been contemplating submitting a cemetary cache myself. We have in our area many small & very old cemetaries, some dating back to the late 1700's. I have visited several of these even before I caught the geo bug, I enjoy it, I think others would also. I found 1 stone that said the person had aged 140. I have never felt that I was tromping around on graves.

  8. Lurking, am I lurking or am I just finding out more about geocaching? I just started geocaching a few weeks ago thanks to my daughter, bless her heart. A friend of hers was talking about geocaching and wanted to know if I knew anyone who had a gps. I had one that I had never used, the rest as they say is history. Now I can spend more time enjoying the outdoors.

  9. Being a "Newbie" it is for the expierence. I have had a ball just seeing what is out there & whats has been hidden. I have seen & been to places that I didn't know existed in my local area.

    Most of the hi count cachers have been doing this for some time & have reason for the large counts. Some hi daily counts may be spending the entire day caching as I intend to do at some point. As I said I am having a ball doing this.

    Obviously we are all having fun with the "expierence" or we wouldn't be caching.

  10. I am very new to the geocaching. I would like to try something that I think might be fun. I would like to start a cache that has unusual items in that not everyone would know what they are. I would like them to attempt to identify. I don't know how I would let the person know if thier identifications are correct. I would prefer that the identified items were not posted on the online log. I have seen links on some cache postings i.e. virtuals that you need to claim. My problem is I don't know how this is done. I have tried the help pages with no luck. Sure would like some help on this.

    Has antything like "guess what" been done before.


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