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Everything posted by ashnikes

  1. theres no way pm's are the largest revenue streem for Groundspeak, im not sure exactly, but i bet you its.... 1) advertising on and off the site 2) merch at the official store 3) then maybe PM money, since pm's only pay up once a year, and a small percentage at that at only $30 per membership per year, they could essentially make that in merch and advertizing daily. Course i could be wrong, but .....
  2. well.... as you all know gpsr's tend to jump around quite a bit, so if i can only get it to get me within 30ft of my cache, and the nearest cache is actually showing up as 500ft away, then i am not really sure if i am far enough away, so I was hoping there was something more accurate, ive been going to google maps and trying to do it that way, but google maps doesnt accurately place your location either,
  3. ive got a related question, in the field is there a good semi reliable way to check distance "as the crow flies" from your new cache to the nearest one to make sure its within the 538? ft rule? the last two i placed were pretty close to the required distance, but i couldnt really be 100% sure how close or if they were far enough away or not.
  4. I have the GI BIll, after serving active duty army for enough time to acquire it, im in a school I can afford, with goals in my future I can obtain, I dont live well beyond my means, my car is paid off, and my rent is VERY cheep, no need for a real job at the moment, dumpster diving helps tremendously, the few times ive had to take out a loan, ive paid them off within the next month or so, because I do not liek to owe people money, as far as making the state pay for anything, even when i go to the doctors, without insurance, I pay for it all out of my own pocket. im not sure what your point was, although im sure it was probably.... you should waste less time on geocaching forums, and spend more time elsewhere, or something to that extent. funny, a lot of you guys are on the forums WHILE you are at work, so im curious what you are doing to earn your keep at work, at least im only on the forums when im not working. (which is quite often ha!)
  5. my recent hides, not all of which have been approved yet before you go and research this, have all been very easy to find, as it was more about what was either in the container, or what the geocacher might see while visiting my cache. Although I "spoil" the fun, ide rather have the cachers come to the location and find my cache fairly easy then enjoy what i brought them out here for. I understand I could be Waymarking, since im essentially just taking people to a favorite spot of sorts, but i want there to be a physical prize from me thanking the people who visit my cache, not just a virtual one, i dont expect long winded log entries, if they are written, i appriciate them, but if not, just knowing i did something that brought a total stranger to one of my favorite spots is satisfying enough for me. does anyone else "spoil' their hides? if so why? also for those of you who hide caches like super hard needle in haystack hides, what satisfaction do you get out of it, that you brought someone to a parkinglot, or a nature trail and forced them to scour every inch of your 30ft radius margine of error, looking for a nano? I mean i figure if someone is loging into geocaching, looking for my cache, driving out to it, and actually getting out of their car to find it, thats work enough, of course all my hides are hidden well enough to keep them from muggles, but ive "spoiled" their locations in my description, so no-one should have to spend more than a few brief minutes looking for it, destroying the area where I hid it, because i didnt give them enough information, or hints. whereas some of the micros ive seen out in trails, the area around them has been pummeled from people searching all over eternity looking for the darn things.
  6. I agree, ive accidentally unscrewed a few real ones looking for the fake ones, and gotten pretty wet in the process. one of the few i found had been pulled u and left to look like it was broken, im pretty sure the co didnt do this, but made it pretty easy to spot. on the same topic, ive got in trouble looking in and around power boxes, (because the description told me to do so) how is hiding your cache in or on a real breaker box legal? this only encourages people to open and mess with real breaker boxes, something the buisness owners DO NOT like.
  7. no im not trolling, im just coming up with a ridiculous idea I thought was funny, but ive heard this argument made several times fomr people who just dont get geocaching, why would you spend all that gas money to find junk in a tupperware over and ovewr again? sounds like a big waste of time and money to me. so it got me thinking, what could potentially land you at least some of that gas money back through geocaching? since some of us work harder at geocaching than we do at our actual paying jobs,
  8. hmmm how about we have some sort of geocaching police squad, which drive around the country checking on geocaches, charging money to the owners if they need to be maintained, or charging the last person on the logs for not leaving the cache in better shape than when they found it, we could donate half the income (course charities only have to donate 10% so this is a step above and beyond with half) to Groundspeak moderators, and people who want a premium membership but cant afford it, with some sort of grant program, and pocket the other half for our services. meanwhile we could set up a site with an abandon cache list, where we could sell the contents, and the spot, we could also put out a list of places we felt needed a cache but didnt have one, so people who put out lpc hides because they cant think of better spots to hide them, could find good spots easily, while were on the subject, we could fine people for placing unoriginal PnG hides, and fine people who leave their business cards in caches.
