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Everything posted by LittleBlue

  1. Thnaks, L&R! I don't know what to think about the weather anymore! Darn, Cathy, with all the excitement Pepper provided at the end, I forgot to get the pass form you! Oh well, I'm sure we'll be fine.
  2. I figure a meeting time of 9 gives everyone a chance to assemble while we wait out the twilight- I've found that the tacks usually work just fine at dusk. But it won't be too long after 9 that we can start.
  3. I have a state park pass, but I was under the impression that a NW Forest pass was a different thing- good for State Forest trailhead parking.
  4. 8:30 sounds good- AndrewRJ. Was going to try to get to REI to get a pass today but not sure I'll be able. If not, how much is parking? Shouldn't be too much is it?
  5. Sounds good Andrew- what time? Sorry to leave you guys out- Allanon and LR! I know the feeling from last weekend! Just because I'm doing it tomorrow doesn't mean I won't do it again with you guys, tho! This just seemed the best chance in the near future. But I'm sure it'll be a fun ride that I'll have no problem repeating!
  6. Allanon- I'll call you at work today- I have complications of needing to get the kids to my husband before I can head out.
  7. Me, FrodoB, poodleranch(2), and maybe my husband.
  8. I'll bring jalapenos and plates?
  9. I think we're good on getting there- how did you all work the shuttle back to the start?
  10. We're thinking of doing it on Saturday if the weather cooperates.
  11. Friday night it is then! Meet at 9pm at the coords for the start? And I'm up for some evening caching beforehand as well.
  12. Shall we stick with Friday then? Any opinions out there? Or I'll just decide.
  13. Have a great trip you guys- bring back lots of stories!
  14. What a trail it would be! If only they would pave it so I could skate it! It would make a great marathon route. Would we get to use the trestle?
  15. I understand (sniff). But dern it, I wanted to watch ya'll!
  16. Cruiser Guy, we can hang!
  17. Sniff sniff- can't go then- I'll be in church.
  18. Saturday night is fine with me as well, but let's ask Pepper- she has something going on Saturday during the day I think. I'll bow to the will of the people- either way- as long as I have company I'm good! Night caches are scary with only one or two people, right Allanon? And as for other caches- I need to do Over the Top (the regular one) and Lover's Leap. You may not like one of those, Cruiser Guy, I've heard it's kind of evil!
  19. Hey, does anyone want to do CruiserGuy's new night cache in North Bend with me Friday night (5/20)? If interested, we could also do his older Under The Clock Tower night cache as well. I've done that one, but would be happy to go along. Anyone?
  20. No, there's no makeshift ladder, but there is a little piece of wood nailed to the support that you can use to pull yourself up. It's not that bad. I'm afraid of hieghts and I was just fine. You could pull your car pretty close to the access, but you can't park there- but you could offload the ladder and then it's just a short walk. If you go un Sunday after 1pm I could come and help.
  21. Congrats Robinego on #600, B, TS, and R on #20 and fishiam on #300! Yay everyone!
  22. I'll take about 20 if they're reasonable.
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