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Posts posted by tands

  1. A search on 5/5 caches turned up a bunch of 'you need a jetski' single caches rated 5/5. In our neck of the woods that's a 3 difficulty or so. I know the guidelines spell these things out, but my quick look at single stage 5/5s showed some pretty 'easy to figure out' caches. Is there anyone who thinks you just can't have a single stage 5/5 that's not placed inside a volcano or at the bottom of the sea?


    Sorry that it's not a 'Yes' or 'No' question.


    - T of TandS

  2. I'm interested in opinions on the Holy Grail cache rating. What would take the difficulty rating from 4 to 5 on a single stage cache. Why? Oh no particular reason. I know about the 'bottom of the ocean caches' so don't post links to answer me. What I am looking for is opinions based in 'extreme prejudice!'


    - T of TandS

  3. Well there's no room for any complaints about light bulb posts until there's a LightBulb FAQ.


    Also, I don't have a problem starting a thread that's been discussed before. That's the way to get new members involved and to get fresh ideas on the subject without the baggage of previous 'experts' who posted to the previous thread occurrence.


    - T of TandS

  4. In our area, Cola SC, there are many new micros, but they are evil evil evil. Very few easy bags here. For some reason folks here are putting in the effort to make good hides. Puzzle, Literary and Good multis make up a large percentage of the new hides in these parts. And it's amazing that the Dollar store has anything left when you see the good quality swag in the new hides. So.... In some areas geocaching is better than ever.

  5. I recently met a geocacher who had over 3000 finds. He is one of the top 30 in the U.S.


    Despite myself, I was very interested in the brand and model of the GPS units he and his partner used.


    If the GPS manufacturers were smart, they would be falling over themselves to give this geocacher their GPSRs.


    It would be one of the least expensive ways for them to demonstrate the quality and accuracy of their units.


    Any opinions?


    - T of TandS

  6. I use a Toshiba E-740 Pocket PC. GPX Sonar is truly the bomb. But for caching you also need a good GPS app to go with your compact flash GPS adapter.


    I use VitoNavigator 2. I got it from handango.com. I crank up GPX Sonar, export the waypoints, and use VitoNavigator as my GPS goto app. It is very suited for Geocaching and syncs up quickly with the sats.


    - tands

  7. Dear GixxerUT,


    This is your notice:


    Geek Up if you want to be a Geocacher.


    Pretending not to be a geek if you geocache is very bad form.


    What else might you be lying to yourself about your status in the world?


    Go buy some Dumbo sneakers, a goofy hat, zinc-oxide for your nose and wear all of them on your next outing.


    Just trying to help you gain a positive self-image.


    Your Counselor,


    T of TandS

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