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Everything posted by MontyFam

  1. We were busy with thanksgiving but on the way home we found a couple caches... the first in a spooky graveyard with fog rolling in and a chilly breeze blowing by at 9:55 PM in the pitch black... The next was in an empty park at approximatley 10 minute drive from the first at 10:10 PM while the 10 year old slept in the geominvan on 10-10-10.
  2. When all 6 of u are caching it's minivan and foot patrol... when it's just Mr and Mrs MoFry we usually walk or pack the bikes in the back of the van... When Mrs is working odd shifts Mr likes to pedal around weather permitting... Snow is coming soon so the bike will be parked for a few months... we may give snowshoeing a try...
  3. i just personally can't understand it I can't understand how anyone could 'play' a 'game' and not be competitive... as they say, to each their own
  4. LMAO great point Lone R! Wow seem bass ackwards to me!
  5. Hehehe hahaha I have used D'oh in a few DNFs and a few finds... LOL It is actually part of my vocabulary... Like when someone drops something on the ground "D'oh!" Or when a friend said he got a speeding ticket - "D'oh!!" It should be added to Websters Dictionary if it hasn't been added already... LOL
  6. That's awesome - good work guys! You are getting alot of attitude in this thread but you set out to achieve a physically demanding and adventurous task and you achieved it. Congrats!! I would do something 'crazy' like this too. I want to at least do the alien head someday - way cool!!!
  7. Oh we need to unload the camera onto the computer. Great pics everyone!!!
  8. Wowza role reversal is right! Add that to the "strange things you have found while caching" topic
  9. That's either the biggest matchstick container I've ever seen or the smallest ammo can I've ever seen. Looks like the emergency kit in my boat. A great container - I might keep an eye out for these as they are very waterproof
  10. I was just looking at the cetral park area yesterday and we are 'hoping' to get to NYC in the near future... I'm just going to look at and try to solve some puzzles before we leave and also plan a route to include some of the other cache types... Looking forward to it!
  11. Oh that's awesome. I assumed there was a delay for all PQs Woohoo
  12. Yeah baby! hoping to get to Vegas this winter... will have to rent-a-car and get out to the desert!
  13. There are a bunch in the Barrie store but mostly blue not camo or green... I might grab a couple for 6.99 - not bad...
  14. Hmmm the booger is not there... must have been eaten by the tarantula that was left in this cache before this thread started... T - Tarantula - added some dog tags and placed in a cache around the corner.. L - a paperclip
  15. I can't wait to make my first mystery puzzle. reading the advice on here sure helps
  16. T - sunglasses for our build-a-bear that lost an ear in an awful lawnmower incident. L - receipt for a bic mac meal. (LOL yup found one)
  17. Just checking in - MoFryFam from Orillia, Onatario, Canada here
  18. ahahaha double post LOL!!
  19. LOL and the more we reply to this thread the longer it stays at the top of our list hehehe
  20. LOL yes - I am on Simcoe did the Aquaman one a little while back - it was fun! We head out to big chief island all the time and people aren't aloud on the land, but I'm thinkin of a few water tight caches out there
  21. Living close to 2 awesome lakes I'd like to throw a few more underwater caches out there... I have a few ideas about a winter one too ice auger required! hehehe
  22. We did this one not too long ago..... it was pretty fun! GC2B5R5
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