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Everything posted by BigNick
Jeremy, what's the chance of being able to add a feature to search the cache pages like we can search the forum's? I was just wondering today how many people have used Ammo Can's to hide caches in New Zealand, but you can't do a search on the contents of cache pages, only the Cache Name. (Although I guess it would increase the load on the server, so I can understand it not being implemented) SELECT CacheName FROM Caches WHERE CacheDescription LIKE "%Ammo%" AND CacheCountry = "New Zealand" Cheers Nick.
Jeremy, what's the chance of being able to add a feature to search the cache pages like we can search the forum's? I was just wondering today how many people have used Ammo Can's to hide caches in New Zealand, but you can't do a search on the contents of cache pages, only the Cache Name. (Although I guess it would increase the load on the server, so I can understand it not being implemented) SELECT CacheName FROM Caches WHERE CacheDescription LIKE "%Ammo%" AND CacheCountry = "New Zealand" Cheers Nick.
Thought everyone might be interested: I have just been in contact with Dave Balm from LINZ about the NZTopo-online project, and here is his reply: quote:Hi Nick,We are well advanced with the NZTopo-online project which will allow the NZTopo database (used to produce our 1:50k topo maps) to be displayed on and downloaded free from our website. Unfortunately fell into the clutches of the legal eagles and will not now be available until June. The database is unprojectioned and almost scaleless. It will be able to be displayed on the NZGD2000 datum in a wide range of scales. Sorry for the delay but it will be worth waiting for. Regards David Balm Senior Advisor NTHA Land Information New Zealand
quote:Originally posted by Team CacheCows of Wisconsin: Heres another vote for mrcpu's suggestion. As my notifications go to my alpha pager with limited display, I miss much of the useful message as its too far down in the e-Mail (120 character limit). mrcpu's suggestion would fit nicely on my display, especially the ststusfound, didn't find, other) which at present I have no way of telling. Another vote from me, as I send to my cell phone via SMS (160 chars), currently I have to massage with procmail and sed to get it into a nice format. Nick.
quote:Originally posted by Team CacheCows of Wisconsin: Heres another vote for mrcpu's suggestion. As my notifications go to my alpha pager with limited display, I miss much of the useful message as its too far down in the e-Mail (120 character limit). mrcpu's suggestion would fit nicely on my display, especially the ststus:(found, didn't find, other) which at present I have no way of telling. Another vote from me, as I send to my cell phone via SMS (160 chars), currently I have to massage with procmail and sed to get it into a nice format. Nick.
quote:Originally posted by Adman: Tumonz is about to release a 3D module as a free upgrade to their software Cool Toys! Sweet, now when I am feeling particularly lazy, I can plan a route to avoid climbing too many hills (I know I can do that with a topo, but just not as interactivity)... of course now planning a trip will take as long as the trip itself, just checking all the different approaches to a cache site Nick.
quote:Originally posted by Adman: Tumonz is about to release a 3D module as a free upgrade to their software Cool Toys! Sweet, now when I am feeling particularly lazy, I can plan a route to avoid climbing too many hills (I know I can do that with a topo, but just not as interactivity)... of course now planning a trip will take as long as the trip itself, just checking all the different approaches to a cache site Nick.
quote:Originally posted by Nemesis:one of them is the worse for wear after meeting you Yes, sorry about that... the cache got it's revenge, as Bernadette (being a nurse) suspects that she will end up loosing the fingernail that was crushed I have plans for a new cache container after seeing the area... do you mind if I change the style of the container? When I have contructed it I will email you a photo before using it quote:I hope you get a chance to come all of the way down to Dunedin next time. I have plenty more for you guys to find. We will be down when we drop the new cache container off for 2 days, and we do have a road trip cache holiday planned for June, so hopefully we will get some of yours and Gav's that are a bit more off the beaten track Nick.
quote:Originally posted by Nemesis:one of them is the worse for wear after meeting you Yes, sorry about that... the cache got it's revenge, as Bernadette (being a nurse) suspects that she will end up loosing the fingernail that was crushed I have plans for a new cache container after seeing the area... do you mind if I change the style of the container? When I have contructed it I will email you a photo before using it quote:I hope you get a chance to come all of the way down to Dunedin next time. I have plenty more for you guys to find. We will be down when we drop the new cache container off for 2 days, and we do have a road trip cache holiday planned for June, so hopefully we will get some of yours and Gav's that are a bit more off the beaten track Nick.
