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Posts posted by fratermus

  1. It does not work because CN+autorouting unit = only the start and end points of the route are xferred, IIRC>


    I have done this with MG, by the way. Sent the exact same route to a routing and nonrouting GPSr. The routing GPSr only got the start and end. The foretrex got the start, all the via points, and the end.


    I don't know if MapSource doesn't send the viapoints or if the GPSr drops them. If the former, perhaps you could upload with easygps or something.

  2. If you want the GPSr to autoroute (ie, tell you where to go on-the-fly) then the default answer is going to be City Navigator.


    I will let others fill in the details on CN versions, formats, upgrades, locks, etc. as I do not use that mapset. I own a copy of CN7 from when I bought an i3 but don't have it loaded on anything.

  3. All new downloads, opened files, etc, get their own window. that's the way it works, unless I am missing something obvious.


    Assuming the waypoint names do not overlap, I'd either send to the GPS from each window one after another, cut/paste them altogether, or save to disk and do a little trivial gpsbabel hacking to combine into one file and open the resulting dataset in easygps.

  4. If its the standard Legend, there is no way to add maps.


    This is incorrect.


    The blue legend has 8MB of internal map memory and will accept maptiles from topo, MG, CN, third party maps, etc. It is less efficient to use CN on non-autorouting units.


    I fit all of Dallas and part of the mid-cities area into a blue legend with MGNAv7.

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