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Posts posted by CENT5

  1. Taken to the extreme and to rid all of their angst about this issue lets just have TPTB post a list of ALL the tracking numbers of ALL the coins and everyone can log them. Whats the difference? A piece of paper, laminated or not is simply NOT a coin.


    Finding coins is a fun and somewhat unique experience. I'll keep putting them out and enjoying the logs and if they go missing I don't loose a wink of sleep.

  2. I've noticed that the people who refuse to accept any substitute for a real geocoin in a cache tend to have few, if any, of their own activated trackable coins out at risk.


    A coincidence? I think not.


    I beg to differ


    I duuno know how much research you did but I have put 50 registered trackable coins out in the past year and 16 more ready to go along with over 100 unregistered and untrackable coins put out in caches or given away (40+ coins at this event alone.)GCQJHV


    Atlantagal Collection: 1000+ (unique coins)

    Wild: 34 as travelers

    Plus probably around 200+ various personals dropped in caches as swag


    kealia and HulaBum:

    In collection - 500 +

    In the wild - really not sure. I've activated about 10 trackables that have been/are being released, but I've left personal coins as well as non-trackables too often to count.


    nielsenc over 50

    Boo39R 35+

    LemonFreshDog 50+

    NFA 10+(Out of 18 trackables on their profile)

    Team Jsam 3 out of 5 or 60% of their registered trackables

    BelKen 6 of 8 or 75% of their registered trackables

    Nacaya 2 of 2

    cqdq 30 of 33 trackables on their profile


    Certainly, many of us collectors keep coins and chose to activate them for the icon on our profile and choose not to release them. Why not? We paid for them or traded for them.


    Your assertion seems to indicate that the collectors owe the caching community something (release your coins) when in fact many of us are responsible for placing a great deal of the coins out there into circulation.


    You can put your sock puppet away now.

  3. If this, sending out a laminated picture, becomes accepted practice, what is to stop someone else from stealing your coin and sending a picture out in it's place?

    How would you ever know? <_<

    Exactly this happened to one of my coins:CENT5'S RIPPED OFF US GEOCOIN So I relabeled the coin page and noted on it the coin was stolen. I asked the cacher who notified me this was happening to my coin to drop the replicated "Poker Chip" in the trash where it belongs. So whomever has the actual coin will have a difficult time "Sharing" this particular coin but I'm sure it looks good in their junk drawer.

  4. I've never found an LED headlamp to do an adequate job. As previously stated they glow but you don't get much distance or penetration.


    I've used this HEADLAMP for 15 years in the nastiest duck hunting conditions possible. I had to put the original out to pasture last fall as the salt water finally took it's toll. It will do anything you want and is plenty bright. I use hi intensity halogen bulbs as the bulbs that came in it aren't worth a toot. I have 3 of them still in the packaging as I had trouble finding them at one point and when I did find them I grabbed a couple extras. They aren't fancy, a bit heavy with the 4 AAA's and no over the head strap but they are tough and reliable and best of all BRIGHT!!!!

  5. I've actually been practicing a bit at this. I've found most air-tites can be drilled but after over 20 trys I'm about 50% in shattering the cases despite great care and a multitude of different bits. So I tried the following.


    First I drill the coin and put it in the case. I take a large metal scratch awl and heat it with a propane torch. Touch the tip to the case and instant hole in side #1, flip the coin add a bit more heat and hole #2 is done. The size of the hole is pretty easy to regulate and the roll of the plastic into the inside of the hole in the coin has some sealant value but certainly not waterproof. Then again I don't really worry about that as they move from cache to cache and are not that exposed to the elements.


    I usually epoxy the case shut after I'm done.

  6. This one is even worse.


    I let loose a real coin with a mission statement. Within a week somebody put out a laminated card with the tracking number and mission statement and kept the blinking coin.


    You never can tell about some people but I appreciated being notified by the person who went looking for it letting me know.



    I had the same thing happen to 1 of my coins. I appreciated being notified and promptly modified the coins TB page and re-named the coin CENT5's RIPPED OFF US GEOCOIN Then I moved the coin to the Travel Bug Graveyard


    Laminated or other facimilies of coins in caches are indeed lame. If they go missing (and I can assure you some of them will) give them a proper burial and let them go.

  7. You might want to screw it down to something solid near the cache and bugger up the screw head so it can't be moved. Or Screw it to the lid and bugger up the threads and the screw head.


    Where is Cent5 when you need him?


    Whining.....Cent5... I haven't seen my son in may moons, let alone the new babe who is now four years old! How can I get there on my meagar income? Boo Hoo! :laughing:


    Inquireing...... Mrs. Wienerdog!


    Well lesse. Sitka is about as close to Pelican as Alaska Airlines flys. It can be dicey getting in and out of. Lemme think about this.

  9. I have 3, You are welcome to one or all depending on your transport capability. What size lifejackets do you need? Or do you already have them? Not doing any whitewater are you? These are Coleman canoes and don't track well enough for whitewater.


    I have a 15' rated at 450lbs

    16' rated at 550

    and a 17.5' rated at a whopping 750lbs.


    Hope you are not color conscious as they are all CAMO.


    I live in Burien and would be happy deliver anywhere in the extended Seattle area ahead of your trip.


    Comes complete with tie-down straps. But I get to take my truck home with me. B)

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