quote:noticed that if I look at my profile from my cache page on as others supposably see it, then it shows me as a charter member since October 2001 even though I don't want people to know I'm one of those! But only a charter member can change the "Charter Member" tag... so by not putting "Geocacher" you are of course saying that you are a Charter Member if you get my drift..... (Oh the weekend did cost lots more than $33... in fact if you add the temuka pottery costs, more than $66 ) Nick
quote:noticed that if I look at my profile from my cache page on as others supposably see it, then it shows me as a charter member since October 2001 even though I don't want people to know I'm one of those! But only a charter member can change the "Charter Member" tag... so by not putting "Geocacher" you are of course saying that you are a Charter Member if you get my drift..... (Oh the weekend did cost lots more than $33... in fact if you add the temuka pottery costs, more than $66 ) Nick
quote:Originally posted by tgsnoopy:However, am I mistaken or has this change not actually taken place yet? If you got to the like any new comer would, it doesn't appear to actually give them the option of subscribing at the moment. I found it somewhere, but it has now gone... I think it was on "My Cache Page"... it may disappear when you pay, or maybe it has been removed. quote:...Jeremy...remarkably quiet through all these postings. Using the forum search you can search for Jeremy as a poster, and read all his replys quote:I like others agree that non-members should not be discriminated against in public. You can now set the text that appears under your name... "Geocacher" being a non-charter member. quote:For the moment, lets just wait a little while. Unless Jeremy has already issued a statement... Well, it not exactly at statement, but look here quote:Whatever changes occur, it is paramount that newcomers be able to see and post findings of caches to ensure the continuation of our sport. Apparently nothing will change if you are a "Non Charter Member", you just get a couple of extra features when you pay, but reading the forums, it really is to try and prevent the plundering that seems common in the US - which thankfully is not as rife in NZ (In the US people use the site to find caches to plunder... very sad ) Nick.
quote:Originally posted by tgsnoopy:However, am I mistaken or has this change not actually taken place yet? If you got to the like any new comer would, it doesn't appear to actually give them the option of subscribing at the moment. I found it somewhere, but it has now gone... I think it was on "My Cache Page"... it may disappear when you pay, or maybe it has been removed. quote:...Jeremy...remarkably quiet through all these postings. Using the forum search you can search for Jeremy as a poster, and read all his replys quote:I like others agree that non-members should not be discriminated against in public. You can now set the text that appears under your name... "Geocacher" being a non-charter member. quote:For the moment, lets just wait a little while. Unless Jeremy has already issued a statement... Well, it not exactly at statement, but look here quote:Whatever changes occur, it is paramount that newcomers be able to see and post findings of caches to ensure the continuation of our sport. Apparently nothing will change if you are a "Non Charter Member", you just get a couple of extra features when you pay, but reading the forums, it really is to try and prevent the plundering that seems common in the US - which thankfully is not as rife in NZ (In the US people use the site to find caches to plunder... very sad ) Nick.
Now if that is not service, I don't know what is ("Charter Member" text is now editable from your profile page) Nick.
I really don't think that there are any pro's or con's for us in New Zealand... I can't see myself planting any "Member Only" caches, we don't have enough caches in NZ without restricting them to members (and hey, I have only planted one ) and I really don't mind going and checking the forums, rather than them being delivered to me. So I guess that I view paying as just a way of saying "thanks" to Jeremy. (But I will agree that NZ$66 is a pretty big "thanks", and if it was only me who went geocaching, I would have second thoughts, but as it is both Bernadette and I who go geocaching, $33 each is not too bad - especially when compared to the amount we spend on petrol to get to the caches... the road trip South this weekend will use more than $33 to visit some of Donovans caches ) Nick
I really don't think that there are any pro's or con's for us in New Zealand... I can't see myself planting any "Member Only" caches, we don't have enough caches in NZ without restricting them to members (and hey, I have only planted one ) and I really don't mind going and checking the forums, rather than them being delivered to me. So I guess that I view paying as just a way of saying "thanks" to Jeremy. (But I will agree that NZ$66 is a pretty big "thanks", and if it was only me who went geocaching, I would have second thoughts, but as it is both Bernadette and I who go geocaching, $33 each is not too bad - especially when compared to the amount we spend on petrol to get to the caches... the road trip South this weekend will use more than $33 to visit some of Donovans caches ) Nick
Opps, forgot to mention that I would prefer that "Charter Member" did not appear next to my name in the forums. I don't like the "us" vrs "them" mentality that this provokes. Hopefully Jeremy will add a preference setting for this. Nick.
I must admit that I though about it for a day, and decided that I agreed with cliffy (a reply in one of the US forums) that anything that got me off my couch, out of the house, and into the wild had to be a good thing, and something I don't mind contributing to. I would hate to see Jeremy close up shop, and disappear, and while could be developed, we would loose the forums and input from the US players (the US forums at times are pretty funny, and very contrasting with geocaching in NZ) It's just a pity that we get paid in NZ$, where US$30 = NZ$66 Opps, better go to work now, else I am going to be late, and that $66 might turn into a problem Nick.
I must admit that I though about it for a day, and decided that I agreed with cliffy (a reply in one of the US forums) that anything that got me off my couch, out of the house, and into the wild had to be a good thing, and something I don't mind contributing to. I would hate to see Jeremy close up shop, and disappear, and while could be developed, we would loose the forums and input from the US players (the US forums at times are pretty funny, and very contrasting with geocaching in NZ) It's just a pity that we get paid in NZ$, where US$30 = NZ$66 Opps, better go to work now, else I am going to be late, and that $66 might turn into a problem Nick.
quote:Is there a way to find the travel bug after it has moved out of my area? Have a look at this topic, hope it helps. Nick
quote:Perhaps the trip was planned for a few weeks or more in the future (Spring break?) Or they might be on holiday from Florida, and just have not returned home, and back to their computer to log the cache? Nick
quote:Perhaps the trip was planned for a few weeks or more in the future (Spring break?) Or they might be on holiday from Florida, and just have not returned home, and back to their computer to log the cache? Nick