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Posts posted by punkrocker

  1. As a member of the same geocaching group as the CO of this event. I can gladly say that yes I was one of the virtual attendees. These guys are a great group of people to have on your side when it comes to caching. They hosted the live feed for cachers that would normally be able to attend but due to other reasons could not attend. I would be one of the later in this case. I watched the event all the way from Afghanistan. I enjoyed the hell out of the event, it helped put a bright spot on my day in an otherwise crappy location. Have you never logged a cache a friend signed your name to without being there? You'd be a hypocrite to condemn this type of cache event if you answered yes to my question. Lame but harmless, psh. The DGS are far from lame. You'd count your lucky stars to have the quality of caches that they produce. I have had my fair share of LPC's and micro's in trees back home. I have truly been spoiled by the DGS and their quality hides. If i have the chance to log just one DGS hide vs 10 hides from some other cachers, I go for the DGS every time. Don't read so much into the "rules"....they call them guidelines anyway. That doesn't mean that they are set in stone. I think the live feed should be brought up as a new type of event cache since Groundspeak killed virtuals anyway. I speak out along side my fellow DGS members below me CM06 and Genese09, stop hating and give the DGS a shot.

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