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Everything posted by Dr.MORO
Geocaching.com site update Jan 17th 2012
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Yes, please full Unicode support! I can't understand how it's possible that you still don't fully support Unicode (there is no charge for using it as is the case for google maps) Domo!!! +1 for that. Unicode support!!! -
Geocaching.com site update Jan 17th 2012
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo again! Oops, totally missed that one... Yes, the Benchmark page update is long overdue, and needs to catchup with the rest of GC.com ASAP. -
Geocaching.com site update Jan 17th 2012
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo!!! All these, VERY COOL!!! What a nice addition! Awesome Job, GC Lackeys, and Hampsters!!! BIG Thanks! ~ Dr.MORO -
Domo!!! Reloaded the webpage several times, and FINALLY! All fixed! Great Job, Lackeys! And thanks for the quoting, Moun10Bike! Honored! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo!!! (= Howdy! in Japanese) I have been watching this topic for a while, in interest of the outcome. I actually do have some ideas related to having an EarthCache by a museum that has very interesting geological artifacts, which I think are definitely worth bringing cachers to see. One would be indoors, and I myself also agree to be a bit 'hesitant' on going further with the publication process. The other is actually an outdoor exhibit on museum property, though totally free & open to public, more or less 24/7/365. From the revised guideline wordings, I presume it's actually possible to publish an EC for this location, once I get official permission from the museum & go through the proper process of publishing an EC as usual. I do understand that this could possibly frown some 'diehard' EC-ers out there. Yet, I also think placing one by a museum would draw more interest towards Geocaching & Geology all together, from tadpole cachers & cachers-to-be, who are visiting the museum to dip themselves into the wonderful world of nature & science anyways. Going further in my thoughts, I even wish a GPS Maze Exhibit to be brought to this location someday & soon. Any thoughts out there? Thanks! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo!!! (= Howdy in Japanese) I'm selling a newly factory overhauled Garmin eTrex Vista HCx. Garmin eTrex Vista HCx product webpage Freshly sent back to me as a replacement, screen still has the protective plastic sheet on the screen, and I have never used it. Please see picture links below. Includes: GPSr unit Wrist strap Garmin Carabiner Clip for eTrex Vista HCx Manuals & software Normal 1 year product warranty Does not include: USB cable Original box Asking for $180 plus shipping (~ $10 US). Accept PayPal payments. If no offers, I will put it up on eBay in a week or so. Thanks! Good Luck & Cache On! ~ Dr.MORO Picture_Garmin eTrex Vista HCx Newly Overhauled Picture_Garmin Carabiner Clip for eTrex Vista HCx Picture_Garmin eTrex Vista HCx Manuals
どーも!!! すでにこのフォーラムに投稿しているのですが、iPhone Appで漢字「名」が「吊」に誤って表示されます。詳しくは、上記投稿の写真をご覧下さい。[bUG]として、修正をお願いしています。早く直して下さる事を願うばかりです。 さてGeocaching iPhone App日本語ユーザに伺いたいのは、この様な表示ミス、皆様も遭遇していますでしょうか?上記の物以外に他にありますでしょうか? Geocaching iPhone App のボランティア・ベータ・テスターで且つボランティア日本語担当の一人として、是非皆様の意見を伺いたいです。 それらにより、より良い日本語版Geocaching iPhone Appの向上を目指して、微力ながら手伝っていきたいです。 上記フォーラムへの投稿でも構いませんが、英語はどうしても・・・と言う方は本フォーラムに日本語で結構ですので投稿して下さい。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Domo again!!! Thanks Moun10Bike for the clarification. We should 'get' know. BTW, maybe better to 'merge' with this tread, which I've found after posting this one. Oops. Geocaching.com will be going offline temporarily on Friday, December 16, 2011
Domo!!! I, and I guess many others cacher are crossing fingers just before, during, and after the geocaching.com outage today on 2011/12/16. SO, what's up, doc? Many [bUG] & [FEATURE] submitted here, some 'SUBMITTED', or 'STARTED', or even 'COMPLETED' (or DECLINED...). Better know what's going on under the hood, in case things are are actually fixed, or not. This will definitely lessen the unnecessary posting , just like this one. Please feed us with any updates. Thanks! for whatever done for the better Geocaching experience! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo!!! I like this idea. Though, being a photo-logger myself, I won't be receiving as much Notifications as I will have the COs do in their mailboxes. ~ Dr.MORO
