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Posts posted by bluerockrew

  1. Unplug your Garmin at the PC's USB port

    Go to the MCT web site to this page: http://www.mct.com.tw/driver.html

    Find the driver for the U232-P9. It's the 5th entry in the second section (don't ask why it says "Video" there...)

    Download and save the *.zip file to your desktop

    Unzip and execute the file U232-

    That should correctly install the driver for your cable

    Plug in your Garmin and see what happens


    Old advice, but this did the trick. I have USB to RS2323 cable #U232-P9(2.4) and Windows 7. Many driver attempts failed, but this one did as the post said it would. Downloaded, installed rebooted and plugged in.


    Thank you.

  2. I'm thinking of the way I rate a product on Amazon as an analogy. I can read the manufacturers or publishers statement about the item and assume there is no self bias about it, or I can glance at the average review stars for a quick opinion from the average person. If I'm interested, I can go on and read the posted reviews for more info.


    If my grandma placed a cache in my backyard swingset, tripping down the porch steps and getting dog poo on her slippers along the way, she would rate it a difficulty five/terrain five with a heck of a crazy description about the whole trek. Or an extreme hiker/puzzle master calls his cache easy. What about the regular folks?


    Wouldn't it be simple if we just checked off a few boxes about our perception of the cache? We could rate difficulty and terrain along with overall satisfaction. This could be done as part of the log and would change if we revisit and relog that cache site. A poor review can be changed with better weather, gear, and a find. A hard hike with a tough find might be the best cache or the worst, and it would be great to know at a glance.

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