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EZ Spinners

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Posts posted by EZ Spinners

  1. I read this entire thread as well the other one, K (BEFORE I posted). I’m not talking about ethics here, I’m agreeing with having some type of ‘guidelines’ to go by and having them available for viewing. All new comers to this activity need to know about certain aspects of this sport. Having a ‘Creed’ will offer up some valuable information on some of the Dos and Don’ts.


    Somehow, I think a panty check is in order here! Hmmm, mine seems to be in order.


    Anyone else?

  2. I used the following web site to create mine. www.printsmadeeasy.com

    You can import your own gif's, jpeg's or fonts. Work with the program for a while to get use to what you can do before ordering.


    There is a cost associated with this service. I am pleased with the card.

  3. It appears that some of you ‘cachers’ need to get your GEOpanties out of a wad! If the Kai Team, Jeremy or anyone else was handing out $100 dollar bills for free some of you folks would take offense to it. Being very new to this activity, I was looking for some type of ‘guidelines’ to follow. As you see I said ‘guidelines’ not GEO enforceable laws. It’s always nice to have some structure to go by no matter what it is you're doing. Reading many posts and talking to other cachers I was able to glean that the use of ‘common sense’, safety and decency were the best ‘guidelines’ to follow. Now that these and others are incorporated into a published caching ‘Creed’ it will be much easier for the first time cacher to get a handle on what things are expected while participating in this activity. I don’t think the ‘’GEO Police” will be hiding behind the bushes ready to ambush the ‘Creed’ breaker. But, I think we need to police ourselves and ensure we do what’s right to keep this activity fun and safe for all those people who enjoy the outdoors and the adventure of the hunt.

  4. Thanks Joefrog.... You have successfully identified the present culture of our great nation.... 'The United States of the Offended' ! I, for one, will never, I repeat never, call 'Christmas' anything but 'Christmas'. If this offends anyone, they can take a flying leap up ... you know what! It's a plum shame that a minority of people can control things and that the majority of people let it happen. I know that no matter what is done about most things, not everyone will be pleased about it. Well, that's just too bad. Grow up, get over it and quit ruinin' my life. Remember, it's 'Merry Christmas'... period.


    PS. Joe, I think David Letterman could use another writer. Very good job at pointing out how to be PC, no matter how true it is.

  5. I don't care how safe a toy they are, anything that can be called a "gun" does not belong in a cache because of the TERRIBLE public/gov't relations problem that a poorly reported news story could create


    GEEPS! I guess I'll have to cut off my forefingers and thumbs now since I can use them as a 'gun'. :lol: And, not having the opposing thumbs I'll not be able to open any more caches. For sale: one newly purchased Garmin 60C.. goodbye cachin'! LOL :o

  6. ;) Been 'turned on' to geocaching by my brother-in-law. It's a hoot! And yes, I'm hooked. So, just two weeks ago I bought the 60C. Read the manual quite a few times, punched the buttons even more and finally took the family out for a hunt. Went for three and found all three! Now Geocaching.com is book marked and the hunt is on for more. The 60C has a great screen and great functions.
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