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Everything posted by jeremyp
quote:Originally posted by Lost in Space:Heard pre Leeds game:- http://www.aouo29.dsl.pipex.com/mss-arsenal.jpg With a comment like that you're not an Arsenal supporter so you are either a) a Man U supporter which makes you a sad David Beckham groupie or some other team which makes you a sad loser. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.gagb.org.uk
Goooooooooooooonnnneeeeeeeerrrrrsssssss!!!!!!! Btw I'm English, not from Ancient Rome so I say "forums" (if anybody can remember my oriinal diversion from the subject of this topic). ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.gagb.org.uk
Where has this sudden irritating trend for using "fora" as the plural for "forum" come from. I think the correct plural is "forums" but I couldn't swear to it. Anybody know the answer? ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.gagb.org.uk
What they did in New Zealand...
jeremyp replied to Team Paradise's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
quote:Originally posted by DerekReed: quote:Originally posted by L8 Ed:This made me think. How many UK cachers read this forum.? I started reading the forum last weekend, and am beginning to wonder if I'm in the wrong hobby. Most geocachers go about their hobby without ever going near the forums. Actually, I think more of them would read the forums if they realised how exciting they are ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.gagb.org.uk -
Absolutley Nothing to do with Caching
jeremyp replied to Naefearjustbeer's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
It's not a proper eclipse though is it. It's a long way to go for an eclipse where the moon is too small. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.gagb.org.uk -
If people had put smileys after their "phoney" comments I wouldn't have been lured into making my troll comment If people had put smileys after their "phoney" comments I wouldn't have been lured into making my troll comment See the difference ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Rockratgirl:I absolutely agree. No need for phoney associations or petty whinges. Get out in that countryside and have fun! BTW when I started off in Geocaching I read the US forums. Hmmm! Sam ~ Love many, trust few, learn to paddle your own Canoe ~ ~ We can't run away for ever ... but theres nothing wrong with getting a good head start ~ This is a troll right? Or is it that you just can't resist the opportunity to denigrate other people's legitimate efforts to keep geocaching alive ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Mudplugger:Erh what does this response have to do with the quote which you have included in your post? I don't remember knocking the idea in fact I think if you look at my postings they actually supported the idea ??? Apologies, pressed the wrong button ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Icenians: Nice of you to finally support your co founders. I cannot be bothered to dignify that with a reply quote:If you still can't seperate GAGB from GC.COM then I think that enforces much of my arguement over the last days. I don't see how that follows. As the result of actions by yourself and others, all of the UK forum/gc admins have resigned. This has nothing to do with GAGB except that GAGB was what set you off on your vendetta. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
Speaking as a GAGB insider I'll just reiterate. No actual work had been done other than setting up the web site. The idea was for *geocachers in general* to run the site. I fully expected to take a back seat (or no seat) once it was running properly. Of course it didn't have a huge amount of support, we'd only announced it on the forum. Had it been successful at it's aims i.e. representing the interests of geocaching to other people, I'm sure it would have been accepted. But no, some people just had to ruin it for everybody. The negotiations with HCC were/are a case in point. Tim & June spent a lot of time with HCC trying to put some guidelines together that would allow us to use their land. Incidentally, this was not a GAGB "operation", it started before that. When the HCC employee posts on the forum, people leap in and flame him to death. Nobody stops to *think* about the damage they may be doing if said employee turns out to be genuine. So now, Hampshire Council land is probably out of bounds to geocachers, as Forestry Commission land is for similar reasons. As somebody whol likes to cache in Hampshire my heart felt thanks goes to all those people who screwed it up for me. Especially the ones who don't even live in Hampshire. Especially the ones who don't even live in Hampshire *and* insist that negotiations should be done on a local level *and* can't resist opening their big gobs to ruin other people's negotiations anyway. The fact is there is almost no land in the UK where you have the right to leave plastic boxes lying around so if you don't get a sensible attitude to land owners geocaching will be banned everywhere. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching [This message was edited by jeremyp on May 13, 2003 at 12:49 PM.]
