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Everything posted by LittleBlue

  1. Congrats on #500 Arabesque! Way to go!
  2. Ok- I heard that Cruiser Guy was setting up another North Bend night cache- that true? Just wondering how far out we're scheduling the NB night cache trip. Pretty soon it'll be dark at 10!
  3. I'll have to remember that- I like it!
  4. Thanks, jcar, for hosting the night cache trip and the root beer floats! Above and beyond the call of duty ! Ooh- the lime Kiln Trail series is high on my list as well. As is Tiger mountain. I have good tracks for many of the trails at Lord Hill Park if you want them. I have two caches in the park- one's a puzzle. Ha ha! I am happy to cache anywhere, anytime, tho! Well, anywhere, anyway!
  5. Thanks, EraSeek, for mailing me this link! That's just way cool. We were birders before cachers, so we're very excited. I can just imagine all the birders are going crazy wanting to spot one. That just boggles the mind how a species can exist out of sight like that. How many can there be, I wonder? A pileated is impressive enough to see. Sounds like this species is even bigger. An interesting thread would me the most interesting wildlife sightings people have had while caching.
  6. Mine didn't run yesterday that were supposed to- nothing since the 27th. Wonder what's up?
  7. I think the mountain knew how much I wanted to find this cache and I couldn't make the previous date . I'll be there! Sorry I missed all the fun!
  8. I'll be there- not sure what time I'll be up yet- still working out morning plans- but I'm happy doing some daylight caching as well!
  9. Congrats to everyone I've missed and big congrats to Ruck, Blindleader, and my pals Phil&Cathy! Yippee! 1000 caches! That's a lot!
  10. Wish I knew how to resize it bigger- it's hard to really see. It's Tadema. I noticed that some of you all like the neoclassicism and Orientalism for avatars so I checked some out. I'll find the link for you...
  11. We'll be there at 4- then hang out down by the water in the sunshine. Yum!
  12. Friday and Saturday evening- but I warn you- there's lots of booty shaking! LOL
  13. Congratulations Slinger91, Glitche Ente, and Ambrosia!
  14. You funny! Not sure how much caching I'll be doing this week- the dance show I'm in is on Friday and Saturday evening and I'll be having lots of rehearsals this week!
  15. It's not about the numbers... It's about having great friends to cache with!
  16. Congrats Mike the Fiddler! I was happy to be with AndrewRJ and Allanon for their 200th finds today! Congratulations!
  17. Hey! EraSeek- You do everything with style and panache! If I were half as clever as you I would write a spiffy acceptance poem, but alas, I think all this caching has dulled my brain! Time to relax now (yeah, right!) and think of somewhere beautiful and above the clouds to find my 1000. I hope you'll come! I'd be honored!
  18. Hello all- just got back home after running errands on the way home (no, I did not stop for more caching!) Had a great day starting with the CITO event, where it rained and rained. As soon as we had found all the trash, the sun came out . Then we gathered a fun group of folks and did some local caching. EraSeek, I'm sorry you had to work today and didn't get a chance to try to keep ahead of me! I ended up with 17 caches I think. 16 regular and 1 CITO event. So I think that puts me at 920? My oh my... Looks like we have a winner in Weight Man!
  19. Alas, had the weather been at least 1/2 way nice (ironically, next week looks beautiful!), we would have started earlier and had a decent chance of breaking the barrier. There were so many boxes on the screen up there and it was hard to stop the van from heading over to them! But it was not to be. Sorry, Wander Lost! Tomorrow I'll see some of you at CITO and you can either applaud me for stretching my time out there or admonish me for not getting out and caching, depending on the date you chose! We live to battle another day! (On a side note, my 4 yr old is now issuing caching challenges to all she meets as an odd by product of this game- just be forwarned! She has recruited her imaginary friends Dernell and Super Littlefoot to be on her team!)
  20. Thanks! I had a fun day with your caches today! Helped chase away the rainy weather blues. Just looked for 7 today- too drippy for the kids to be out much. So the pool lives another day! (Man, I have to not watch who has what day or I'll feel bad for everyone who doesn't win...) Wow, doesn't it feel weird to have over 900 caches? Now 1000 doesn't feel far away at all! When I started caching that seemed insurmountable! Mind boggling how quickly they all add up! I'm glad I was able to find your cache for 900!
  21. Ok, I tried reading thru all the posts to find an answer for this, so maybe I missed it- Will there be time to place an order for coins *after* the design has been posted? My interest in the coins depends on what they look like. I know, fickle, fickle!
  22. Sounds great! We had indeed forgotten about this one. And good point about the days getting shorter. My next weekend is full- my dance show is Thurs, Fri, and Saturday, but how about the weekend after?
  23. Criminal, in the interest of accuracy I should come clean and fess up to having one EarthCache find- and while supercool, was indeed a virtual. No paper to sign! So I guess that would make our difference 9 caches in that view. BUT, as to our relative 'spryness'- I remember a certain Mr. EraSeek who sprinted past all of us on the hike up Teneriffe and only stopped to find the caches on the way up!
  24. Congrats tolmaus, grossi, Willapa! Congrats Patudles- sorry I didn't make it to the event today- I was looking forward to seeing you again! Celebrate that 1000!
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