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Posts posted by landd

  1. After some experimentation I noticed that waypoint names greater than 29 characters crashed the NUVI 500 (it causes a line wrap on the screen which almost always caused a crash). I created a GSAK macro that reads the open database and truncates any GSAK waypoint name (which exports to the Groundspeak:name) to a max of 29 characters. I've had no crashes since I started using it. The Log Attempt feature works fine, the resulting geocache_visits file on the nuvi records the GCxxxxx name. I have %code for waypoint name (the max 15 chars did not seem to make a difference). Here is the macro:


    # GSAK Macro LimWPNameLen

    # This was written for and tested on a Garmin NUVI 500 (running V3.1)


    # Loading Geocaches into Nuvi via exported GPX file (V1.0)

    # I like to use the built-in Geocaching capabilities (vs POI) of the Garmin NUVI 500.

    # I File/Load my GSAK database from Geocaching.com Pocket Queries.

    # Then File/Export to GPX file format, with <500 limit (Important!). I recommend 450

    # so you have room for other waypoints.

    # I use Windows File Explorer to copy the generated GPX file to the connected NUVI x:/Garmin/GPX folder.

    # The "Where To?"/"Geocaches" option works great with decriptions/logs/hints/logging available.

    # Also, the Geocaching symbol displays on Map and can be selected.


    # Issue and Resolution


    # I found that long Waypoint Names (longer than one screen line ~ 29 chars) would cause display issues and/or

    # instability/rebooting of the NUVI when the Geocache entry with the long name was selected.

    # This macro loops thru the open database and simply truncates all Waypoint Names to a max of 29 characters.


    $x = 0

    $y = 0


    Goto Position=Top


    While not($_EOL) # Loop through the entire file


    $x = $x + 1 # count the number of waypoints


    If (Len($d_Name) > 29)


    $d_Name = Left($d_Name, 29) # truncate long Waypoint Names

    $y = $y + 1 # count the number of changes



    Goto Position=Next




    MsgOK Msg=$x records and $y long Waypoint Names Truncated # Display Stats


    Goto Position=Top

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