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Everything posted by LittleBlue

  1. LittleBlue


    Oh Brian. I miss you already, my friend. Brian was the first geocacher I ever met. I had started playing in October of 2004 with one of those little wrist Garmins where you had to hand enter coords and given my usual lack of attention to detail with electronic gizmos, well let's just say I couldn't find a cache if it was sitting out in the open with a blinking light on it. I got on the forums and saw a guy named Allanon who was also new and looking for help. Totem Lake offered to meet up with us and give us some pointers. We met up at Kingsgate Cache on October 29, 2004. I went back this morning to read the logs and Totem Lake had even taken a picture of us. Brian went on to become one of my best friends. He was one of the funniest guys I knew and his laugh was just the best laugh ever. It was deep and infectious and always made me smile. He had such a wicked sense of humor. Seems like every time we went on some kind of caching trip, I would inevitably leave some article of clothing in his car. He loved to write in his logs and on the forums that I had left my pants in his car. He was by far the kindest and most generous friend I have ever had. He was always a shoulder to cry on and we had so many fun and happy adventures. He played golf with me, which was another one of his loves. My kids began to grow up and I no longer had the time for geocaching that I once did. Brian always kept me up-to-date, letting me know when cache machines were coming up, even when I couldn't attend. He got so much joy from caching, even when failing health and pain made it harder for him to get around. He had so many friends here and he knew how much you all loved him. This morning as I was looking through logs and memories I came across a website for the Coin Quest. I read this: 11/29/2005 6:00:44 PM Tolt River Run GCMERN How fitting that I complete this quest on a cache owned by the person I met while learning this game. We soon became friends and a year later, I think we are better friends than ever. Thank you LittleBlue! Thank you, Brian. Thank you for your friendship and love and I will miss you so much. Hugs to you all.
  2. Thing 1 and I had a great walk. She now wants a rock quarry in the backyard. Nice to see everyone- happy caching!
  3. I will see if I can get my kids interested in coming along. Tho I suppose that would mean hiking and not biking.
  4. Congrats, everybody!
  5. Just spent the day caching with Pepper in and around Memorial Park in Houston. I have to say at one point we thought maybe it was getting a bit too warm to cache! LOL We had a great time!
  6. Hello everyone from Houston, TX . We arrived safely last night and had a nice day today. It's chilly for Texas (in the lower 50s), but considerably warmer than the Seattle we left! Talked briefly with Pepper today and hope to meet up for caching this week. Hope all is well with ya'll!
  7. Happy Thankgiving everyone!
  8. I just popped in to say The Elysian- YUM! Their ESB is my favorite. And yummy food. Sign me up!
  9. Hmm- sounds fun to me!
  10. I for one had tons of fun- tho it sure seemed like I was in and out the whole night!
  11. Works for me!
  12. So what day do you think you might be interested in caching? (It takes me a while to get kid-watching coverage for my girls...)
  13. Well, I made it to the baby shower just a few mins later, but before the 'surprise' appearance of the mom-to-be, so it all worked out in the end. I thought I knew how that 'find address' thing worked on the Garmin, but it turns out I keep forgetting... Looks like I can't poke fun at PP so much now! I had lots of fun, took lots of pictures, and will try to log soon... looking forward to hearing where the next adventure will lead.
  14. And I haven't logged it yet, have I, tinkerbell ... I'll get back there! Always have to cut it short of the prize with the kids to pick up from school... See you all at way too early in the morn, and it's dry for now!
  15. I'll be thinking of you guys from (hopefully warm and sunny!) Texas once again during this year's festivites. Have some extra fun for me! I hate missing a party!
  16. Ok- I plan to meet up with Prying Pandora and Plaid Guy in the area around 6:30- how about all who want to meet at that Farelli's Pizza place mentioned earlier? I for one would like to eat *before* standing around a swamp listening to your shrieks of fear...
  17. We never got more than calf-deep last year...
  18. I'm working on a carpool with Allanon and RecDiver- not sure exactly when, tho...
  19. So who's in for this- and do we get to go for a beer afterwards like last year? Priorities...
  20. I can't wait- did I mention I LOVE Halloween?
  21. Got some great pics that I'll post when I log... (insert skeptical laughter here...)
  22. Yep, for sure, we just talked to my husband's parents- we're coming to Houston for the holidays . Can't wait to see ya again and go caching down there with ya .
  23. Hey Pepper, hope to see you for the holidays!
  24. Ah, but did you get any sympathy from Prying Pandora? We missed, you, girlfriend!
  25. Yeah, kinda, but different... Is there a black latex Gumby outfit? Gotta love Halloween...
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