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Everything posted by husqui

  1. quote:Originally posted by CoronaKid:I live in Corona and work in Torrance.... --CoronaKid That's a gosh-danged long commute! You're in the car for, what, 3 hours a day? Unfortunately, I haven't done any caches in either of those two areas but from what I've read, there seems to be a lot of cool caches by the Palos Verdes peninsula.
  2. quote:Originally posted by LarsThorwald:Hey Husqui: I joined the OC Thread. Does that mean we get to have pizza together? As long as we don't have to go and pick out curtains together ..... But pizza WITH beer is a must! Since you profess to be the Entertainment Chairman, are you interested in helping organize a pizzafest? In the OC Geocachers yahoo group, I suggested maybe having one somewhere in the Irvine area (Tustin, Mission Viejo, etc.) for a change. If so, maybe we can initiate some discussion and planning in that group and then present it here in this forum. To carivercpl: it doesn't matter where you're from (Moon Base Alpha for all I care --- specially if you hide a cache up there). As long as you know where OC is, I say please join in. SteveL: I concur re: your OC observations. We don't really have a center, no one 'identity' to call our own, if you will. (Maybe that's why it's so hard to get a geocaching event together, eh?) Kind of, perhaps, a to-each-his-own attitude. But then again, it's the laid-back, independent, and diverse culture that I like about it (most of the time). I spent most of the afternoon today driving a friend around LA. She wants to move out there and we were looking at different areas to move to. Yup, it's got more excitement, it's more vibrant, and it's got more 'culture'. But for now, I'm happy with Orange County.
  3. Thanks for the insight, G&M. Yes, I guess we are lucky here both with the quantity, variety, and type of caches that we have. I also seek out caches every now and then in the LA/San Bernardino area (hope to do whatever's out in Big Bear when I go on snowshoeing treks this winter) and a handful in Santa Barbara and they are similar to what you describe of the Central Valley/OC area. I'll make sure to try out caches in your area when I have a chance. And it's a good thing I don't live in Livermore! (with no offense at all to the Livermore residents --- I just suck and am too impatient when doing puzzles)
  4. quote:Originally posted by georgeandmary:We came down and tried some of your Orange County caches and found that you all hide caches like we do up here in the Central Valley. Glad to hear that California's #1 cachers had fun hunting down caches in OC. Just wondering what you mean by "...hide caches like we do...."? Is there a distinct method of hiding that seems different from others?
  5. Yeah, I agree..... great idea, Geo Chasers! It's about time that we OC Geocachers come out of the woodwork and initiate more discussion. Anything and everything, as long as we stay right off track, standing back-to-back while facing each other. Such as... Done any good caches lately? Gotten any Poison Oak? How about ticks? What the heck does "Drogher" mean? What does baking like to bake? Can the Fiddler really play the fiddle? How far have the drifters drifted? Are GeoBoltz, GeoJeff, and GeoCraig brothers? Does LarsThorwald ever put his cup-a-java down (or was it surgically attached to his mouth)? How the heck is everybody doing? .....and a Happy New Year to one and all (whether or not you live in OC)! Sorry about that....got carried away there for a minute. Now I'm running late for dinner. See you all next year!!!!
  6. I was reading the latest logs and came upon this. I can see how it happened but I wonder if it was deliberate on the newbie's part. In either case, it certainly seems to have ticked off the other guy as he posted the same note in at least 9 other caches....
  7. Rubio Haunted Area is a cache here in Southern California that I've logged. Cool spot to visit with an interesting history to it; in fact, an article appeared in the Los Angeles Times recently about this site. Didn't see or hear anything spooky but then again there were 5 of us. Note that our celebrity geocacher GroundskeeperWillie attempted to find this one....
  8. quote:Originally posted by Cavess: My goal, with the help of the geocaching community, is to change the miscommunication that has occurred. Thank you for you and your organization's open-minded approach to whatever issues may have happened or may happen. I personally have never hunted for a cache in a cave but would like a chance to do so someday. Hopefully, continued communication between our groups will allow me that experience at some point in the future. Welcome to the forums!
  9. Seriously, I take my two brats with me for geocaching adventures whenever I can. When scoping out a cache, the first thing I always try to figure out is whether or not the trail/area is dog-friendly. If it is AND it entails at least a moderate walk/hike, then we go for it. If it's only a short walk or a cache-and-dash, we still go for it but usually as an add-on hunt after doing a more vigorous one. "No-dogs-allowed" caches are usually placed at the bottom of my list but I do seek them out when taking friends or newbies along. My dogs' love for adventure and the outdoors definitely make them the perfect geocaching companions. They don't argue about what to leave or take in the cache though they do love to stick their noses in the container. I just have to make sure that we go for long hikes when it's not too hot and I always have to account for extra bottles water (and let's not forget the dog treats) in my backpack. And if you come across a cache with a picture of a couple of huskies in it, then chances are we've been there....
  10. quote:Originally posted by jfaust97@yahoo.com: Send your info to me and I will talk to the boss about getting a few pairs out to deserving reviewers at a steeply discounted price... If you like em... tell everyone... if not send em back... simple enough I definitely want to at least try them out. I own a pair of Tubbs snowshoes, which I've had for about 7 years now. No problems with them but I've always wanted to get a different model that would hopefully be more versatile and to have as a second pair so I can loan them out to friends whenever I can coerce them to go dashing through the snow. It would really be interesting to see how these shoes stand up to their claim as being the world's "first full motion snowshoe". With 2 high-energy huskies in harness pulling me via a skijor belt, my snowshoe treks are always a lively experience. These guys drag me through a variety of terrain, and I have to be prepared to move "...forwards, backwards or sideways" and satisfy their natural drive as I am often times forced to "...run, jump, traverse and climb". One thing I'm really curious about is what traction these Yetis have. I do not see any crampons, so I'm not sure what kind of grip they will provide when climbing up an icy incline. I've had my eye on the MSR Denali, as they look to be more suited to a variety of movements and trail conditions, specially in their models with the additional flotation tails for softer snow. But hey, if your "steeply discounted price" is right, then I would love to give them a test drive.
  11. quote:Originally posted by manuelcasi: Yep I am pretty famous. http://www.ManuelCasillas.com .....and a humble one at that! quote:Originally posted by BrianSnat: http://www.winkmartindale.com/ is one. Is Wink really a geocacher? What's his handle?
  12. quote:Originally posted by Cache Canucks: Maybe I'm dating myself but, as anyone who watched prime-time television back in the 70's can tell you, there's only _one_ 'Herb Tarlek' ...loud tie ...3" belt that always matched his shoes ...wide lapelled '4 alarm' polyester suits ...yup, that's the guy! Aha! You've been dating yourself, eh? So with a suprlus of prophylactics currently in your possession, you must be the one responsible for leaving those condoms in the cache!
  13. quote:Originally posted by CreagerStone Family: I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but apparently, it's today's _top story_! Oh well, at least I get the first quote in the story. Jason, I hate to burst your bubble but as far as I can tell, a guy by the name of Todd Spradlin has the first quote in the story. But hey, your the first Las Vegan that was quoted.... Great article nonetheless, and I especially like the photos.
  14. quote:Originally posted by Geo-Johnson's:Sounds to me like Husqui missed the shoe department all together........... I have to admit, the reason I ended up buying some hiking socks was because I just bought a pair of winter boots online via REI-Outlet.com a couple of weeks ago. Last night, I decided that I will return those boots and go back to the store and exchange them for a different model that's slightly more expensive.....wish me luck!
  15. $8.50. That’s all it was suppose to cost. Eight dollars and fifty cents…. I was contemplating a couple of day hikes/cache hunts the other day and as I was going through my equipment checklist, I realized that two of my Nalgene water bottles were on the verge of cracking. So I decided to buy a new one, just in case, and off I went to my favorite outdoors store. Water bottle, water bottle, all I need is a water bottle. That was my chant. As I made my way through the aisles, my eyes steered towards the trekking poles. I’m just going to look, I told myself. But dang, I do need a new pair as I now only carry half of my original REI poles as one shaft finally broke after over 5 years of use. A quick check of the model I wanted showed a $95 price tag --- want it, but can’t and shouldn’t do it. Not yet anyway, maybe it will go sale sometime soon. Whew, there you go, I passed my first test. But alas, it was downhill from there. Socks, I just remembered, I need a pair of hiking socks. Okay, so I ended up getting 2 pairs. But close by there was a sign --- Gramicci fleece wear on sale! Hey, it is getting colder and I just could not turn down my favorite outdoor clothing label. And then right there were some REI polartec jackets on sale. I do owe my niece a birthday present; after all, she is my godchild. And I just took her and my sister caching up in the mountains the other day, and she was freezing. Yeah, that’s it, I am going to get her that jacket for her overdue birthday present. Ah, yes, I just remembered that I’ve been meaning to get a camera case. Found it, perfect! I can strap this on to the front of my backpack for quick access during those photo opps while geocaching. Uh-oh, what’s that? Great, they got those cool, lightweight Petzl Zipka headlamps on sale! Gotta have it. Oh wow, that is quite a first aid kit. I really should replace the bulky “chest” that I’ve had for seven years…..hey, this is a must-have item! Are those nutrition bars over there? I was geocaching last weekend and I traded stuff for the Balance Bar that somebody left in the ammo box. Boy, I wolfed that thing down and it sure tasted good especially after 1.5 miles of uphill hiking. Yeah, I think I’ll get myself a couple of those. Oh, and I gotta get some for the brats (um, er, the huskies, that is). I have to give them something more nutritious than biscuits ---- there it is, Zukes Power Bones! Now I’m waiting in line at the cash register. Seems like I’m missing something, what the heck is it? Ooops, almost forgot --- where’s that water bottle? Needless to say, I am now poorer by $186.33. All because of a water bottle that I decided to buy from REI. Is it wrong for me to hate them? You decide…. I apologize for the long post but I just needed to blow off some steam. Thank you for listening.
