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Everything posted by Tique

  1. Email Sent: March 4, 2011 Empty Box Received: April 4, 2011 Mission Sent: Mission Received: Empty box arrived today! Will send it back by the end of the week.
  2. Sign-up: February 21, 2011 Name received: March 21, 2011 Package sent: March 30, 2011 Package received:
  3. Sign-up: February 21, 2011 Name received: March 21, 2011 Package sent: Package received:
  4. A good day indeed
  5. Assuming I can send the items in a bubble envelope and not in the box, I'm in Email Sent: March 4, 2011 Name Received: Mission Sent: Mission Received:
  6. I have the same experience. I also have 3 TBs and 10 coins out there that all were set free in Norway, none has been stolen (knock on wood!)
  7. Really excited about this one, such an awesome coin for dog owners
  8. I'd love to participate, but I have the same concern as keewee... Shipping for the box would be at least $60 for me, because it would be considered a package. If I send the items in a bubble envelope instead it will be considered a letter and be much cheaper.
  9. for example: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=269085&view=findpost&p=4625368 Wow, that's really sad that some people ruin the game by stealing coins I had never heard of a "proxy" before, in the 10 months I've been geocaching all the coins I 've discovered have been real.
  10. Very nice design, I would definitely want a mardi gras colored one
  11. Does this mean that event/club coins are considered "lesser" coins? As a newbie I have no idea how to tell if a coin is "good" or "bad", I just go for whatever is visually appealing to me
  12. GC&P Club coin from May 2010, which is the month I started geocaching. It will be set free on May 6th to celebrate my 1 year geocaching anniversary
  13. Is the confirmation email supposed to come immediately after submitting the form? I did not get one
  14. I just signed up for my first mission, and this is exactly what I did to prepare. Got so many ideas from looking at what had been received in other missions, now I can't wait to start putting together items for my recipient
  15. Sign-up: February 21, 2011 Name received: Package sent: Package received:
  16. Sounds like fun, would love to participate when it goes overseas
  17. What a cutie, congrats
  18. Thank you so much for the info, I'd definitely be interested in purchasing one should there be any left
  19. Ooh, what is that kitty coin called? Very cute
  20. Pizza event coin & pin
  21. I'm still slightly confused about the collectible-option... So far I've set all my trackables as non-collectible, even the ones that are staying in my personal collection. But I'm wondering if these should be marked as collectible?
  22. I don't exactly fit the criteria, but I thought I'd introduce myself anyway since I'm quite new to the forums My name is Linda, I'm from Norway and this year I'll be celebrating my 29th birthday for the 3rd time I actually discovered geocaching back in 2002, but at the time there were no caches nearby, and since I didn't have a car and no real excuse to buy a GPSr, I didn't think more about it. Then last year I got an iPhone, and immediately downloaded the Groundspeak app. Turned out the nearest cache was right outside my house! I then realized that geocaching really had taken off, and I wanted to give it a try. I started caching May 6th 2010, and discovered a geocoin in one of the very first caches I found. I immediately fell in love with trackables, and joined the Geoswag GC&P Club shortly after. So far most of my coins have been set free, but I've slowly started adding some coins to my personal collection as well.
  23. I discovered one of these shortly after I had started caching, and I thought it was so lovely. Now I finally have one of my own
  24. 1. The first geocoin I saw was 'Swedish Geocoins 2007', on my very first day of caching (May 6th 2010). 2. A 'Birthday Geocoin', bought it in May 2010 to be set free on my birthday (June 4th) 3. Not yet, but hopefully someday! 4. Haven't been a part of any trades yet. 5. Coin first. If I remember correctly I had discovered some GC&P Club coins and thought they were amazing, so I came to the forums to find out how to join the club
  25. Oh that is so awesome! Mystery coins seems like so much fun
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