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Cache Whisperer

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Posts posted by Cache Whisperer

  1. Gpsr's do not interfere with avionics. Any airline that bans their use using that excuse is just plain ignorant.


    I ran into this same garbage when cellphones became prevalent. Hospitals around the country banned their use for fear that they'd interfere with medical equipment. Some even went so far as to ban "tickle me Elmo" dolls for the same reason. Since then, numerous studies have shown this fear to be completely without merit...but many hospitals still ban cell phones.


    Bottom line for me is....


    If an airline has any system thats so flaky that a gps receiver can cause any effect at all, they are way to flaky to board in the first place.

  2. Clever caches do not promote damage to private property. It is cachers with heavy hands and no brain power that do the damage. Just because you can't find it doesn't mean you need to take out a screwdriver and start disassembling things.


    Caches that require you to open electrical boxes, pull on wires or wiggle sprinkler heads do indeed promote damage to private property. All this talk of a geocaching sticker on caches like this is great but....I have never seen such a sticker in play.


    The same sentiment holds true of residential caches. I've been visiting family in SoCal this month and was surprised at the number of caches hidden in fences, rock walls, hedges etc with no mention on the cache page that permission is granted to search for caches there. Maybe permission had been granted, maybe not, who knows? I prefer to limit my searches to public places or the boonies.

  3. P1010288.jpg


    that's just evil


    I understand I am not a "VET" cacher by any means. BUT! Isn't there some line where encouraging a dangerous or near vandalous exploration of items could backfire toward the property or toward the health and safety of the person? With caches like the yellow cut wire sticking out. Clever, but isn't it a possible lead in to touching electrical and gas etc items that we really should leave be? maybe not this time...but "hey, remember that one where the wire stuck out...or the electrical plug that popped off?" I know...all items should be labeled with a GEO sticker. but I am pretty sure I have yet to see label on some of these. :D


    I am trying to encourage my son to find and create these...and what I have seen on the 20 pages....some are scary. :D


    Also, maybe in these posts we should SHOW the labels we are using on some of these power/gas/outlet disguises.


    There is one by me that is an outlet, going into the ground. It is called "buried cable". It has a label on it. So i know I am not breaking a law, damaging property, or hurting myself.


    THAT IS ALL..... :D:P:D:D:D




    Caches like this are the main reason I rarely search for urban hides anymore. They end up promoting damage to private property...ie, real sprinkler heads, real electrical boxes etc etc.

  4. If the location is a legally accessible area, let your own judgment be your guide.


    Make sure to be very clear on the cache page regarding potential hazards and give it the appropriate star ratings.. Some of us enjoy taking more risk than others.


    Ihave been planning a difficult geocache placed on an island on a fast moving river. It would be easily accessible with a rugged water craft (anything from a kayak to an inner tube). Before i go actually place this cache, I would like to run it by someone of sufficient authority. I'll be placing the cache in NY. Also, I plan on mentioning that the cache is accessible by land, with the proper skills/daring.

    Who do i talk with over with?




  5. There is also the possibility that the hider is using an alternate identity. They may very well be an experienced cacher. You cannot always determine that someone is a n00b based on their profile alone.


    Just because someones only made 2 or 3 posts under their alt doesn't mean they don't have a long history on their primary acct.

  6. -.-- . ... --..-- / .. - .----. ... / - .- -.-. -.- -.-- / - --- / .- ... -.- / ..-. --- .-. / ... --- -- . --- -. . / . .-.. ... . / - --- / ... --- .-.. ...- . / .- / .--. ..- --.. --.. .-.. . / -.-. .- -.-. .... . / - .... . -. / . -- .- .. .-.. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... . / .- -. ... .-- . .-. .-.-.-

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