quote:Originally posted by Gaz, Suni, Jack & Kashi:OK. Beggings not working. How about we threaten you? "come back else we'll send the boys round!" (I'd better just point out that the boys are 12 & 6 I suppose) Please reconsider. Regards, Gaz,Suni,Jack & Kashi. We take our children everywhere, but they always find their way back home... Knowing the mood they're in, threats aren't gonna work either ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Icenians:I think my job in this issue is done. Issues and points have been raised in the debate but nothing more can be gained from my continued keyboard bashing. So what was your job then? Force out as many of the current admins as possible? ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Omally:I think we need more than one new moderator. Wow can you see into the future? ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by bignoseduglyguy:One of the things that drew me to GCing was the lively friendly UK GC community which, a month or so ago, seemed a million miles from the flame wars that beset the geek and foodie usenet groups I also frequent. Now the forums here and at GCUK seem to be heading that way fast. I have no strong opinions either way on the main bones of contention being bandied about at this time - I have seen this all before in hiking, mountain-biking and off-road forums, especially the land access issues and will reserve any judgement/offer of help until I'm a little more 'in the know'. However, I do know that whilst I have yet to meet another cacher, I have benefitted from the help of a fair number already. Chris n Maria exchanged supportive and instructive mails and sorted out some wrinkles with my GPS that were spoiling my fun. Their site, along with Mark's, Teasel's and a host of others have been a great fast track way to learning the sport/hobby. Last but not least, it has never taken Tim and June much more than 24 hrs to approve my caches. Having finally found a indoor and outdoor pastime that I can be involved in on my own, with a couple of my kids or the whole family to any number of levels, it is my hope that this is a blip on the radar and that there are smoother times ahead. bignoseduglyguy http://www.bignoseduglyguy.com - obligatory caching page now added! What makes you think that the UK geocaching community is any different from any other randomly selected bunch of individuals? ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
I'm American - help me understand caching in the UK
jeremyp replied to CacheMonkeez's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
quote:Originally posted by Omally: quote:Originally posted by Pooter:And in Scotland, you can throw all that stuff away. There are no public rights of way and no law of trespass, as you know it in England. The devolved Government of Scotland is also in the process of passing a law of “right to roam” in the countryside. <snip> What a wonderful sense of freedom you are entitled to. If it wern't so bloomin' cold and I didn't have such a nice job down here, I'd move to Scotland! But then, being English through and through, would I be welcome? Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis. http://www.geocacheuk.com/ http://www.gagb.org.uk/ Does a right to roam imply a right to litter other people's land with plastic boxes? ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching -
I'm American - help me understand caching in the UK
jeremyp replied to CacheMonkeez's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
quote:Originally posted by Rockratgirl:I replied to the original post, trying to assist with the walking knowledge I have - however limited - but from a UK perspective. If you read the replies, they are to me - pedantically picking fault with my comments! I have obviously stepped on people's toes by trying to post and didn't realise there was a "hierachy" in posting. What are the unwritten rules here? How were the replies helpful to the original poster? Poor Hammack - still want to Cache here mate?! ~ Plastic to the People ~ Your post contained some factual inaccuracies. The bit about footpaths being public land was wrong and so was the straight line bit. People aren't going to avoid posting corrections just because it might hurt your feelings. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching -
I've decided to keep my site up and maybe even improve it. Unfortunately, this whole thing has really soured my view about geocaching in general and I probably won't be attending any events in the near future due to a childish desire to punch Teasel's lights out, sorry. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
So it's basically rubbish then? ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Dan Wilson:could someone more computer knowledgable tell me how to get around this and also why Java wont run on my comp - I use internet explorer 6.0 with Windows XP. Is that Java or Javascript? If Java it might be because M$ lost a court case which meant they could no longer distribute their Java VM (it doesn't comply with the standard). Try installing the official one from Sun. If Javascript it is probably because you have Active Scripting disabled in your security options or possibly (less likely) because M$ Javascript doesn't comply with the standard. If the second, then most sites will still work. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
Worth mentioning: EGNOS/WAAS does not transmit positional data only corrections due to atmosphere etc. It will not guarantee better accuracy but will improve your Garmin's estimate of error. So with WAAS enabled, if your Garmin says 10 ft accuracy it is probably within 10 ft. The signal is still a test signal, so if they feel like it they can turn it off or deliberately introduce inaccuracies. I think it's unlikely that they will though. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
To return to the topic I think the encrypted clue should make it virtually certain that the cache would be found. e.g. you drive 90 miles and then do a three mile walk with two children who would be most upset not to find the cache - you *need* to find it. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
The description should have included cache contents including sandwiches etc. And it failed to mention any near by ancient monuments. </troll> ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
I have got a copy of the OS atlas software but it sadly did not have an "output to GPS" function. In fact you're really a bit stuck. If it has an option to output a route as a CSV file, you could use gpsbabel to convert the CSV file to garmin format. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by Omally: Not that good if it was meant to be a horse! Well it wasn't. Anyway, that was off topic. Will somebody please post the objectives of all these committees so that I can decide whether to be enthusiastic or cynical about them. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching
quote:Originally posted by The Good Shepherds:It's true that sel's postings come across as confrontational - kicking off a thread about night caching with the accusation that it's "dumb" Newsflash: night caching is dumb IMHO. Sticking to the topic rather than merely flaming Sel: This forum is the only real method of communication for the whole UK geocaching community. As such, it is bound to have a cross section of different stuff 90% of which is bound to be dull for 90% of the people who read it. That's normal human life. As long as the topic title is reasonably descriptive you are not obliged to read the content e.g. "Subarite gets his ton" gives you a pretty good hint that it's a topic consisting of nothing but backslapping. Personnally I never read them (they are dull as ditchwater), but having had one myself, it's nice to be on the receiving end. These forums are relatively well behaved compared with some I have been involved with. Generally i think we achieve a level of intelligent debate without going over the top although there have been some serious failures. These are usually caused by poorly worded posts. When you put something in writing, a lot of the emotion disappears which may twist the meaning. Hence the importance of smiley faces. Also, don't forget you are communicating with effectively total strangers so you don't know that your innocent comment might be a mortal insult to some people on the forum. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching