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Posts posted by brslk

  1. Wow. I'm actually agreeing with bittsen. Mark this day down. :D



    I keep saying... Everyone comes arond to my way of thinking eventually




    I am very afraid... I have been agreeing with bittsen and the guy that knows chad a lot lately...


    I suppose... no matter how much you don't agree with someone... when they are right... they are right...


    and you eventually come arond to their way of thinking... :)



  2. Muggle Hubby (as I refer to him in logs) really thinks that caching is one of the biggest wastes of time (and gas, and wearing out the car) that is in existence. Both of my adult sons feel the same way. All three of them are Eagle Scouts, you'd think that they'd be more interested in an outdoor hobby.


    Having said that, he has cached with me a little bit. He was actually with me on my first find, which was with the GPSr I had bought him. He later regifted it to me with my blessing when I discovered how much I enjoyed caching. When we are touring on our motorcycle, he will stop for a cache if it is easy and quick and right off the road, like in a rest area. I can only push my luck so far here. My sons will occasionally go out with me for a few caches, like if there's one that is too high for me to reach. And MH made me a really great cache container out of a log, and has even repaired it a few times since I've put it out.


    Like a previous poster, I think that spouses can and should develop interests that are separate from each other, as long as they have some shared interests as well. Sure, I wish that the family was more interested in caching. But I don't let that stop me from getting out there on my own.


    "muggle hubby" I love that term... What should I call my wife who is not so into it? 'muggle wifey'? 'mugglette'?


    NM... I shouldn't push my luck... I should just be thankful she puts up with my crap.



  3. I have no idea what the real issue here is. Who is right, who is wrong?

    What I mostly don't understand is why JV would start a thread about this?


    Sure... it's interesting reading for us but... meh... I like to keep my problems private.


    And is this really even a problem? cripes man... let it go...


    I could understand you responding if the CO started a thread complaining about you.


    I see no reason for you to start this thread. I also think you should email the CO and alert them to this thread so they have a chance to respond (even if they asked you not to(or is that what you are counting on?))

  4. I could care less if a group of people want to go out in the woods and run around naked in a circle and pray to whetever they feel like. I guess I draw the line at cutting the heads off live chickens and goats, (animal sacrifice) burning live candles in the woods (that's bad enough) but to leave them burning! And we won't even go to the issue of littering.

    Littering? I already covered that. I did the job the Park-Circus Oaf-ishul should have done in the first place, if he wasn't so freaked-out by his own religious beliefs. He was incompetent. Fire hazard? Was lightly misting that morning, most candles were out. Drawing the line? Then be sure to stomp into every church on Sunday where they practice ritual cannibalism during communion. Oh, and don't make any thanksgiving-day nor x-mas dinners either. Those turkeys wouldn't want you making sacrifices of them so you can pray to your god at the table for the animal sacrifice you made of it.


    Some of you need to learn how to use a mirror, desperately.


    You Sir are a Nut... that is the most polite thing I can say to you.

  5. A "Park Circus 'oaf-ishul' " was doing his job as required an you find something that it was part of his job to report. You "interfere" with the subject and he gets in trouble and almost looses his job. I'm glad to see he was doing his job. Most Gub'ment employees do this. Maybe something was put in his personel file about false reporting that will follow him around as being a problem. Maybe it will some time in the future be enough to terminate him. Maybe something like this could happen to you. How would you feel if it did.

    If my religious beliefs made me so paranoid and psychotic as this "gub'ment" employee as to waste perfectly good tax-payer dollars over something so ridiculously stupid as someone's obvious and harmless spiritual ritual the night before, enough so as to report it and take 3 other tax-payer paid employees away from more important jobs instead of just cleaning it up like he should have done ... you can be d@mn sure I'd want that following me around in my records so I wouldn't be so amazingly stupid and paranoid and waste everyone's time and money like that ever again.


    He got EXACTLY what he deserved. Every insecure ego-tripping brown-shirt that runs around using their religious beliefs to waste all our time and money should get exactly the same if not more. Fired without question.


    Are you always so pleasant?

  6. As a cache owner, I would evaluate whether or not it is a big deal or not before contacting the cacher. If the container or the hide is really unique and adds to the experience I would ask them to remove the picture. If it is one of my ammo cans stuck in an old stump or other such routine hide then the spoiler picture really isn't a big deal.


    A local cacher hid an ammo can behind a Tim Hortons. Not the nicest location but when you found it you discovered he had painted it to look like a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. In a case like that, the container is really THE reason for the cache and a photo would ruin the experience. (The cache is now archived, so I know I haven't spoiled anything for the few locals who read these forums!)


    You gotta send me info on that cache!

