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Posts posted by jeremyp

  1. I am the same as Subarite excect instead of 3 I put routes into Mapsource (generated from Autoroute) and generally follow them to get to the cache. I also always take an OS map with me. It tends to help me avoid embarrasment like being on the wrong side of a canal with no bridges for 2 miles in either direction.


    I also don't take travel bugs and have one of the original T&J bears which would get jealous if I took any more.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Gustaf:


    I'm not with you there. I think this discussion is important.


    I agree with you. Discussion is important. My point of view (which forms part of this discussion) is that whatever problems we are having with gc.com, whingeing to jeremy about other sites is not constructive. If this site is causing load problems, I'm sure jeremy already knows about it and is taking the action he deems appropriate (if he reads the UK forums he definitely knows about it).


    That's my point of view, you are free to disagree with it. I do not wish us to stop talking about these issues.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  3. quote:
    Originally posted by The Northumbrian:


    I pay through paypal as well , But didn't understand what they meant by Granfathers rights

    So who will it affect if any?


    It means that they are going to put the prices up except for some people who took out a renewable subscription not expecting a huge price hike, so their original terms are respected.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  4. quote:
    Originally posted by The Northumbrian:

    on one of the replies Jeremy states that the subs are to go up this march.



    Hmmm... Jeremy Irish says this



    We will most likely be raising our subscriptions in March/April except for those who have been grandfathered in through the renewable plan.


    From some of the other posts it seems that anybody who paid through Paypal has got a renewable plan (maybe). If this is the case, that's good news, if not, well bummer!




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  5. A number of points:


    Here in the UK, the law specifies the margin of accuracy for speedometers. It's something like 10% at 30 mph and 10% at 60 mph etc. However, the speedometer is not allowed to read slow i.e. if the speedometer says 60 than that is the maximum speed the car can be going at. For this reason, speedometer manufacturers deliberately make them fast (or so I've heard). If you have a speedometer that could be anywhere between +5mph and -5mph of the true speed, you'd have to throw away half of the speedometers you make. If it's +/- 5mph of 5mph less than the true speed, you can keep them all. Therefore, in a British car expect your speedo to be wrong.


    Second, most modern tyres have a steel belt running around them under the tread. This means, the tyre will not get bigger as it spins faster unless you count thermal expansion of the belt as the tyre gets hotter. For the same reason, the circumference should not get smaller if the tyre is not fully inflated (the steel belt is still the same length, just a bit floppier).


    Third, as I understand it, GPS receivers measure speed by analysing the doppler shift of the satellite signals in the same way as police radar guns. This means that they measure your true speed. If you are travelling straight up at 1,000 mph, the GPS receiver will say "1,000mph" not zero mph. Note that car speedometers do the same thing. If it was possible to drive straight up a wall at 1,000mph, the speedometer would say "990mph" or something like that.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Slytherin:


    I could see problems if someone just has the co-ordinates programmed in their GPS and not the cache sheet. It does happen. In this case they would get to the point as shown of the GPS and find nothing. I know it wouldn't happen often, but it would be frustrating if it did.


    Lots of more traditional caches are like that too. e.g. virtually any one-page-multi. I think any cache that leads to a physical box has more legitimacy than any locationless cache.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  7. The only thing you'd actually be copying is the text of the page. If you were putting fancy stuff on a copy of a cache page, the best place is *not* in the place where you are forced to put it by geocaching.com. e.g. a background image should go in the body tag (or a CSS) which obviously you can't on geocaching.com. So you would not be copying the rendering HTML.


    The text of the page is stuff that you write. Nowhere are you forced to surrender the copyright of the text to Groundspeak so you can reproduce it at will wherever you like.


    The bottom line is, if your cache page looks illegible or takes ages to download, I won't be doing the cache and neither will 99% of everybody who's posted here by the looks of things.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  8. quote:
    Originally posted by Teasel:


    The following is a list of people who have found at least 100 caches, most of which are in the UK (sorry trunchbull!), showing their UK and worldwide totals. (UK figures should be taken with a pinch of salt...)

    +-------------------+-------+-----+| Name              | Total | UK  |+-------------------+-------+-----+| jeremyp           |   118 | 115 |


    I haven't found any outside the UK yet. I suspect the missing three might be caches with fake coordinates such as the final Cluedo cache.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  9. quote:
    Originally posted by el10t:


    Given only the two observed measures (number of caches, number of days) I could probably give you an accurate mean, a biased estimate of the median, and no idea of the mode. icon_wink.gif



    _mobilis in mobili_


    I'd put a lot of money on the mode being zero. Even the Hornet probably didn't cache on more than half of the days in the year.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


  10. I decided to have a look at your web site to see what bells and whistles to expect on your cache pages (it looks absolutely fine in my browser btw), and discovered that the link you put in your profile is slightly broken - missing "http://" in the href, so it looks like a relative link.


    Sorry to read about your broken arm. Get well soon.




    The second ten million caches were the worst too.


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