Domo once again!!! Thanks Moun10Bike for the request. Don't we ALL love trackables, AND pictures, too! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo again!!! +1 The tiny TB images has been there for quite a while, and was wondering why not the same with Cache logs. They also should be bigger. Hot-Fix, PLEASE! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo again!!! Yep, Hot-Fixed, indeed! Thanks! Happy again photo-logger, ~ Dr.MORO
Domo!!! Please fixed this back to the size it was before 12/06/2011 update, ASAP! Another disappointed photo-logger... ~ Dr.MORO
Geocaching.com site update Dec 6th 2011
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo!!! Well, as a photo-logger, I'm quite surprised that the picture pop-up window is now showing "Smaller" photos than before. Disappointing... Please put back the size it was before today's "update". ~ Dr.MORO -
DECLINED - [FEATURE] Increase/Unlimit the Found Log Character Limit
Dr.MORO replied to Hurricane Luke's topic in Website
Short logs are lame. MUCH less worth reading, don't you think? Oh, I guess you JUST DON'T read longer logs anyways, no matter what it says. And who cares who reads it or not. It's MY log. And each cache page it not a blog either. Post it elsewhere? Where elsewhere??? For what? It's all about the geocaching experience. On the very first line of explaining Geocaching: "GEOCACHING is a real-world outdoor treasure hunting game. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online." Read to the very end, IF you care read that long. -
DECLINED - [FEATURE] Increase/Unlimit the Found Log Character Limit
Dr.MORO replied to Hurricane Luke's topic in Website
Just a side comment: The list only captures those cachers who have uploaded their myfind data to this site. This fact of course has quite some effect on the list. Cezanne Domo again!!! And Thanks Cezanne for the input. Yep, I kinda noticed that. But hey, #3/12910 would roughly calculate to #1162/5 million active cachers. I'll even take that! Just read everyone's latest found logs. Impressive! Wish everyone could 'share' their geo-adventures as nice as all of you do! Limit-less, PLEASE! -
DECLINED - [FEATURE] Increase/Unlimit the Found Log Character Limit
Dr.MORO replied to Hurricane Luke's topic in Website
Domo!!! (= Howdy in Japanese) First of all, I totally agree to Increase or Unlimit the text character count per found logs. Just found logs, though. Just happened to stumble upon this [FEATURE] request, and happy to find other cachers who write looooong logs like I do. I would say, "It's my log. Why is there a limit to that???" I have jumped over the limit especially when having the most memorable geocaching experience. So much to write about! I also have split my logs into a 'Found' log and a 'Note'. Also, I have tried posting also in Japanese which requires the HTML Encoding, making the same text more that 5 times heavy on characters, easily hitting the limit. Adding links and the usual everything, how could it be JUST be TFTC or even just a '.'... LAME... PLEASE, Groundspeak! BTW, paleolith noted that you can see the "found log length" rankings on mygeocachingprofile.com. Where is this? My Profile's Stats generator GCStatistic says: Logs written: 704 logs - Chars: 1363685 total & 1937 average - Words: 221871 total & 315 average. WAIT! I just found it in the EXTRAS/Cacher Rankings/Average 'Found It' Log Length Link: http://www.mygeocachingprofile.com/cacherrankings.aspx?sort=10 WOW! I'm No.3!!! SOOO Honored! I'll start surfing around, checking Profiles & logs of everyone posting here, just to see how other looooong logger write. Oh, 'never short found logs' is one of my geo-mottos, though I always post picture to them as well. Always. My long text, plus a thousand words, how better can it get! Good Luck & Cache On! ~ Dr.MORO -
State trackable dicovery/movement on trackable page
Dr.MORO replied to mar-ine's topic in Trackables
Domo!!! Done! (Posting, that is...) http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=285600 -
Domo!!! A Feature request, which I remember seeing within the olde 'Feedback' site, though couldn't find it here. I would love to know if I've discovered/grabbed/retrieved a specific Travel Bug before within it's web page, just like in any of our Found caches in the cache page's upper right. If one knows they have logged it in the past, it may simplify their geocaching experience, by skipping to logging. For me, running into a TB once again that I've ran across a while ago would be very interesting. I'd like to check where it's been & how we ended up crossing paths again. Logging once again will NOT change my TB count, but it will definitely record it's geo-adventure's footprints. Thanks! {Post-edit: typos...]