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Posts posted by Floez13

  1. Die kreative Seite der Owner, fühlt sich nicht gewertschätzt und bittet Angesichts der Mühe mal Fünfe gerade sein zu lassen

    Das ist so als ob ein Beschmierer sich bei der Stadtverwaltung beschwert und fordert, das seine Beschmierung nicht von der Wand entfernt werden darf, weil das Beschmieren so viel Mühe gemacht hat und die Farbe so teuer war.


    wo sich doch wohl noch mehr daneben benehmen.

    Das rechtfertigt nicht, es selber zu tun.


    Wie wahr, lieber Radioscout.


    Und wo wir gerade beim Thema sind: Da du hier auf PattexDeluxe antwortest, vermute ich einmal, dass Du die Frage von Fantasy2004 überlesen hast?

  2. Dear GS,


    thanks for the possibility to modify the coords of mysteries, so half of the work is done.


    For me it only becomes usefull if it is fully integrated into PQs. For this please consider the following:

    Just replacing the coordinates (like it is done right now in the gpx-files) won't be enough. I must be able to distinguish if a mystery-coordinate has been modified or not (like you do it in the listing by displaying it in a cursive form).


    For example I download a PQ of a special region, then it contains unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries and bonus caches (which are of type mystery). Then I'd like to visit the solved mysteries, to ignore the unsolved ones and to visit the bonus cache for whose "underlying" e.g. multi cache I came into that region. An option to download only solved mysteries within a PQ won't download the bonus cache descriptions.


    So, go ahead ;-).


    Best regards


  3. From time to time I checked the logs like "when did a special cacher log a cache and what what his comment". For this (and only for this) I had chosen the Show me all logs option. If I want to do the same now I have to scroll down and down and down and ... down to the first log before I can search for a special cacher.


    Again a step back instead of progress (not to mention bugfixing). So I see two tendencies: The platform becomes worse and worse and my decision for renewing the PM becomes easier and easier.


    I have given up to believe that GS cares about the needs and wishes of us cachers.

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