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Everything posted by LittleBlue
Waited for what? Naja, my family let me find a couple after an afternoon at Pac Sci. Hmm, a couple of months, Eraseek?
Congrats everybody! Glad the rain is not keeping the fun away!
Great picture, Pepper! I'm sorry you were so speedy and zoomed up that hill without us! I was looking forward to chatting! Thanks, everyone, for the great fun today and for putting up with my smug 'Found it already!' all day! (Even tho most of the time I couldn't remember exactly where I'd found it...) Glad I got to prove that I *had* signed all those log books! Looking forward to the next adventure! (and Thing 2 was proudly telling her sister all about the 'cache machine' she did today!)
Congrats Allanon! I had great fun on the hike today and Wow, What a View! was a great choice for a milestone cache! Glad I could be there! Here's to the next 100!
I agree that as a female (and often with one or two children along), I'm not nearly as suspicious to people. Caches near playgrounds are especially easy for me (and my kids' favorites!). But I still don't want to attract attention to a hide, so I often do the 'talk to the GPSr' thing. After a while you become a lot less self conscious. For the most part, people could really care less what everyone else is doing. Course, again, I'm female, so others may have different experiences. I've heard a couple of stories about the police being called. The only funny encounter I have had was on a multi cache at a park where the first wp was a sticker under a bench. The couple on the bench just weren't leaving. Since it was just coords and not the cache there, I asked them if they would mind if I looked under the bench. I explained there was a clue for a scavenger hunt under there and they said they didn't think there was anything there. I said I thought there was and would just need a second to check and they said sure and got up. And kept walking away, really quickly! [] I think they thought I had a few screws loose. Probably in large part due to them not being from this country and might never have heard of a scavenger hunt, so I was just a crazy lady who insisted on looking under a bench. I think that's the only time I have scared a muggle!
Too funny! Reminds me of a hike in Rocky Mountain Natl. Park back in the day...
Discuss The Design Of The 2005 Washington Geocoin
LittleBlue replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Northwest
Maybe a couple of snags in two colors of brown and an eagle flying above? Just to add a little somethin', somethin'? Or not- I will like them either way. -
Discuss The Design Of The 2005 Washington Geocoin
LittleBlue replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Northwest
Cool! I'll buy 15 . Yippee! -
I'll try to meet you there, tho that'll be early for my girls- they are used to getting to Carnation for school at 9 am. We'll see! And runhills straightened me out- Tolt MTB in the park is a traditional cache, *not* a multi- don't know why I remembered it that way!
Congratulations Fishiam!
After my cache and L&R's cache, you can park at the main area for T/M Park. Then there's SG #? 'Thing1 and Thing2' to the south on the service road, Up a Tree in Carnation, along the river to the north. The others are all up the trails above the river to some degree or another. Wow, what a view, Copper Top, Carnation Tree Farm Treasure, Burn, Baby, Burn, and not sure about the MTB multi one. Its the only multi in the park. There's also one halfway up the trails whose name escapes me right now. I did the first 3 in that sentence about a month ago in about 2- 2 1/2 hours, just taking it easy. That is, I didn't run . When I find out when you're meeting I might be able to stop by with the girls and say hi. Allanon's suggestion is a good one- if some can't start til late, then maybe those who can be there early could do some of the others in the area. You could drive out Entwhistle and get 2 caches there- and the 2 in town.
I wouldn't go any later than 10 if you want to get all the caches in the park. I would suggest parking by my Tolt River Crossing and the nearby Confluence and then make the short drive to the park. The entrance to the park is the road just to the north of the road with those two caches. Then you could get the caches in T/M park. If I had time I could think of a good route to follow in the park since I've done all those caches except the MTB multi there. But I could answer any questions about them. I have to do my German homework for tonight. Kealia, I'm leaving something for you to pick up in my Tolt River Crossing cache.
No fee for parking at the Redmond Watershed Park. And be sure to solve this puzzle before you go!
Congrats andrewrj! 100 is a great milestone! Oh, so that's how it is!
Sounds fun- I'm always up for pillaging!
Wow, there's *lots* you could do in Tolt MacDonald Park! I think it would be about 30-45 minutes to Bellevue depending on the traffic in Bellevue. There's no traffic in Carnation! [] If you go that route, I would show up with the girls and do some of the lowland walking with ya'll.
I'm talking with the person who's adopting the Everett night cache. I guess it needs a little bit of maintainence. He also reports that it will take all of 10 mins to do! So we need to pad things out a bit- you know me!
Ah bummer, a friend and I take turns watching our 4 yr olds and today was my turn to be 'off'. Next Friday I will be watching them. Darn!
I will *try*, but husband gets a bit annoyed when I have to ask him to take the girls in to school and cover for me after 4 yr old gets out of preschool. He's hitting a milestone at work and that makes things hairy... I want to do it, tho!
Congrats to RK, George501949, EGH!, Masterpuzzler! Those are all impressive milestones! Also a special shout out to my bud FrodoB for his 500th cache at my new one this afternoon. Glad I stopped by to check on the cache and got to witness the event! Happy caching to everyone!
Cool- I'll have to check my tires. I ride on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail all the time and have no problem. Altho I always think... 'I should really carry a spare tube and know how to use it'! You know what they say, it's better to be lucky than good... Seems like I missed somethign interesting here, guess I should have subscribed to topic.
Is this something that a hybrid bike could do? I don't have a real mountain bike.
Congrats to everyone!
Our minivan has been in the shop for the last week and a half getting its transmission rebuilt, so I feel ya! I had a really fun time and am ready for Everett night cache!