Some one asked if power poles are placed along a private drive or road who owns the poles?
Answere is that the power company does in all cases. The ownership of power distibution changes at the house.
In all states it is unlawfull to attach anything to a power or telephone pole. If you think that permission wil be given, forget it, no it will not.
That lineman that planted one on a pole conned his way into it, the boss don't know what that guy did.
As far as putting one way up the pole, maybe you should look at Texas. Some court ruled that Cache owners can be sued for injury incured by finders.
Due to dangeros placement. things will be worse if unlawfull placement as well. I saw the Texas case in earlier disscusions here.
I own a pole in my yard with a light at the top and had to climb it 40 feet to replace the photo cell. I used my deer stand and that was one scary climb.
As geocache owners we all must think before placing a hide, and not be on the wrong side of the law. Just because it looks like a neat thing to do
does not mean you should do it.