  7. The funniest thing that ever happened to me is I almost killed myself cachin' unprepared in the desert south of Laughlin, Nevada.


    The funniest thing I ever read in the forums was posted by JoeFrog aka Joke Frog over 5 years ago and nothing has surpassed it for me:


    Ah, and of course...


    I like monkeys.


    The pet store was selling them for 5¢ each. I thought that was odd since they were normally a couple thousand dollars each. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.


    I bought 200.


    I like monkeys.


    I took my 200 monkeys home.


    I have a big car.


    I let one of them drive. His name was Sigmund.


    He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals.


    I laughed.


    Then they punched my genitals.


    I stopped laughing.


    I herded them into my apartment.


    They didn't adapt very well to their new environment.


    They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at high speeds and slam into the wall.


    Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour.


    Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive: they all died.


    No apparent reason.


    They all just sort of dropped dead.


    Kinda odd like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later.


    dadgum cheap monkeys.


    I didn't know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my apartment. On the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase.


    It looked like I had 200 throw rugs.


    I tried to flush one down the toilet.


    It didn't work. It got stuck.


    Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.


    I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals.


    That worked for a while.


    That is until they began to decompose.


    Then it started to smell real bad.


    I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want to call the plumber.


    I was embarrassed.


    I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them.


    Unfortunately, there was only enough room for two monkeys at a time, so I had to change them every 30 seconds.


    I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn't all go bad.


    I tried burning them.


    Little did I know my bed was flammable.


    I had to extinguish the fire.


    Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed.


    The odor wasn't improving.


    I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys or use the bathroom.


    I severely beat one of my monkeys.


    I felt better.


    I tried throwing them way but the garbage man said that the city wasn't allowed to dispose of charred primates.


    I told him that I had a wet one.


    He couldn't take that one either.


    I didn't bother asking about the frozen ones.


    I finally arrived at a solution.


    I gave them out as Christmas gifts.


    My friends didn't know quite what to say.


    They pretended that they like them but I could tell they were lying.




    So I punched them in the genitals.


    I like monkeys.


    I guess I'll have to put them in a cache.


    That is one of the most funny things I have ever read on the internet.. And I've read a few....

  8. For the most part, you are right. Those logs have been around for at least as long as I have been geocaching (+5 years) If the cache is already hidden, then it should be put back as close to the way that you found it as possible. But there will be times that you find a cache right out in the open... possibly not matching the difficulty rating, but also perhaps simply in plain sight of anybody walking by. In those cases, you would want to hide it better than you found it, hoping to preserve the cache's integrity, right?


    I'll have to agree with Cliff here.


    For the most part I hide em where I find em. But if I find a Tupperware box and some toys scattered around it in the open... I will try to put it in a good place within feet of where I found it.



  9. Thank you everyone who has taken the time to respond. Your answers have been very helpful!


    I have a couple of follow-up questions, if you don't mind.


    Concerning item value. I'm a crafty sort and I intend to make some of my tradables. I was thinking about making cool looking pouches (suitable for pens, GPSr, tradables) that could be worn around the neck, decorative dangles, patches, etc....how should I rate the value of these items? The cost of the materials alone? Materials + Labor? Or what I would charge for the item on Etsy?


    Another question about DNFs. Should you post a DNF any time you manage not to find a cache even if you intend to go back or only when you've given up?


    As others have said, value your homemade goods as you see fit. I personally love to find handmade things. Anyone can go to the dollar store or walmart. I appreciate it when someone makes something specifically just for caching.



  10. Hi All!

    Just a quick question that may sound weird. I just started caching and have found that every time I am stopped looking for a cache, people always stop and ask if I need help. Is this normal? Don't get me wrong, I like that so many people are willing to help, but it is awkward at times... I don't know if this is because I am a female or what, but I would love any advice about how to be more stealth-like or avoid all the inquiries. Thanks! :rolleyes:


    Or perhaps because you are a female, people (are they mostly men?) are just trying start a conversation with you?

  11. I have upped the difficulty by going the wrong way many times... still do now and then, but much less often than before because I figured out one important lesson... the hider is probably just as lazy as I am! :D


    Now when I am faced with extreme terrain, or bushwacking through a field of thorns, I stop and think "Nah, he wouldn't have gone that way, so there must be a better way." and there almost always is!


    Exactly! I know I can't be the only lazy cacher out there! can I? :D


    Still hasn't stopped me from doing things the hard way too many times though...

  12. Put it this way... If I tell my wife "don't be a B**ch" and gets gets angry,

    should she be pacified when I tell her "I wasn't saying you were one. I was telling you not to be one"


    Pretty sure I would end up homeless, crippled or at least couch sleeping for awhile...

  13. why make people waste time/money to only go : "NAR NAR but i already got it!"

