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Everything posted by SeekerOfTheWay

  1. We're two noobs passing in the night.
  2. I'd like to add that LPC and other P&G's have their place. I like a hike and view. However, I do the others when I'm shopping or with someone that is, or waiting for the dentist to open etc. Then I am very grateful for the parking lot and quick urban hides. Gives me a quick caching fix and kills some time!
  3. No, you're still a newb because of that post. You may be on the cusp though! Lol People cache for different reasons. Some like a view and a hike. Some like puzzles, some like the numbers only. Some just like to use a GPSr. One man's trash...
  4. I have terrible guilt for secretly wishing the cache was stolen! This is my 3rd or 4th D1 that eluded me. Must have blinders on.
  5. I enjoy discussion and debates. I don't see it as whining at all. It's interesting to me to hear others' opinions. I learn a bit that way. Geocaching and otherwise. I appreciate the forum contributors.
  6. I would change the rating on a new cache I placed, after getting feedback from cachers. I would change the rating on a cache that was placed years ago if the vegetation has grown or the path is harder/easier. I've done a few caches here that said T 1.5. By the time I did them (2-5 years later) the T was more a 2.5-3.5. They caught me a bit off guard because I hadn't properly planned for tougher T.
  7. This is happening to me so often now and I can't figure out why. I can't find D1 caches anymore? What's wrong with me? I found a D4 the day before quickly. Is this a known phenomenon? Help!
  8. Holy crap, I aways back my car into spots! Maybe that's my issue! I do it because after I get the cache I open the hatch of my wagon and lay there to log the cache from my phone. D'oh! I even have a blanket and pillow...
  9. Is that a real cacher name? If not it should be: Pepper Spray and a Whistle LOL, I love it! I should change my caching name to that!
  10. I'm good with smartphones and ok with computers. I'm looking at getting a Garmin 62 (s or st, I don't know the difference yet). What steps would I need to do as soon as I got it to get out caching? Load maps? Load caches? Does it automatically give turn by turn to the cache? Audible? Could I get it and load the nearest 1000 traditional caches and then be set to go? Do I need to buy special maps for trail maps in preserves and parks? Thanks!
  11. What does vegetarianism have to do with pest removal? Just curious. Your statement implied to me that vegetarianism somehow put you on a different level that allows you to look down on the meat eaters of the world. "We're staunch vegetarians and wouldn't blame you for killing it." I thought I knew my place in life and I never pictured vegetarians as being any better or worse than myself. I disagree with the vegetarian. I'm vegan (16 years) and wouldn't kill a spider in it's habitat. I would blame you for killing it. Move the cache and let it be.
  12. I would hate to find an animal skull in a cache. It would make me really sad and I'd take it out and bury it. I'd also ignore all your caches. This is just my personal opinion. Skull is interesting as an historical piece, but not as used as fun in a game. IMO
  13. This is why i cache with pepper spray and a whistle.
  14. The Geomate Jr comes pre-loaded with traditional caches. I'm not sure it cache details comes on it too. I use Geocache Navigator by Trimble on my BlackBerry. We're kinda spoiled by the ability to get close caches OTA. I'm looking into getting a GPSr for longer hikes and caching days. But I'll use my BlackBerry to get details and mark field notes.
  15. I'm looking for a beginners GPSr. I'll give you $50 for it, PayPal.
  16. I just ordered this REI Venturi 30 Pack from REI for day hikes.
  17. Thanks for all the advice! I'm getting my computer situation worked out and I've decided on a Garmin GPSMAP 62!
  18. 100 Finds before my first hide. You need the experience imo.
  19. I will do that. Thank you.
  20. One more question regarding the these advanced GPSrs and computers: Could I use the library's computer to load maps, routes and caches? Or do I have to install software? My library allows software to be installed but I always think they may block that, like every other library. Can an Apple computer be used with these GPSs? Thanks!
  21. Thanks for the replies! I'll look into those devices and check out the links! I use my BlackBerry (Bolt browser) to post on the forums and write my logs (and upload pics) It's great for that. The app I use to geocache works well. But I'd like to be able to load trail maps and import caches into a unit. I got lost a few times in a preserve and my BlackBerry didn't help too much to get out. Plus it dies within 3 hours or so if not charged. Thanks for the tips!
  22. I use my BlackBerry for caching. I'm thinking of getting a stand alone GPS and was leaning towards GeoMate Jr to supplement my BlackBerry. However I want to start getting into more wilderness caching/hiking/camping. Which GPS are you guys using? Any advice? I've never owned a handhelp nor do I have a computer.
  23. i do. nobody cares what you used to write your log. so why put that tag there? it's nothing more than spam. it's the same with email really. "sent from my iphone." really, who cares? I care. I want to know who is using their smartphone to cache. Smartphones is an interest and a hobby just like geocaching. Like I said, I like the tag line and knowing who is using a smartphone. To each their own. I don't get annoyed at anything my logs say. And yes, I have an ammo can stocked full of swag (Explore Lemon Bay Park!) that I ALSO had to get a permit for. If someone wants to log TFTC or Sent from my mobile phone or ...I'm ok with that. They had fun with it, made the effort to hunt it and post. I can't control what others do. I'd rather see Logged From My Mobile Phone than TFTF or a cut and pasted log. At least it's interesting (to me). As for using the log to verify if the finder was actually there...I physically check my logs. I have not had a problem with people logging online from other states and etc. I just see so much dissing of mobile phone users on here it's silly. (PS I don't have a computer to log from. Al my logs are from my BlackBerry as well as my pic uploads. It can be done).
  24. I guess you can delete the "Sent from my mobile device" logs. Why not just do that?
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