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Everything posted by SeekerOfTheWay

  1. It's alive anyway. A little ill though.
  2. It's a forum here on geocaching.com that is only available to premium members. The topics are... Off Topic. Oh, I didn't know that was an included benefit! Good to know, thanks! Come to OT, we have donuts. And Bacon. Is that a cruel joke? You know I'm vegan. Veganist pig. +1 He is. They all are, except for me. When you stop by the Off-Topics forum, don't bother reading the "What are you having for dinner" thread, though. Its boring. LOL! Too late. I read that one! Thanks for the consideration though.
  3. Off Topic is the only reason I renewed. With the android app I don't miss pq's any more. The notifications were nice, but I live in an area where few caches are hidden and I'm not into FTF anyway so I didn't really miss that. Really, if someone wearing a blue bow had not talked me into it, I would probably still be basic. Off Topic? What is that? I do have an Android app and it is awesome! However, I use my GPS mostly because I do hiking, Kayaking and a lot of high terrain caches. I don't know of any way to load 2000 geocaches onto my GPS besides doing a PQ. I don't get notifications anymore because I found I'm usually at work when I'm notified. Seeing PMO caches is nice, but I really think the Cache Owner is missing out by making their caches PMO. As a basic member I'll still be writing my good logs, taking pictures and favoring caches. They just excluded a good cacher. Can you elaborate? Exactly what do you think they are missing out on? I'm a conscientious cacher. I make good logs, and take pictures of the area. So, they miss out on that. I know i get satisfaction when someone finds my caches. Moreso if they had fun and wrote about it, and uploaded pics. But, it's their choice. I will miss PM caches as I've found some.awesome ones. But there are plenty of others. How do basic member load caches onto their GPS?
  4. I like her belt. But if she's way up in the tree, who took the picture? Ok, you caught us! It was TheAlabamaRambler that took it. This whole thread has been a farce.
  5. Florida has 31,500 caches. I think your GPS will overflow Wow! Is that 31,000 PM caches or total caches? Either way, I'm sure I'll be busy for a while with basic caches! I actually had a PM only cache. I made it PM because it was in my yard. It was nice to lure in...err...I mean meet cachers. At first I enjoyed t, and watching them search. After a while, I got nervous about the location of my home published online. That, and I didn't always want to meet cachers AND oftentimes I felt badly when they couldn't find it right away. I'd run out to help. It was an interesting experience. For one, I realized that as a CO what I think is a really easy cache isn't so easy when you factor in GPS accuracy, terrain and skill levels. Once I got an angry log from a basic member that posted their rant on their friends account who was a PM! They found Tue cache together and she couldn't log it. I emailed her to explain why it was PM, and offered to male it basic so she could log it, then re- PM it. She was thrilled with that. Since, I've archived the cache and moved the container from my home. It is now a non PM for all to curse...err..enjoy! That was my foray into elitist snobery.
  6. I still suck at it. During the weekend of Geowoodstock a cache across the street from the fairgrounds had over 500 finds and a single DNF, mine. Well you Sir, should just quit. There's plenty of hobbies for a guy like you...jenga, Dungeons & Dragons is still around I think. I think we are a bit alike though. When you love the hiking and wilderness caches you get so used to finding ammo cans. I mean, after climbing, sweating, crawling, and maybe taking the wrong trail for 8 miles. But still, ammo cans are cake.
  7. It's all in the the avatar. It's way too square. Oh I don't know. There might be someone who has been secretly eyeing Peggy for a while... Have you finished retraining?
  8. Awesomely stated, Markwell!
  9. It's a forum here on geocaching.com that is only available to premium members. The topics are... Off Topic. Oh, I didn't know that was an included benefit! Good to know, thanks! Come to OT, we have donuts. And Bacon. Is that a cruel joke? You know I'm vegan. Veganist pig.
  10. Ha! Awesome. First, +1. Second, I hadn't considered switching from "muggle" to "muggler" as a way of distancing myself from Potterers, but I like this idea. A lot. "Muggler" it is.* --Matt *I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the first time someone corrects me on this so I can give them the explanation. Thanks Seeker!! No problem. We can also use plunderers. But, that's got more syllables and I often goof it up when I say it! I think we are the only 2 on earth that don't like/know about Harry Potter. I have to pretend I know at work or I'll be strung up! Lol.
  11. It's a forum here on geocaching.com that is only available to premium members. The topics are... Off Topic. Oh, I didn't know that was an included benefit! Good to know, thanks!
