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Everything posted by DresselDragons

  1. We did one is a yard...but it was not a traditional container. We had a devil of a time opening it! Partially because we missed one of the clues that we needed, partially because the cache owners were right there (hard to work when others are watching), partially because it was freezing. Of course, we probably not have gotten it open without their help. LOL!
  2. The passing the torch was sold (and sold out) thru The Geocoin Store earlier in the summer or spring. Your only hope is to find someone with an extra, or that e place.
  3. Cool frog...we've done one in someone's yard. Even though we knew the owners, we still felt a bit uncomfortable...esp. when we tried to open the darn thing...took us WAY too long!
  4. SWEET! They'll make good stocking stuffers for my daughter!
  5. I like the 1.75...you can show more detail...those 3 inch coins scare me! I'd hate to drop one on my toe!
  6. As a former geologist, I am looking forward to placing some new ones! Might even hit up my old professors for some ideas...although I have one already.
  7. I'm sorry...I couldn't resist... We also made this one...
  8. Darn...getting the error message now. Guess it is not to be for me...time to take Heather to school. If anyone snagged an extra and wants to trage for a copper DresselDragon coin, let me know.Trade made
  9. I don't hink that it has been there YET...remember there was a one hour window of when they become available.
  10. I have to take Heather to school in 15 minutes...and won't be home until 9:15. How much you wanna bet they sell out in that time? LOL
  11. Avast! I be wantin' 1 'o each of those metals ye scurvy bilge rats!
  12. Darn...so close...our satellites were spinning and orbiting. Congrats Slowdowracer!
  13. Everyone on their mailing list received an email explaning this (and what happened during the sale)...to answer your question, here is a quote from that email: "We will consolidate the sales of the remainder of the compass roses with the magic geocoin so we can take care of them at one time instead of spreading them out over the next month. It will also give us time to get these web bugs worked out. The people on our mailing list will get notified of the new sales date in a few weeks. There are no pre-reservations being taken for the compass rose or any of our other coins."
  14. LOL! I almost posted the same thing (about Rudy's age).
  15. Maybe if the ears are shrunk, the antlers will look bigger?
  16. She's on the move again...NJ...her post said that she had a sprained wing...that's why she hasn't been flying!
  17. Thanks Lep for posting those instructions. I've never used my MapSource program, and found your instructions very easy to follow. It worked perfectly! Who knows, I may start using the program for other things too!
  18. I finally got around to sending our thanks to TGF...at the end of her reply was this: "I'm hoping to have more placements here shortly. Still a lot more to come." Thought you guys should know...to keep your morale up!
  19. I got excited when I opened the box today...lots of padded mailers. Alas, 2 of them were CDs that I ordered (and forgotten about). The rest were: Best of British (BN) MIGO SE Chapter (lightening bug) Prowler53
  20. SEEKING: Groundspeak Lackey Groundspeak Volunteer Podcacher OFFER: DresselDragons ULE (uber LE) - antique copper (only 30 minted) You can see a picture of it HERE and/or see our trade list for other coins available: DD's available coins I know...wishful thinking...but I gotta try!
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