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Posts posted by Keymaster007

  1. I have to agree that the junk is a bit overwhelming. Rocks, sea shells, wrappers. I tend to clean these items out and replace with "stuff" for our well stocked bag we always carry with. If we see a low stocked cache, I have no regrets in adding some "stuff" from our stash to it.


    We usually have our 4 kids in tow, and always leave more valueable items in the cache when we left then when we came. As this is a family activity for us, we tend to keep our travel bag stocked and make the occasional trip to $1.00 store to stock up. We always have both things that would appeal to the adults as well as a few items for the kiddies on hand.


    We don't tend to take much out of caches, if we do it is one item. We are more into moving travel bugs. A lot of items we do acquire from caches become our travel bugs, as they are so ugly but make great travel bugs.



  2. I feel your frustration.... I planned one day trip around TB in caches and as you can expect was rather disappointed by the end of the day. I no longer plan my cache travels around TB's, although for me this is still my favorite thing to find and move along. It's great to find them when your not expecting them, like opening a present, you never know what's inside.



  3. I just picked up one that had been missing for 3 years. Thinking someone picked it up and now 3 years later realized what it was and dropped it off a cache unlogged. So don't give up hope :lol:

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