  9. Theoretically speaking, for those of you who are devout geocachers, who spend ungodly amounts of time out there in the woods with fancy pants gps units looking for Tupperware, is there a way you can think of that you could actually make some decent money doing this, or are you just out "wasting money" on a hobby that although pays you back mentally isnt helping to pay the bills? lets think outside the box here, maybe not making money off of geocaching per say, but something related, but who knows maybe you could make money off it... (I am only discussing the topic, i am not interested in making money off of geocaching, just was wondering hwo one could)
  10. Ive thought about this a bit actually, and to solve this problem if I ever leave a cache out there that could potentially give someone a hard time opening it, i would also hide the proper tool to open it nearby, because you are right, some things are tough to open, (gasp, even some ammo cans ive come across have been extremely hard to open)
  11. You seem to have just asserted that it is littering as a premise and then asked a leading question based upon it. Legally it isn't littering. It seems to operate the majority of the time with express written consent. If it were illegal then lots of folk would be in trouble. Perhaps if you neglect your cache, as in your hypothetical scenario, you will cross a line though. If you land a film part in the Hobbit, you could just be about to do a scene with Sir Ian Mckellen and oh what's that? Something about a geocache? The police are here? Littering? But I'm a star now! Better to be safe than sorry and don't neglect your caches, your Oscar could depend on it. But morally, by that definition, pretty much our entire existence is nothing more than littering the planet in various ways with stuff we neglect, until we get tired for the last time and leave it all behind. So your question is as far as I see it, "You're alive, so are you going to use recycled cardboard made in the big recycled cardboard factory?" Does it really make me a better person if I say yes? To me the word "countryside" here seems a rather naive idea. Yeah I'm from the other bit, the ugly parts where all the people live. But I think a tupperware box or film canister at the bottom of a tree doesn't really compare with all the houses, cars, power stations, factories and Noel Edmonds littering up the place. Are they ok because they aren't in the countryside? I think you're missing a much bigger picture to worry about to be honest when you're fretting about geocaches. very good points, i dont see myself being the next geocaching star, but that brings up a topic ill discuss in another thread.
  12. well.... Considering I was thinking about leaving a 5 gallon bucket geocache in a stack of 5 gallon buckets, which were already here, and which i could always rig together somehow, to that only the real geocache container moves separately from the group, this is actually hiding the cache in plain sight, which i thought was one of the best things to try and achieve. and i am aware ammo cans (some of them) have been recycled, thats great, did you pay for them, or did you find them or were they given to you? dont worry you dont have to answer those questions. i am also aware that hiding an ammo can even hidden in the bushes in a busy city park looks extremely suspicious, whereas hiding a 5 gallon bucket looks a whole lot less suspicious because people understand what a paint bucket looks liek and what "might" be inside it, whereas an ammo can looks military (hmm wonder why) and therefore dangerous.
  13. you should probably start this discussion topic off with what YOUR personal most difficult cache has been so far, and which one was the most rewarding, and follow both up with the ever important question why.
  14. wait, how did you know already? Were you following me yesterday when I placed this one?
  15. its cause youre a premium member.
  16. Don't hit refresh when you time out. Just go back into the forum. Refreshing is what causes multiple posts. ill try to remember that in the future. in the meantime you could just give me site moderator status so i can delete my multiple posts wink wink nudge nudge
  17. A lot of cops spent time in the service, and therefore maps and finding things on them is close to second nature, not all cops, but quite a few, also they will research this "game" because honestly they get bored at work, and can say its work related research, although i find a lot of cops out on a power trip, and generally have a distaste for traffic cops esspecially, once you prove to them you are being a good honest underinformed respectful citizen they will treat you right, especially if you are white, and not dressed like a slob or a hippie. congrats on getting your "game piece" back, and standing up to the man. whether or not it was the right thing is debatable, as you were confessing by claiming, but in the end everything turned out ok and you got off the hook even without a warning of any lengthy degree.
  18. hahahaa i think the phrase "oh snap!" is the most ridiculous catchphrase ever invented, which is why it works perfectly in an internet forum, cause i bet most f you who read it said it out loud, in some weird imitation white rapper voice. and as for describing the container, and its available space to hold swag in the description... thats a good idea, although im sure some people would complain i made it too easy by doing so with a "spoiler"
  19. I do not honestly have any issues with anyone ive met on this forum, sometimes i find it anoying that people chose to make a quick bash, rather than post anything of substance be it they dont like my opinion or they agree, but as you said meh.... i did not disagree that spending money in america fuels the american economy, i just pointed out that depending on where you spend it you are fueling a higher percentage of an outside economy than americas, although i agree walmart and other stores such as this one give people oppertunities that couldnt otherwise have them, they do it at the cheapest possible rate, and are constantly fighting to have even that rate lowered, they gobble up competition where people could be working instead making a decent living, and worst of all, most of these stores compact their trash (gasp) preventing anyone from living off the perfectly good "waste" they get rid of. rather than donating it to charity, (something most true capitalists would never dream of, donating why would i do that when i could sell it to someone else) but again youre right this is off topic to some degree.... I think its great you havent purchased a single container, but thats just my opinion, some people who go looking for your containers might get a bit grossed out if they knew your container (although it sits outside in the elements, dirt, animals, grime all day and night long) if it came out of a garbage can at some point, or was handed down rather than purchased new, it is disgusting, and should promptly be removed from the game for obvious sanitation issues. im glad you survived cancer, and are with us today still kickin it, and still cleaning up the planet, youve obviously got some good karma, and are making the world a better place one glove full of trash at a time, (no i was not making fun of you, i was using it as analogy)
  20. so wait, this is not thoroughly defined in the guidelines? oh snap! p.s. starbrand whats a charter member? i find it odd you have like 14,300ish posts in the forum but your not a premium member, but it says you are a charter member what does that mean?
  21. thats what i figured, just making sure,
  22. So... im working on an underwater cache, which will essentially be a large container, filled halfway with rocks (to help it sink) and a second waterproof container inside of it for swag items, which is half the size, would I then consider this cache as a large, regular or even small, since the majority of the swag inside is not intended to be removed therefore room for new swag is at a minimum, thoughts? need a picture? so essentially my question is, do you label your cache size based on actual container size, or actual amount of space for swag?
  23. Not a problem, we figured came up. hahahaha i wish my life was that cool,
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