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Everything posted by Dr.MORO

  1. Domo!!! While backlogging some benchmarks, I noticed that there is something not right about the dates showing up in the found benchmark list. I cannot tell what exactly is what's wrong, but seems very odd. At least, the actual found date you choose when logging it, and the date you are actually posting the find, seem to be mixed up. The benchmark page needs some updating, I think. This problem might have been here for a long time, though I just noticed the strangeness. Also, I would like to view the next and previous pictures 'in-window', not by clicking each picture & going back every time. Thanks!
  2. Domo!!! I totally love this idea! Please make it happen!
  3. Domo!!! I totally agree that the original coords should be kept and listed together with the 'corrected' coords, GPX file and PQ, and everything in between. But Man! I hate the new term ''corrected"!!! What's corrected??? Should have a much better name, like the 'Final' or 'Projected' and 'Calculated' or anything BUT corrected... Sounds something like creating 'Challenges' when there're already Challenge caches...
  4. Domo!!! (= Howdy in Japanese) Generally, a much nicer update than many of the recent ones, I think. Anyways, I have bumped into a different issue newly introduced during this update. Seems like the 'Feedback' site is gone now, so I've already posted inside 'resurrected' Forum. "Small TB Image only General TB image after 11/08/2011 update Generated TB Image is not properly generated" Basically & in short, the Small TB images used to display the 'default' picture of the TB within, has been replaced by a 'general' TB image. Very weird... Something has broke during today's update, obviously. Please fix this! Or, tell me what to fix! Thanks!
  5. Domo!!! (= Howdy in Japanese) Seems like the 'Feedback' site is gone now, and the Forum has been 'resurrected' after all. Whatever... Anyways, first jump to My Profile page here (Dr.MORO), and go way down past all the Stats, and to the banner section. You should see right under the weather widget, two Travel Bug boxed images, that if clicked will take you the the TB's page. The Image here is generated by the Groudspeak server, and I just paste a HTML code inside my profile page, as shown here in the "Knowledge Books" since a long time ago, and usually used for conveniently display several TB at once, like in a TB race. The strange thing is, these Small images used to display the 'default' picture of the TB within, just as in the "Knowledge Books" page. Since the update today, the picture within this Image, has been replaced by a 'general' TB image. Very weird... Something has broke during today's update, obviously. Please fix this!
  6. Sorry, thought I had already sent the icons to GS but I haven't ... will do it now. Thanks for the "reminder" Domo Again!!! Yay! Icons are IN! Lovely! Thanks again for making this happen!
  7. Domo again!!! WOW! Such beautiful Geocoins! Even better when having them in hand!!! They safely arrived about a week ago, though was a bit busy to activate them until this morning. Took some time to take pictures of them, especially the 'glow-in-the-dark'. If interested, please visit the still-unfinished TB's pages: Domo-kun's GC028 [sakura Sakura Day] & Domo-kun's GC029 [sakura Sakura Night] BTW, though in the wbcoins.de webpages there should be an unique & beautiful icon attached to the TB, but unfortunately there is only a 'generic' geocoin icon showing at the upper left. Weird... Can this be addressed? Anyways, BIG Thanks to wenzelbub for making this happen! ~ Dr.MORO
  8. Domo!!! Back up again. But, what was it???
  9. Domo NE (New England, that is) local Azure Sky! Great to know you're going to have these as well! I'll remember to bring mine when attending a local NE Event, so you can also discover mine! I would love to discover your as well, though... See you on the trail! ~ Dr.MORO
  10. Domo again!!! Just ordered mine now! Just can't wait! Thanks again for this beautiful Geocoin with a nice cause!
  11. Domo again!!! Up again! AND, it does seem a little faster loading the cache page. Though, I have not compared it with the Avatars On or Off. So far, so good.
  12. I guess you didn't see where they said that it wasn't gonna happen. They *may* be able to come up with a Search All Logs feature, but no promises. Domo again!!! Yep, I did see this being shot-down *Twice* by Moun10bike in the feedback site. STILL, I want it back!!! So, why not continue asking for it? Show All Logs! Show All Logs! Show All Logs! PLEASE?!
  13. Domo!!! O-K-, can't wait to see how 'fast' it has become scrolling down to the FTF log... Finally, GS did 'give in'! NOW, still NO "Show ALL Logs" feature coming back??? Come on... Anyways, seems like one step forward. Thanks, GS!
  14. Domo again!!! Oooooo, glow-in-the dark. Lovely... Can't wait!
  15. Domo again!!! Self reply... Duh... It just seems that due to my lagging logging, previous TB logs are just not showing because they are over 30 days old! BUT, then why are the Cache logs over 30 days old are still showing??? ~ Dr.MORO
  16. Domo!!! Just experiencing something very weird, and want to know if anybody else is having the same issue. I've posted a 'Feedback': No TB logs, just only Cache logs in "Your Logs (Last 30 Days)"? Screen grab 1 Screen grab 2 I just noticed this, but in "Your Profile" page, it used to show a list of ALL logs you've posted during the last 30 days. Right now, it ONLY shows the Cache logs, and NO TB logs. Weird... This started after this update, but strangely not immediately after. This is still happening in Safari 5.1 & Firefox 6.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard & 10.7 Lion, on two separate Macs, AND also on a Wintel machine with IE. VERY Weird... Is this just happening to my account? ~ Dr.MORO
  17. Domo again!!! Hmm, customs... Geocoins made out of Gold??? Still waiting...
  18. Domo again!!! Indeed! How did I miss that as well. Even more, how did THEY miss this in the first place... GS needs to seriously consider serious Beta-testing by serious & real geocachers...
  19. This does seem to be a genuine problem. Previously clicking the photo took you back to the cache page but now, although the photo enlarges nicely, there's no easy way of seeing what text was supposed to go with it. Looks like a quick fix was applied but not thought through. Domo!!! I just posted a new feedback here. "Gallery Image displaying improvements" Also, these another feedback about this here. "cache gallery images NOT linked anymore to cache page/logs" Hope it gets 'improved'...
  20. Domo!!! Truly, not there... Very useful. Great to post a Feedback on this, Maingray. Please put this back!
  21. Domo again!!! Yea, great to know! SOOOO, now can I ... ?
  22. Domo!!! Same here. Server not found... I thought it was something to do with Irene in our neighborhood just right now. Hope it leaves soon, and also the sight is back up, so I can continue my mini-streak... ~ Dr.MORO
  23. Even weirder, the cacher's names are back again... WTH??? A 'glitch' in the mainframe??? Even MORE weirderer, they're gone again... A BAD dream... This bad dream is over. Thanks for the quick fix!
  24. AND Domo again, again!!! Just posted a feedback here. But, seems like all of my find counters displayed all over GC.com are NOT updated promptly, and has a long delay. VERY weird... Introduced since the latest fix on 8/24. Needs a new fix!
  25. Awesome fix! Thanks a bunch! BTW, LOVE your quotation: "When you go to hide a cache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot. If the only reason is for the cache, then find a better spot." - briansnat" I will definitely keep this in mind.
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