  12. Off Topic is the only reason I renewed. With the android app I don't miss pq's any more. The notifications were nice, but I live in an area where few caches are hidden and I'm not into FTF anyway so I didn't really miss that. Really, if someone wearing a blue bow had not talked me into it, I would probably still be basic. Off Topic? What is that? I do have an Android app and it is awesome! However, I use my GPS mostly because I do hiking, Kayaking and a lot of high terrain caches. I don't know of any way to load 2000 geocaches onto my GPS besides doing a PQ. I don't get notifications anymore because I found I'm usually at work when I'm notified. Seeing PMO caches is nice, but I really think the Cache Owner is missing out by making their caches PMO. As a basic member I'll still be writing my good logs, taking pictures and favoring caches. They just excluded a good cacher.
  13. Well, there went your PM gift. Wait, I love Harry Potter! He's my favorite vampire! LOL at the ammo boxers! I'll stick to hunting ammo cans after all.
  14. I thought making PQs was a PM only benefit? That's what I would miss.
  15. Good points, guys. Makes total sense. I don't have kids so I don't know about teaching them. But what you guys brought up is a great lesson for them!
  16. To add to my list, as stated above I have a whistle, pepper spray and bells. The pepper spray is for safety since I cache alone mostly and the bells scare away hogs and other animals. I also carry a snake bite kit, swiss army knife, signal mirror. Most of what's in my pack is what one normally carries for hikes and camping.
  17. Completely untrue in the context of sexual harassment and inappropriate content on the forum. It doesn't have to be something directed at me to be offensive or inappropriate. I may not speak for you, or others that see no problem with the quotes above, but that does not make my sensibilities about this subject any more or less "wrong". Sexual harrassment? If you think that is what has transpired you should hit the report button and let the mods deal with it. But I haven't seen anything rising to that level. I did report it to the mods, because a female (co-worker who was showing interest in the game) sitting next to me stated she'd never register on the forum with people like 'that' on here. Since I reported it about 24 hours ago and no action has been taken, I assume the mod's sided with you. But it did get reported. You honestly think that the male members here would randomly make comments to any female poster/cacher? Have you EVER seen that happen here? You and your female friend are making huge assumptions. She must be offended quite a bit and/or live a very sheltered life. Being called hot isn't offensive. Wow. This is just getting ridiculous.
  18. There was no sexual harassment in any of the posts. I have dealt with sexual harassment at work a long time ago, and nothing said here comes even close. Harassment would be if I asked them to stop or told them I'm not comfortable. Or if I deleted the pic to stop the comments and they continued. This is a forum. Not a work place. What a why to make a fun and informative thread a real bummer.
  19. It's all in good fun. If you see anything you consider lewd or offensive you should report the post to a moderator. I'm not going to edit my posts because I don't think they're offensive. I certainly think saying we brought the gutter to geocaching.com is going too far.
  20. While it's great that you don't mind the behavior, I find the hooting about the photo and the "hey-baby"-esque posts inappropriate and degrading in general. I'm fully prepared to take some flames from some fellas here on the forum, but that doesn't make such behavior "right". Comments like and hardly belong on this forum. The comments are directed at me, so no reason for you to be offended. I'm a grown woman, and I've been around long enough to know a little about behaviors, specifically how men react to certain pictures. I don't find ot degrading in the least. Yes, to me the tree pic was innocent. But like I said, I'm not naive and the comments were very tame, complementary, and I'm flattered. Nothing vulgar was said. As for the single bar comment, hey, we had a good debate. I'm all for that. I posted a picture of me climbing a tree getting a micro. If you look at my gallery you'll see many pictures of my caching adventures. This isn't work and it is nice to have some fun. Keeps things light and in perspective. There are much worse things to be called than a hottie. I don't get upset over trivial things often. Although, I still didn't get that gift PM. That's very offensive. Lol.
  21. LOL. We need some new words anyway. The old ones are boring. Is like to see a pair or ammo boxers.
  22. Tweezers, first air kit, water, extra pens, extra batteries, extra logs.
  23. If it was a genuine offer to someone that could actually come over and cut his grass and he left off the "For Pete's sake", then maybe not. But the post as written is condescending. No, there is nothing condescending about a student working at Starbucks and no I am not a communist. But I do recognize when someone is talking down to me. And I was dead serious about the offer. I 'work' twelve hours a day and a total commute time of 3 hours round trip. I have very little time to cache let alone cut my lawn. It was an honest offer to let anyone that needed the money that lives close by that the offer is there. The shed is unlocked, the keys are in the tractor. The edge trimmer is to the left by the door and a can of gas is near the white shed by the gate. If there is a truck in the driveway I'd suggest you knock or my wife might shoot you for thinking you're a thief. If no truck, have at it. I'll definitely knock, and let your wife know you sent me.
  24. Teach kids to enjoy the hunt, the hike, the scenery, the feeling of accomplishment when they make a find. Toys as rewards aren't good prizes. It's very shallow to teach children that. Maybe it's one reason why our society is becoming so materialistic. Just a thought.
  25. Yeah, I think Harry Potter is lame squared. I'm sticking with mugglers.
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