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Posts posted by GMSkippyP

  1. I posted on March 5 that I was looking at purchasing the Magellan Explorist 110. I did buy one a few days later. I am still getting used to the paperless caching, but WOW! Now that I can download hundreds of caches at one time, my life is far easier. It has changed how I cache and when. I can stop for one or more on the way home from work. I can spend my lunch hours out hiking. Prep time is virtually nil. However, there is a problem documented here that my new GPS unit has as well. I notice it a lot more when I am in a canopy situation. I've zoomed in on the map. I get within about 50 to a hundred feet. I walk about 50 to a hundred feet and it says I didn't move. Then, the screen changes and suddenly I am 50 feet off in the other direction. This week alone, I have found two caches where my GPS said I was more than 50 feet from it. One time, I watched it slowly calibrate repeatedly, eventually realizing I was within 3 feet of the cache. I hope the posts are correct and this is a software issue that will be fixed and updated. I had a Triton 300 that I liked a lot and I think it worked better than this unit right up to its untimely demise. If we can get past the freezing issue, it is a definite keeper. If we can't get past the freeze issue, I'll still keep it, but I won't be as quick to recommend it. Please keep this stream alive. I look forward to updates about this freezing issue. GMSkippyP

  2. My Triton 300 broke on Feb. 29. I guess I'm waiting 4 years to fill in the calendar. However, it gives me an opportunity to replace it. I've been looking at the Magellan GC because of the paperless geocaching. Does the 110 have the paperless caching abilities? It is not specifically mentioned on their web site.


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