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Everything posted by robertlipe

  1. GPSBabel is the workhorse behind many (most?) of the programs that convert common GPS formats and/or communicate with GPS receivers, especially in Geocaching land. It's a free (as in Open Source, not just zero price) program that I've been working on for about ten years. We've collected about a year's worth of fixes and enhancements and published them as a new beta at http://www.gpsbabel.org/news/20111112.html so please check it out to confirm that it works at least as well as it used to. (It should, since it passes our regression tests, even under valgrind.) it should work on pretty much any computer/OS combo that's viable in modern times. This release is planned to be a long-duration release so we can rip apart some of the insides to improve things in the future. Of notable interest to this crowd is a rewritten presentation of geocaches in KML, the format used by Google Earth. As geocache density has grown and the power of both KML and Google Earth's embedded KML browser has adopted common web standards, our existing KML writer was looking dated. Now we use smaller icons and only pop labels on a hover and we display the cache page in three handy tabs in the ballon - the geocache page, the logs, and bunch of links to a bunch of maps. The display of maps and ballon content is thus much neater. I welcome your feedback on that soon as it'll eventually be the default when you drag-n-drop a PQ into Earth. Additionally, we're now on Google Plus at https://plus.google.com/b/107768246097696975936/ Enjoy. Chief Babel-Head Robert
  2. Post that now makes no sense after editing by the OP. Closing.
  3. I'm with Portland Cyclist. The 315 is pretty ancient - I bought and returned one ten years ago as it was too quaint even then. By the time you add a cable to it and a USB/serial adapter to transfer waypoints and print cache pages, you'll find yourself near the price of a more modern GPS but with a more frustrating experience. For a review, see http://www.gpsnuts.com/mygps/gps/hardware%20reviews/magellan%20315/magellan_315_review.htm - and note that the company has been bought and sold at least three times since then, so if that ten year battery is bad, you odds of getting Magellan to replace it (the case is ultrasonically welded, so you can't) are approximately zero. I'm all about bargains, but even if free, this model isn't.
  4. Per the red text in the pinned thread at the top of the Android group, "IMPORTANT: For general questions about the Groundspeak Android apps, or how to use the Android apps, please emailcontact@geocaching.com."
  5. Disclaimer: I'm not speaking for Google, here...I don't know the scale of Groundspeak's use, but some napkin scratching shows it's probable that they exceed 25K views a day. A cache page load shows two maps by default. One carload of people loading and logging, say, the E.T. power trail series would be about half that, right? You can easily confirm that geocaching.com is using the Google Maps API in several ways. Do a 'view source' on any page and search for "maps.google.com/maps/api' and theyt'll pop out. PQ previews and the cache pages are examples where Google Maps are used effectively to make the service better. As for Google Maps being available only to members, that would require a Premiere license anyway. See http://code.google.com/apis/maps/faq.html#tos_commercial It's not like Bing maps are free at scale, either. I don't know their definition of "transaction" at http://www.microsoft.com/maps/product/licensing.aspx, but it seems to me like their allowed free use is even lower. It's not like the sky is falling. Businesses buy and sell services all the time - that's what they do. I remember the days of really horrible online mapping on this site and I'm glad to have good maps now.
  6. Closing in favor of proper venue for discussion of Groundspeak's commercial app. http://feedback.geoc...hing-for-iphone
  7. Groundspeak asks that discussion of their app be held in the area they monitor and support Closing in favor of http://feedback.geoc...hing-for-iphone
  8. Groundspeak has asked that discussions about their commercial app remain in the area that they designated for iOS. Closing in favor of http://feedback.geoc...hing-for-iphone
  9. I'm with you that it's probably "enough" for most cases. But if you're developing software, it's nice to know the rules of the game. Just because the pocket queries YOU looked at didn't have a Mega Event or a Wherigo or a log type that you hadn't seen before doesn't mean your users will. Sometimes you can pass along the tag without *really* understanding it, but if you're displaying, say, icons for cache types, you have choices to make (or an untested code path...) and users will be confused when they see: A) A new icon type. The same icon you used for Mystery since you don't know this thing is. That confuses users. C) A crash. Still, with enough diligence, you can figure out the huge majority just by looking at it, but an actual formal spec would be nice for developers. Hopefully we'll see one.
  10. The cable on that model looks symmetric, but isn't. See http://www.gpsfaqs.org/faqs/magellan/explorist/explorist400/cabling.html#orientation
  11. Fizzymagic's answer is, as usual, spot on. The only minor nit that I'd have is that I'd still sort by Groundspeak:date in the log and not the log id. There may be an appreciable delay between the time someone actually found the cache (and thus, hopefully, the date entered in their log) and the time they actually enter it. For example, if I were to log finds from two months ago today - with the correct date - and you sorted by log ID, they'd display after anybody that logged it in the recent two months. Colin, you can answer your last question by actually looking at a PQ. Each log has its own log id and uses the cache id as a foreign key that's joined. Its pretty safe to assume that anything ID is a plain ole auto increment field that's the primary key in that table in the Groundspeak database. If you look at the structure of a PQ, the layout and relationship of the tables and relationships needed is pretty easy to work out.
  12. Please do not start redundant threads. This is already discussed at http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=266928
  13. Waypoints are never stored on the SD card. http://www.gpsfaqs.org/faqs/garmin/xseries/g60cx/waypoints.html#howtocomputer (There's lots of good reading there...) You have to use a program to send waypoints to this model. GPSBabel is one such.
  14. GPSBabel knows that if the input is from a geocaching-y type of format that the GC is the first to go if the output target has limits. It also has smartname generation and code that will keep the waypoint unique even if the sources are all the same.
  15. Welcome to the group. See the description and discussion at http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=257518 (which makes it sound like way more steps than it actually feels.) That search box in the upper right corner can turn up many gems for you.
  16. Questions about Groundspeak's commercial app should be asked in the section they have designated for support that is monitored by their staff. http://forums.Ground...hp?showforum=84
  17. This is a rehash of previous threads cited earlier in this thread. Closing in favor of existing topics.
  18. Questions about Groundspeak's commercial geocaching app should be asked in the forum they've designated for that. and that is monitored by their staff. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showforum=84
  19. Questions about Groundspeak's commercial geocaching app should be asked in the forum they've designated for that. and that is monitored by their staff. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showforum=84
  20. This doesn't seem to be a tech topic. It seems to belong more in General, but frankly, I'm not sure it belongs there as this thread seems to exist to promote another site.
  21. Questions about Groundspeak's commercial app should be asked in the forum they designate for that purpose and actively monitor. http://feedback.geoc...hing-for-iphone
  22. As a volunteer moderator, this conversation is going nowhere and I'm closing it. Feature requests and complaints about Groundspeak's commercial app should go to the site they dedicate to that app that is actually monitored by Groundspeak staff. http://feedback.geocaching.com/forums/75279-geocaching-for-android Continued whining about an app that the site's owners have repeatedly said violates the TOU of this site are going nowhere - especially since the developer has stopped development of the program. Please open no more threads mourning c:geo's demise.
  23. Here comes one of those unpopular moderator notes. People keep writing in this thread like they think Groundspeak is reading this group. I have no reason to think that they're reading the comments posted to a thread about an app in a forum they don't monitor about an app they've always had a legal beef with. Feature requests and complaints about Groundspeak's app should go to http://feedback.geocaching.com/forums/75279-geocaching-for-android Feature requests and complaints about c:geo should go to the developer of c:geo...who just announced he's leaving the biz. This thread has turned into a litany of grumbling that's unlikely to be read by anyone that can address the issues and is dangerously close to being closed.
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