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Everything posted by cliffy

  1. Just to give everybody a good laugh here's me back in the 80's......... Not that I've matured or grown up much mentally.........Anyone for popcorn? hehehe Help!...lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  2. quote:Originally posted by MrGigabyte: I would like to propose, for the projects consideration, that all the cache names take the form of "Canada GeoQuilt Project - [Region]" as those (well most) already in place do. Also, the background quilt image on the page also ties the project together. I would like to suggest that become standard as well for project cache pages. I think MrGigabyte's proposal has real merit. For those who have already placed and named their cache, (please don't shoot me...I should have thought of it earlier)perhaps even the addition of a bracketed "Canada GeoQuilt Project - [Your_Region]" might be in order. Once the project is over that part could be removed. The background image certainly is a nice touch which does unify all participants. Anyone who does want to add it to their page (I hope you do...hehe) need only paste the following line at the top of their cache description page: To add this to an existing cache sinply log in and visit your page, then click edit cache. Thanks to reastick for the idea:) Cheers, cliffy ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  3. quote:Originally posted by MrGigabyte: I would like to propose, for the projects consideration, that all the cache names take the form of "Canada GeoQuilt Project - [Region]" as those (well most) already in place do. Also, the background quilt image on the page also ties the project together. I would like to suggest that become standard as well for project cache pages. I think MrGigabyte's proposal has real merit. For those who have already placed and named their cache, (please don't shoot me...I should have thought of it earlier)perhaps even the addition of a bracketed "Canada GeoQuilt Project - [Your_Region]" might be in order. Once the project is over that part could be removed. The background image certainly is a nice touch which does unify all participants. Anyone who does want to add it to their page (I hope you do...hehe) need only paste the following line at the top of their cache description page: To add this to an existing cache sinply log in and visit your page, then click edit cache. Thanks to reastick for the idea Cheers, cliffy ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  4. quote:Originally posted by MrGigabyte: Does anyone know where the others are? Sliver&Lucy set up the Toronto East cache... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21575 Even a Geocoing in there MrGigabyte.....lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  5. quote:Originally posted by MrGigabyte: Does anyone know where the others are? Sliver&Lucy set up the Toronto East cache... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21575 Even a Geocoing in there MrGigabyte.....lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  6. quote:Originally posted by PDOP's: does anybody else remember the Centennial (1967) maple leaf logo? It was composed of 11 triangles (one for each province and one for everything else above the 60th parallel?) It might work pretty well with the red and white triangles in the geoquilt. Any thoughts on this? Wow!!!!!! I DO remember that PDOP's! hmmmm I think you might have a great idea! I'll try to dig up that old logo and ask Debb what she thinks......I think we might have a winner here! ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..." [This message was edited by cliffy on May 14, 2002 at 10:13 PM.]
  7. quote:Originally posted by PDOP's: does anybody else remember the Centennial (1967) maple leaf logo? It was composed of 11 triangles (one for each province and one for everything else above the 60th parallel?) It might work pretty well with the red and white triangles in the geoquilt. Any thoughts on this? Wow!!!!!! I DO remember that PDOP's! hmmmm I think you might have a great idea! I'll try to dig up that old logo and ask Debb what she thinks......I think we might have a winner here! ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..." [This message was edited by cliffy on May 14, 2002 at 10:13 PM.]
