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Posts posted by vinomaker

  1. I have Garmin Base Camp and Garmin Express on my laptop, wifi and blue tooth to my phone. Plugging in the Oregon 750t to Base Camp does nothing. How do I get everything connected to my geocaches found and new ones available from my account? I have looked at videos, called Garmin support. Still no


    I have been using my iPhone6S for searches which gets me close most the time. I wanted a more accurate GPS to be able to use satellites and get my precise coordinates so I can hide some caches. So far the Garmin 750t has not been better or even close to the ease of my iPhone. But, it is accurate on a couple I tested.


    You all have been helpful I just need more details to proceed. Thanks!!

  2. In addition to the geocaching live / API connection, you can load caches the traditional way, which is to run a pocket query, download and unzip the .gpx files to the /<device name>/Garmin/GPX/ folder on your GPS or SD card.


    To include found caches, either 1. run your "My Finds" pocket query, or 2. set up your pocket queries to include found caches in your results.


    Run the special My Finds PQ as it will include ALL your Found caches, regardless of distance, and will include any caches that you found that have since been Archived.

    Does the "Live" feature get along well with with the loaded Pocket Query files? I thought I read somewhere around here that loading "Live" data not only doesn't always immediately have all cache info, it causes the 750 to ignore the offline-loaded data.

    I have never run a pocket query before. So, I ran one for all my found caches. I got the message that it was ready for download, type GPX file.. Downloaded, but can't open it. On my phone app it says I have no pocket queries. On the website it says it is ready to download. On the Oregon 750t it says I have no pocket queries. I do not know what to do next. Any step by step help?

  3. In addition to the geocaching live / API connection, you can load caches the traditional way, which is to run a pocket query, download and unzip the .gpx files to the /<device name>/Garmin/GPX/ folder on your GPS or SD card.


    To include found caches, either 1. run your "My Finds" pocket query, or 2. set up your pocket queries to include found caches in your results.


    Run the special My Finds PQ as it will include ALL your Found caches, regardless of distance, and willl include any caches that you found that have since been Archived.

    Does the "Live" feature get along well with with the loaded Pocket Query files? I thought I read somewhere around here that loading "Live" data not only doesn't always immediately have all cache info, it causes the 750 to ignore the offline-loaded data.

  4. I bought the Oregon 750t. It shows a map and caches. But it is not connected to my Geocaching account. I have it wifi connected to my phone but don't understand how to use it to my advantage.

    So, none of my finds are displayed or counted. Is there a way to connect my account information to the 750t?


    I used it one cache in the woods that my phone was 30 feet off and the Oregon 750t was right spot on the cache. I am impressed but I would like to have a connection to my account like I do with the premium membership and app on my phone.


    I would like to have it be more than a separate device. Are there any videos specific to using it for Geocaching?

  5. I have a tracking code on my truck window. When I find a cache I sometimes have my truck trackable visit the cache. By mistake I dropped it off at a cache and I can't get it out of there. Does any one know how to retrieve my trackable from a cache. The only choice I had was to report it missing which isn't true either. I just want it back so I can visit locations as I geocache. Thanks for help advice! Vinomaker

  6. I just signed up for a premium membership. I have a Garmin 276c gps. I am tired of entering coordinates by hand and naming them etc. How do I get started with setting up to download cache coordinates to my device? I have both a Mac and PC. Is one easier than the other? What if I want to use both. I usually use the Mac on the road and PC at home.

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