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Everything posted by Stroover

  1. Yaaaaaaay!!! will you let us know when it's ready?
  2. Hi Ibycus. It's me again. It's noob questions and answers time again. First, good news and bad news. Good news first: I downloaded http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo/TopoMaps.exe (the 658 MB file). Then, I opened up Mapsource, and in the drop-down I see my regular maps, plus yours (Ibycus Topo 1.1). When I click on yours, it opens up, and I see Canada with a bunch of little rectangles all over it, which I assume is all the maps you did. When I clicked on any of them to enlarge them, I zoomed in, and in, and in, and there was nothing there. I then remembered you mentionned something about "Ctrl g", so I did it and it all appeared. And now the bad news: The only thing is that in New Brunswick (where I live and need them most) all the trails, railroads, power lines and pipelines are there along with the elevation/topography whatchamacallims are there, but no roads or highways, however these roads appear everywhere else. And now for the questions: I am assuming I now need to download something else in order to see these roads in NB, or is it just the way it's supposed to be, or is it something else? If it is the way it's supposed to be, can I download these maps and they would over-lay ontop of my road maps already on my gps, or will they over-write what I already have in my gps? p.s.- Sorry for being such a noob, and thanks for all your patience and all your hard work.
  3. I teach too, Quigles. So it might be cheating, but what the heck: It keeps the area but distorts the shape.
  4. Sounds like old Native American talk for the sun and the moon, although I'm not so sure one would want to use the moon for navigation. Or maybe it depends on how much longer one leg is then the other: a greater difference would mean you'd walk around in bigger circles.
  5. Why is it automatically the hider is the one that has the wrong coords. Could the finder not be the one that has the less accurate gpsr? I have a couple of caches listed on another site and everytime time I go to check on it, I get a different reading using the same gpsr. There are too many factors involved. If anyone is heading out to fnd a cache with full expectations that the cache is located at the exact coords posted will be in for a long day. In the case of the coordinates taking us in the middle of the street, we were three geocachers with each our own gps. Coincidence? I think not.
  6. Because, for example, when the cords they are following take them right in the middle of a busy street, they're "probably" off a little, don't you think? In a case such as this, I for one appreciate the "correct" coordinates. =-)
  7. For a newbie, the easiest thing to do is probably download the installer from http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo . 021 isn't in there yet, but it will be (my version has it in already). Also I should mention that 021 doesn't at the moment have the road network for new brunswick in it (which I'm guessing might be important to you). I missed adding it when I was processing the files. When I click on www.ibycus.com/ibicustopo/Topomaps.msi, it says "The installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package." Darn it all!
  8. I kinda figured I was missing something. my etrex didn't come with such a CD. not that it would help me, being on linux, but I feel a little shafted I didn't get a CD with mine either. We must've gotten duped.
  9. I'm a noob. Is there any way I can get step by step instructions on how to go from finding the map I need to putting it on my gps? I'm not getting it. For example, when I download the map from http://mapcenter.cgpsmapper.com/maplist.ph...=37&rgn=021 for example, where do I go from there? When I try to open the file that has been downloaded, it says "Windows cannot open this file. blah blah blah to try to find the program that created it.".
  10. ACME should be able to hook you up with that. Wile E. Coyote ought to be able to give you more information. It seems he deals with them a lot.
  11. Isn't the north pole in the North American tectonic plate? Therefore whatever the Russians claim would be false, regardless of the name of that ridge, because the North American Plate is not part of the Eurasian plate..
  12. So how about the next question, then? or did this thread die?
  13. Wow! That is sooo cool!!! you are the bomb!!! Is there any way you can do 021? (New Brunswick).
  14. Is it this one? http://www.aardvarktravel.net/a-cheap-flig...pic.php?t=28499
  15. Yes, but the Gorn Rocks are real, and they're geological...so I only kind of maybe bent the rules. BTW: I'm not a Trekkie, I was just really looking hard for a relevant question. Are those them huge pillar-like hexagonal (or maybe octogonal) rocks in Scotland? (or is it Ireland?)
  16. I'm guessing the Champlain Sea as well. darn that red-haired witch! She beat me be less then a minute!
  17. Oooou! I know, but I think I'll pass. I gotta take a break from this for a while I think.
  18. Quigly Jones pretty much nailed it. Use the stick in the ground, and at high noon, measure the angle that the top of the pole and the tip of the shaddow makes to determine latitude (if 45 degrees with the shaddow pointing south, then you are at 45 degrees north), and for longitude Quigly nailed it. The only thing he left out is that one would have to know before hand what is the time difference of their watch and Greenwich time. Take it away, Quigly Jones!
  19. Did I say anything about geocaching? Noooo, I just want you to tell me how to find out, for example, where in the world you would be if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island, and for some reason you ended up with a stick, a protractor (maybe a kid on the boat had one for his math homework, you know, that thing that tells you the angle of things), and your trusty watch. How could you find out your coordinates so you would be able to put a dot on a map (the one that was on the boat, and got washed ashore with you) so you would know where on the planet you are. Come on, you guys! You gotta start using your heads! Or, shall I just tell you myself how it's done and give any random person the credit? (man! y'all are starting to sound like some of my students!)
  20. Find a nearby geocacher and tell him "I'll give you a watch, a stick, and a protractor if you tell me what the local coordinates are." dave
  21. Come on, dudes! Use a little math! No gps, no sextant. Just a stick, a protractor, and a watch. Hint: you'll need plenty of sunshine.
  22. All rightey, then! How can you find out your coordinates (longitude and latitude) with only a watch, a stick, and a protractor?
  23. So let's keep it going, then! This is what I dug-up from my pile of stoof: Say you're sailing along, following your compass, (whether it's north, south, east, west, north-east, west-by-north-west, or what have you), as long as you are continuously going along that compass bearing, making a straight line, that line you are theoretically making is the rhumb line, or otherwise known as the loxodromic curve. On a map it would look like you are crossing the meridians at the same angle every time. Can we keep it going now? This is fun!
  24. Naw, I looked it up in my sailing dictionary to refresh my memory, and when I did, I said "Doe! I knew that!". So, anyway, I'm now disqualified for this question.
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