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Everything posted by JAajm

  1. JAajm


    Congratulations to Team_vdloo who reached 1000 today
  2. umop episdn If you have time you can use special caracters for an upside down e. Bit of changes in font types and sizes even makking it look better. Mostly just use simmilar letters e.g. p is an upside down d
  3. Correct 1922: "Eighty years ago, Johannesburg became a war zone for three months. It was bombed by the air force and shelled by artillery as the forces of General Jan Smuts brutally suppressed a general strike, known as the Rand Revolt ". This left 153 dead and the wounded were 534.
  4. Sorry about the delay. Next time I will read the rules before playing the game ;-). Thanks for "malo mystery" for brining it to my attention. new question: Why did the goverment used aircraft to bomb Benoni and when was this.
  5. To the best of my knowledge it come in with feed for the horses of the british soldiers during the second boer war. I forgot to say. The feed was shipped in from south america
  6. To the best of my knowledge it come in with feed for the horses of the british soldiers during the second boer war.
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