    Not quite sure I follow what you're saying. Those folks who follow will be caching, as opposed to sitting on the couch watching Jerry Springer. I don't see that as a bad thing. If I were to make a mad dash out of the house, in search of a recently published cache, I would still experience the excitement of the hunt. I wouldn't know I wasn't first until I opened the logbook. Up to that point, everything would be identical to a FTF attempt. No one can take those memories away from me. I can assure you that no time spent caching, whether I get FTF, 10th to find or even a DNF, is a "waste". :unsure:


    That was likely well said, CR.


    Lets say I grabbed a long list of coordinates, some new, some old.

    I'd head out caching at 6am. At 6:15, I nab a FTF.

    Am I expected to run home to where I have internet and log my find? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.


    Instead, I'd cache until 6PM, get home, eat dinner, then MAYBE at 9 or 10pm, I might log my FTF's, you know, when I get around to it.


    And judging by the comments that have been posted here, thats RUDE to wait such a long time to log an FTF.

    for it to be called RUDE, it must mean If that pisses people off that someone doesnt log right away.

    If that pisses people off, That person is just a piss-poor sport. Plain & Simple. Does anyone here want to stand up and admit they're a poor sport and make a counterargument?


    I was backing you but now you seem to be changing / confusing your story.

    At first you said that you were gonna hold off on logging it to gloat a little while... are you now saying that you just didn't log it because you couldn't get to the comp till it was convenient?


    Please clarify.

  14. Hey, as a relatively NEW geocacher, when I started this thread, all I wanted to do was share the story of my recent achievement.


    I was hoping people would share some stories about, "I can remember my first FTF, too".

    Stuff like that.


    All I've gotten was 60+ posts about the ETHICS of geocaching, and quite frankly, I feel like I've been beaten up enough.


    To be honest heliDood, I don't think you have been really beaten up and you have handled yourself quite well.

    There has been a person or two (some may even go underwater) that can't seem to help themselves from looking up everyone who posts stats and criticize them because 'they don't have many finds' or 'they don't have many hides' or, god forbid they 'don't have many posts'.


    Ignore them.



  15. All for it.


    If we don't get this I will quit geocaching, throw my gps in the garbage, muggle caches, fling feces, quit my job and stop saying 'thank you' to people that hold the door open for me!


    (do empty threats count?)


    On a serious note though. Would it be retroactive for all the DNFs (not that I have tons of them :anibad: ) that I have already logged?

  16. Is the person who posts a "Needs Archive", public info?

    I just ask, so that in case I ever post one on a cache, I don't want the cache owner or anyone else to get mad at me and talk smack about me in the forums! :)

    That's why I like to say something like, "I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that a reviewer should be made aware of this cache" (or something to that effect) with the SBS log. Posting the log in no way is an automatic archive. All you are doing is asking for the reviewer's attention. Don't think for one second that the reviewer won't ignore your log if everything seems to be in order!


    It's my opinion that 90% of the angst could be avoided if GC.com simply changed the title of the log from "Needs Archived" to "Needs Reviewer Attention".

    I am in TOTAL agreement with you there, with one small exception. It would soon be known commonly as an NRA log, and that might cause some unintentional problems with the extremists in the group. :D

    Well, that idea is shot to hell now.. :huh:


    Hey, you gave it your best shot. :P

    Yea, it's important not to go off half-cocked when considering this. :huh:


    Definitely, you don't wanna pull the trigger too soon. :D

  17. Is the person who posts a "Needs Archive", public info?

    I just ask, so that in case I ever post one on a cache, I don't want the cache owner or anyone else to get mad at me and talk smack about me in the forums! :)

    That's why I like to say something like, "I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that a reviewer should be made aware of this cache" (or something to that effect) with the SBS log. Posting the log in no way is an automatic archive. All you are doing is asking for the reviewer's attention. Don't think for one second that the reviewer won't ignore your log if everything seems to be in order!


    It's my opinion that 90% of the angst could be avoided if GC.com simply changed the title of the log from "Needs Archived" to "Needs Reviewer Attention".

    I am in TOTAL agreement with you there, with one small exception. It would soon be known commonly as an NRA log, and that might cause some unintentional problems with the extremists in the group. :D

    Well, that idea is shot to hell now.. :D


    Hey, you gave it your best shot. :P

  18. [link removed by moderator]


    need i say more?


    Ya... thanx for that link. I will never view another link you post or read anything you post.


    That was honestly sickening...


    I am not opposed to people eating rabbits but, to cuddle them and then beat them on the head and skin them alive...


    It seems to me the woman on the video is or has the potential to be a serial killer...


    That really creeped me out.


    I should also add... is this not a family website? One cannot post suggestive things or adult things but this is allowed????



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