  8. psssst on a side note I gave Dxchallenged Canadian Geocoin #106. Good tip or a bad tip?...Can't be bad seeing as they are REAL Gold right MrGigabyte? (pssssst play along...it'll boost sales) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  9. psssst on a side note I gave Dxchallenged Canadian Geocoin #106. Good tip or a bad tip?...Can't be bad seeing as they are REAL Gold right MrGigabyte? (pssssst play along...it'll boost sales) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  10. quote:Originally posted by MrGigabyte: I don't know... I am kinda partial to option 3... LOL MrGigabyte!!!!!! Just in case people in here didn't see it could you re-post the "book picture"......the subliminal one? Cheers PS...but honestly I DO like no.2 myself ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  11. quote:Originally posted by MrGigabyte: I don't know... I am kinda partial to option 3... LOL MrGigabyte!!!!!! Just in case people in here didn't see it could you re-post the "book picture"......the subliminal one? Cheers PS...but honestly I DO like no.2 myself ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  12. uh oh! Just noticed MajBach posted 1 min before me..... Just waiting for the Sens bashing to begin......lol Go easy on me Maj... The kids have already put me on the injured roster! lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  13. Personally I'd like to commend Ross and Kate as they were the first in this area to hide any micros. These are neat caches in their own right and seeing as they are labelled "Urban" the hardcore hiker type can clearly see that this cache might not be up their alley. Personally I DO enjoy a cache I can nab while on company time here and there..LOL (see my log Also to be commended is Ross & Kate's patented "hanger device®"..Very neat lil innovation!... Great lil spot on no 3 too you two Cheers, cliffy ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  14. quote:Originally posted by malak: On the day of, one of the many minor details will be FRS radios. I will be using as my main channel 5/5 Ch 5 SubCh 5 it is !! These radios DO come in very handy.......Remember Rigaud Don? ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  15. quote:Originally posted by malak: On the day of, one of the many minor details will be FRS radios. I will be using as my main channel 5/5 Ch 5 SubCh 5 it is !! These radios DO come in very handy.......Remember Rigaud Don? ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  16. Hi again everyone! (...yes, even you Leaf fans..LOL) Dxchallenged just sent me 2 pictures of different square combinations and asked for your general opinion on which would look best for the finished quilt design.........What do all think? Personally I like them both........hmmmmmmm Pic no.1 or Pic no. 2 Cheers, cliffy (dadgum Leafs...^%$#^%!!!!!) lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  17. Hi again everyone! (...yes, even you Leaf fans..LOL) Dxchallenged just sent me 2 pictures of different square combinations and asked for your general opinion on which would look best for the finished quilt design.........What do all think? Personally I like them both........hmmmmmmm Pic no.1 or Pic no. 2 Cheers, cliffy (dadgum Leafs...^%$#^%!!!!!) lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  18. quote:Originally posted by 300mag: Looking forward to another great cacher meeting. This is going to be fun especialy in Black fly/mosquito season lol Bring on the bug spray http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/742_900.jpg Excellent!!!!!! Bug spray? I call it "eau de cache" Going my way Sailor? (batting eyelashes at 300Mag thumb extended) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  19. Oh gawd!!!!! STOP IT already!..LOLOLOL!!!! I brought my son Matt and girlfriend's son Buddy out to the Corel Center tonight to watch the game on the Jumbo-tron......Here I was thinking the Leafs were "whiners"...... These two are "bandwagon jumpers extra-ordinaire..They make Pat Quinn look like a Tibetian Monk!" Good thing there are laws preventing child abuse in this country as I had to endure a long trip back home to Ottawa's East end with these two! My little guy was promptly dispatched to his bed for an 8 hour whining major!...LOL %&$#&%!!!!!!!! Leafs still suck but dadgum.......They played a good disciplined game.....Kudos and best of luck to the White and Blue Cheers, cliffy %$#$%^%$#!!!!!!!!! (lol) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  20. Excellent reastick!!!! That looks great! I'll do the same once 300Mag and I get out to hide one here...(I know, I know......Being the distributors of the said pieces we SHOULD have already had one out by now ...lol This week Ottawa...Hold tight And MajBach?.....I don't wanna hear any Ottawa Senator "choke" jokes .....lol Cheers, cliffy ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  21. Excellent reastick!!!! That looks great! I'll do the same once 300Mag and I get out to hide one here...(I know, I know......Being the distributors of the said pieces we SHOULD have already had one out by now ...lol This week Ottawa...Hold tight And MajBach?.....I don't wanna hear any Ottawa Senator "choke" jokes .....lol Cheers, cliffy ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  22. I have to agree!! I especially love seeing pics of people visting my own caches.....Kinda makes you feel good that something you placed caused the smiles ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  23. I have to agree!! I especially love seeing pics of people visting my own caches.....Kinda makes you feel good that something you placed caused the smiles ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
  24. Well Dang! I'm certainly a celebrity in my OWN mind....lol ----------------------------------------------------------- "Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."
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