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Posts posted by mertat

  1. You're not remembering wrong - I just checked one of my logs and the same thing is happening and I know it wasn't this way a few days ago. I'm also very careful to load my pictures in the order I took them.

  2. I don't like the idea and probably wouldn't hunt your cache and here is why. I'm sure that you are a great person because 99.9% of the people that I have met geocaching are. But because the fact that I don't know you other than what you happen to put in your profile I would not feel comfortable meeting with some stranger at night on his home turf. Like you said yourself, if it's good for one than it should be good for all and if this gets to be an acceptable condition, the next person that hides a night only cache that is available only by appointment might not be such a nice person. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I only do what's comfortable for me.:laughing:


    I totally agree with this. I love night caches and I enjoy meeting new people but would never do a cache (night or day) by appointment only for the reasons Mastifflover gives. It puts me a little too far out of my safety comfort zone.

  3. My Isle of Man coins have NOT arrived. I was told by the Geocoin Store that they shipped on 3/23 (seems to be a popular date, no? lol). They're not here and two other coins shipped at the same time from them have been here for over a week. Am I the only one besides the ICE group who has not received their order?


    I've also emailed the Geocoin Store about a refund and have heard NOTHING in response. Not very good customer service there guys. Come on, I want my freaking coins or my money!


    Got mine awhile back.

  4. Have: All the Wyoming coins


    Want: Loads of cash for them




    LOL :)


    I'm hungary. Guess I'll have some spaghetti for supper :)


    Don't eat too much or you'll be Bulgaria ;p


    Bet it would go great with a good Malta beverage!


    So what would be for Desert?

    Pecan Sandies

  5. LOL! No, not new to this and I try to keep a list of all my orders but this one slipped through and I was SURE I hadn't ordered it. I originally thought it was a mixed up trade which was how he got my address but I couldn't find any record of that so that's why I posted the note.


    So, anyone else want to send me a coin I haven't ordered? I'll be happy to accept it. :unsure:

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