  16. The Salomons you have bookmarked from REI are trail running shoes. I own a similar pair from Asics but I'm getting ready to buy a new set, possibly those same Salomons or even a North Face. I do use my trail shoes for geocaching when I know that the terrain will be relatively flat or if I actually want to combine the hunt with a little bit of running. However, if I think that the terrain requires an uphill hike and/or will be rough and tough, then I use a lightweight pair of hiking boots. The boots I use are made by Timberland and I purposely got a lightweight model. It's very comfortable and gives me enough ankle support and traction. It also has enough flex in it to allow me to jog on the trail when needed --- my geocaching husky companions do like to break out into a run every now and then and I have no choice but to comply. I do need to buy a different pair for our snowshoe trips once snow starts to cover the local Southern California mountains. BTW, you can get those same Salomon shoes slightly cheaper at www.roadrunnersports.com. After shipping, it's probably cheaper to just go get it from REI, if there's one close to you. Nonetheless, you probably should still check out their website IF you are in the market for trail running shoes as they do have different ratings, reviews, and general info that would give a better idea on a shoe's fit, form and functionality. Or you can give Imelda Marcos a call and ask her opinion....
  17. .....if it does, then the answer is a resounding YES! Actually, I was not on a cache hunt when this happened but rather I was out looking for a spot to hide a cache. I know what PO looks like but apparently I totally missed this bunch. I got hit hard as both my legs from my thighs down to right above my ankles (I was wearing shorts and ankle socks) were in itching, oozing, agony for almost 5 weeks. Definitely something you should watch out for and NOT something I ever want to go through again!
  18. I suggest you contact Anders and find out how you can get your hands on the ultimate geocaching suit....
  19. ....but I gotta wait for the weather to cool down first (huskies don't like the heat). And down here in La-La Land, that won't be 'til sometime around October. So hopefully someone else will come to your rescue before then.
  20. Does the whole "theme park thing" mean your going down to Orange County to see Mickey and his friends as well? Or are you pretty much staying up in LA-LA land for the Universal Studios, et.al. tour? I'm from OC and cache mostly down in this area. If you're coming down this way (maybe you're even driving down to San Diego for Sea World and the SD Zoo), I can give you recommendations for the Orange County area. Otherwise, I would recommend this cache (as I've done before) as it was a really cool place to visit: The Hollywood Reservoir Lemme know if you're touring OC and I'll post a few recommendations for ya!
  21. quote:Originally posted by ktjensen:Since I have yet to find one, what does a Geocache look like? Is it a bag covered with leaves? Is it stuck between roicks, or under rocks? Is it in a tree? or under branhes? Is it in a can, or a plastic container? A lot of geocaches are also ammo boxes. And some caches are very creatively camouflaged. Can you spot the cache in this picture? It's the "rock" that the GPS is resting on. I moved it from its original location so I can take this pic but it was sitting by a fallen tree right next to a bunch of other rocks. Took me about 45 minutes to finally find it. Have patience and get used to finding some easy ones. Before you know, you'll be hooked just like the rest of us...
  22. I will say a prayer for your beloved Bec. Her suffering has ended but she is in a much happier place. I share in your grief...
  23. quote:Originally posted by Runaround:Ahh.. Mere children. Where were you when you heard that McKinley was assassinated? ____________ Why (and how) would anyone want to assassinate a mountain?!?
  24. quote:Originally posted by yorelken: quote:Originally posted by TT120:39 for me and 11 for my dog. That makes the dog one of the oldest - in dog years, what? 77 or so? Actually, some animal experts have been calculating dog age this way: 1st year = 14 yrs, 2nd year = addn'l 10 yrs, every year after that = addn'l 4 yrs. Ergo, Jessi and myself (I'm Alex --- using the home computer while husqui is at work and my nose is starting to hurt from poking these keys!) are approximately 60 and 56 in human years. Husqui, on the other hand, is about 6.5 in dog years but he acts too much like an 8-month old puppy most of the time.....
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