Team Tate
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Posts posted by Team Tate
The links from the Fox Hunts we ran in 2002 and 2003 (sorry, the HTML didn't work):
Use waypoint: GCGQ6K for 2002
Use waypoint: GCGQ6K for 2003
Our claim to fame - The Fox Hunt was originally my idea in 2002, and the Mark the Cat borrowed it in order to make some money for some hungry kids...
The details of the first game are still available on the Team tate website. Click here for details:
Technology has moved on, and so has the idea. Until recently, I was running Porta-Cache - a cache in the boot of my car that could be tracked via a simple website and a GPRS connection from the vehicle.
This ended when I was made redundant from my last job, but I now work for another tracking company and fully intend to set this up again.
Sarah (Mrs Team Tate) and I were discussing the pros and cons of running another Fox Hunt very soon - maybe April or May, with a Social at the end of it. If you are up for this, let us know.
It will be SMS and HTML based - you will need a mobile phone whilst in the field to chase the Fox, but you can also track it on a map from home using Internet Explorer.
PS - We got a lot of -What has this got to do with caching? - type remarks the last time we did this. The long and short of it: It using a GPS, it was fun, everyone enjoyed themselves. What has this NOT got to do with caching I say!
We ran the very first & the original Fox Hunt prior to the Cats Great UK Hunt.
We were thinking about running another one as we now have new equipment to play with again.
If theCryptic Souls Crew want to get in touch with us for any help/advice - we have run another Hunt which had a few problems - then please feel free to contact us.
Bob & Sarah x
Oooh just remembered another one!
My Aunt married Jonathon and Paul Ross' cousin - they're divorced now but had 6 kids together & one of the boys got into the top 4 to play Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films. My son is in a class at school where the cousin of the boy who plays Malfoy is a special needs teaching assistant - she's been with his class for the past 4 years.
Sarah x
Where to start - not as good as Simply Paul but near enough!
Through work, I have met (nursed!):Jack Higgins, Terry Pratchett, Lord Montagu (of Beaulieu), Jack Walker. RIP. (Walkers crisps & Blackburn Roversl), David Gower and Barry Took (RIP)
Have also met: Esther Ranzen (rude) and her hubby Desmond Wilcox (lovely person), Derek Warwick (racing driver), Clare Rayner (rude), Sue Barker, Prince Philip (as a kid - he shook my hand!), Rory Bremner (Prima Donna!), Fred Dinenage (How!)(aftershave ++ and had great pleasure in talking about his private parts!!!!!), and many more through the course of my life!
We have appeared as a family on Carlton TV promoting geocaching and were also on the Inside Out programme with Chris Packham (really lovely person!). I have also been on Radio 4and South Coast Radio promoting geocaching and on Radio Solent as a nurse! I have also been interviewed on a Telethon by Fern Britton.
So I think I've had my 15 minutes of fame already!
Sarah x
We haven't double-logged yet but was wondering what to do if I went out and did a cache on my own & logged it & then Bob went and did the same cache on his own? It does sometimes happen as he has visited a cache when I'm working and I have been particularly keen to go to as well and have gone at a later date but have not logged it.
We don't want to cache under separate names as that would mess up our finds to date! So do we continue to log the caches just the once?
Sarah x
Let's just hope that it isn't a Geocacher who was the kidnapper!
You didn't state if you could land a helicopter on it...
When we found our first cache nearly three years ago, I had given no thought whatsoever to a team name. I just went out to find the box but then got stuck when it came to signing the log book.
'...a name a name a name a name..' went through my mind as I was standing under some damp tree's with two excited children jumping around my ankles.
In the end I used the family's e-mail 'Fawley' as the team name, and we did several caches under this guise. Fawley was a bit cr*p though, so we changed it to something more descriptive - Team (because we are) Tate (because that's out name).
The handover went without any problems and all the Fawley stats were transfered. No problem!
Thanks to those of you who have responded. Anymore for anymore?
After putting Jaffa Man into a TB Graveyard back in January 2004, he has mysteriously reappeared in Porcupine Flat cache in Victoria.
We had lost all hope of every seeing him again, but are amazed to find that he has reappeared after 19 months in Australia - his goal!
Where he has been & how he managed to reappear in a cache is still a mystery as there are no logs mentioning him anywhere.
We are just so glad that he is back to continue his travels.
Sarah x
Our Travel Bug Jaffa Man disappeared. He was last logged by a team called M&M's who picked him up back in March 2003 after he had being languishing in a cache in Saudi.
M&M's is a team name for lots of different teams & nobody knew who had picked up Jaffa Man.
We waited and waited for news and heard nothing for months and after emails and a plea on the Saudi forum, fearing the worst logged him into a TB graveyard in Jan 2004.
Logging on today we had notification that Jaffa Man had been picked up by another cacher after mysteriously appearing in a cache in Victoria Australia. No clues as to who put him there & when.
We are ecstatic that he has reappeared after all this time. Is 19 months a record for a reappearance of a travel bug?
There is hope after all.
Sarah x
I know that some people may not be able to attend the funeral, but how about a donation to a charity in his memory?
Are we able to find out if there is a particular charity that his family would like donations to be made to?
Sarah x
There is a cacher who llogged on the GAGB forum saying that perhaps he could help. http://www.gagb.org.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=454 : 60North is his name.
Hopefully he might be able to adopt a couple.
Sarah x
We are very saddened to hear this terrible news.
Have met Mark on a number of occasions and always found him to be cheerful, helpful and a generally all round nice person. He is going to be greatly missed.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes to his family.
Sarah, Bob, Beckie & George xx
A new film has been finished, and more pictures are now available online:
If you can see yourself, let me know who you are!
Hi all,
How do you log a UK Trigpoint? All I seem to be able to find on the gc.com website is US benchmarking, which is different!
Thanks in anticipation,
We have a TB - Fawley Owl that has been out and about since Feb 02 on behalf of our local Infant School. It's mission is to visit schools & educational establishments around the world. The Infant school kids that originally released him have spent the last couple of years tracking his movements & learning about the places he has visited and have loved following his progress.
He seems to be a bit stuck in the Netherlands at the mo though!
Sarah x
Us again!
I have uploaded a copy of the broadcast in two parts. If you would like to hear the article for yourself, it can be accessed via our website:
The link is about two thirds of the way down the page.
The broadcast seemed to go very well, although they did mess up the sound at the start of Neils bit.
They did make a thing about not finding the cache so I tried to put a positive side to that, saying 99% of the time the cache is there!
We did get a taped recording which Bob did & are going to try to transfer it so that everyone can have a listen. Not got round to listening to it yet and wonder if anyone phoned in about Geocaching as they asked.
All in all, I was quite pleased on how it went, but have yet to hear anyone elses opinion!
Sarah x
Just to bump this up a bit!
The broadcast is going out this morning at around 10am.
We are trying to record it if my hubby can pick it up from Chessington.
Just leaving to do it now! Gulp!!!!
Sarah x
The broadcast is going to be on Tuesday 29th June at around 10am. It seems that I am going to be interviewed live on air!
I will be in the Radio Solent studio at 10am so I assume they will be broadcasting around that time. The out & about caching part is being recorded today.
Will have to find someone who can receive Southern Counties so that I can get a listen later.
Apologies now if I sound a little nervous!!!!
Sarah x
Just don't go there!!!!!
Ghostly Figure
in United Kingdom and Ireland
Thought I'd pop in on a rare visit to the forums!
We had a log for one of our caches: Chapel Trouble
It is a spooky place and other photos of the same building haven't shown anything.
Sarah x