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Rogue Ramblers

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Posts posted by Rogue Ramblers

  1. The notification features have been invaluable in helping to manage a list of solved but unfound puzzle caches. When a cache has been archived, made temporarily unavailable, etc. this has saved many futile searches for something that isn't there.


    It would also be a big help to add a notification for any time a cache owner updates the cache page or posts a note or log entry. Several times cache owners have graciously given warning of intent to archive a cache in the future by posting a note, or provided notification of updates to the puzzle and changes to the final location in the same way. It isn't practical to watch every posting on every solved puzzle once the list grows into the hundreds. This new feature would also be a big help to prevent searching for something that is no longer there.

  2. I've been wanting to add a suggestion for simplifying the logging of TB's, and am glad to see it is already being discussed here. I know of cases where people have been moving TB's and indicating so in the paper logs, but not online. I suspect not logging online in many cases is out of ignorance, not negligence. Being new to geocaching (less than 3 months) I can attest that it wasn't very intuitive figuring out how to log a TB for the first time. If I hadn't already heard about TB's and been curious to know how they work, it would have been easy to not log it properly. Here's my vote that implementation of what is being discussed in this topic is a great idea!

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