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Everything posted by LeGodFather

  1. So, I was right.. it's a sending antenna!
  2. You are correct that CacheStats relies on the pocket queries file. If you keep track of your finds using some other program such as GSAK, it's possible that you could export to a .gpx file and use that as input to CacheStats. Should work in theory, but I can't guarantee the results. Worked for me.. In my export to GPX from GSAK, I had to uncheck the "includes" in the "File type to Generate" section. Can we have a map of Canada and its provinces? (I actually have inserted it my self in my profile but) it would be nice if it could be generated from you program. Edit: I pasted the link from World66 into my message box and that put the map above the stats.. which is ok for now.. but, would be nice to either have a 2nd box that would be below the stats.. or, have the choice to put the message box above or below the stats. And thanks, it's a great tool!
  3. It has been fixed. Marker with new color and new shape.
  4. Wow! Nice pictures!!!! Can we link to or copy the pictures of the coins on you page?
  5. Just started at this.. My collection: 8 (1 non GC trackable) In the wild: 0 But hopefully soon, it'll look like this My collection: 4 (1 non GC trackable) In the wild: 4
  6. Here it is.. the eTrex Legend. Browse around to see the other models.
  7. On your Geocaching.com home page: http://www.geocaching.com/my/ Look for this and click on the link:
  8. What would be the point? So that you can easily spot previous events that had a great attedance and make you feel sorry you missed this one and that you might be more enticed to go the next time. If it had great attendance from a wide area, then it should have no problem getting Mega status next time around. No need to rewrite history. Maybe. Then, you absolutely need a precedent to have a mega status and this should be mentionned.
  9. What would be the point? So that you can easily spot previous events that had a great attedance and make you feel sorry you missed this one and that you might be more enticed to go the next time. Not that I thrive on them.. but that too.
  10. My question is.. what if you are not sure of the attendance of an event. Some are easy like the 2 that already have the Mega-Event type (GW4 and Midwest Geo Bash).. but what if you are expecting 300-400 and more than 500+ attend? Can you ask for you event type to be changed to a Mega-Event, after the Event happened?
  11. Paste the link to the cache page at http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Or, stick to Traditional caches.. because some of the Multis or Mysteries are not easy, even if you read french!!
  12. Ça pourrait aussi être "Géocaching en Français".. mais bravo pour le drapeau.. je me souviens de cette discussion. Quoique je n'ai jamais vu beaucoup de québécois ici, nous aussi on est surtout sur le forum de geocaching-qc.com et nous aussi les autre francophones y sont bienvenus!
  13. WeatherednBoston, didn't you start another thread about this back in Feb? Oh yes.. here it is.. I thought I remembered an INXS fan And.. sorry I can't cache with you.. (I don't have enough time for geocaching myself..!) Have fun.
  14. Il y a beaucoup d'anglophone unilingue au Québec.. et l'inverse est aussi vrai.. beaucoup de Québécois unilingue francophone! Alors.. il faut essayé de plaire à tout l'monde! Ce qui est impossible à faire!
  15. Je comprends ton point de vue par contre, comme je suis au Québec, ce qui m'intéresse le plus sont des échanges avec des gens qui ont vécu des expériences sur mon territoire, c'est pourquoi je fréquente le forum Québécois de Géocaching (www.geocaching-qc.com). J'ai été une ou deux fois (en suivant des liens qu'Habot nous a donné - et par curiosité) sur les forums Belges et Français.. Et, je visite la présente section presqu'à tous les jours.. et aussi d'autres sections sur Groundspeak.. (Canada.. et autre plus générale). Mais, je passe vraiment la plupart de mon temps sur le forum de Geocaching-Qc.. j'échange avec des gens que j'ai rencontré à des caches rencontre (events/citos).. et d'autres que je rencontrerai bien un jour! Quand j'aurai pris ma retraite.. j'irai visiter tous les forums francophones plus régulièrement! Enfin, quand je planifierai un voyage dans un autre pays.. j'irai au source! Et, évidemment.. l'anglais est un atout.. et, je suis certain, peu importe la langue d'origine, il y aura toujours un bon samaritain pour traduire une question, un problème, une réponse, une solution à un collègue géocacheur! Et ce, peu importe le forum!
  16. Bof, AV, tu pas peut-être raison.. mais, ça fait un lieu "neutre" de rencontre quand on est fatigué de nos forums locaux Et.. j'aime bien avoir une place sur Groundspeak où je peux m'exprimer en français! Et.. enfin, ça fait une place pour les nouveaux qui ne connaissent peut-être pas les forums locaux de les faire connaître..
  17. Bon.. on annonce un peu de retard
  18. You can probably try to reach him through his Geocaching account here: dontworknomore
  19. THANK YOU VERY MUCHNot a problem! Here what he just replied to me in french: So, you can probably expect him to drop it on his next hunt!
  20. I sent him a PM on the Geocaching-Qc forum. I think (if I remember correctly) he doesn't read/speak english very well, so maybe that's why he didn't answer you. In the PM I sent him, I translated the above quoted message for him and told him he could use me if he needed translation. I'll let you know if I hear from him.
  21. Thanks.. I will try that.. but, I will only get cache that have been updated or placed in the last 7 days.. not those that have been updated more than 7 days ago!Will try out different options (placed in last month) and see what give me less than 500 results.. Thanks again. Ok.. tried it and got the new caches I wanted, but now, I only get caches that have been updated and placed in last 7 days!!! Again.. could it be possible that the sort order, when looking for the caches updated in the last 7 days be descending from the newest to the oldest? This ways, I would catch the new wpts and anything esle that has been updated (max. 500 of course)!
  22. Pssst.. J'ai lu quelque part que, s'il n'y a pas de délai, le début du shipping vers les clients est prévu pour la fin de la première semaine de mai!
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