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Posts posted by Lazy_G_Boys

  1. I think it should be something for everyone. I am still new to this, so I probably should steer clear of this, but I can't. On the 3 I found with tradable items, we went with the rule of equal or better value put back. My kids love looking through it, and it's teaching them they can't take it all out. I fund a really cool slice of polished wood yesterday that I couldn't resist though. In another one I traded a real dollar for two fake toy dollars. I have two boys, so we end up trading for two things. Can't let one have something and not the other. I still put back for both of them. They are so happy with whatever and are easily pleased by some of the simplest things. If I come across a geocoin or TB it will be something I take control of if we have intentions to move it along in the direction it wants to go. I'm also planning to make some things to keep on hand for trading or stocking mine with. I like the idea of signature items and am trying to decide how to make some to represent us as well. There's always going to be some bad apples in every bunch though. I found a part of a dollar that was burnt along the edge that I didn't feel was appropriate. I told hubby it was probably a quarter of the dollar traded for an actual quarter. That's also illegal and disrespectfull in my oppinion. I plan to occasionally go clean the crap from my own caches every once in a while, so people won't be dissappointed in the find. We'll see if they ever even are found!

  2. I think it's all in how you feel about it. I personally love cemetaries. I enjoy walking around them, without worrying about traffic and often take my boys out to ours here. My mother and grandfather are both there and we go visit them. My oldest son remembers my grandad but my mom passed on before they were even a thought in my mind. I hid one there that is up for review. It gives people an opportunity to see something special. Ours is a very old one and really is nice to walk around. Like I said before, with the lack of traffic or speeding traffic it can give kiddos an opportunity to get out and not make parents a nervous wreck. They even allow dogs as long as you clean up after them. So I guess it's all in your personal feelings.

  3. Now that makes me nervous. I don't see myself searching after dark too much anyways, but I definitely will only go after dark with my hubby. Crime has become a problem with the economy the way it has been. People are desperate and can be a little crazy in their desperation. Practice safe night procedures. Park in well lit areas, always pay attention to your surroundings, and check backseat if you have one. Carry a big heavy flashlight like a mag light. It could help if you have to use it! At least leave a mark for id. Our biggest worry where I am is nosy neighbors, or wild critters.

  4. I'm still new to this. I heard about it a while ago, but just decided to check into it last Sunday. So far I have found 5 this week. 2 decons, 2 micros, and one virtual. I have my two boys with me and for them they really enjoy finding a "treasure". For me it's about the log and putting my finds online. I myself have already put two out and am waiting for them to be reviewed. I went for a traditional cache so if someone else coming along with kiddos, it can be enjoyed by all. As far as the choices, the ammo can will probably stand the test of time better than the others. I had to use lock-n-lock boxes. Hubby wouldn't give up an ammo can for anything, so I raided the kitchen!! It's all up to what you have available and your personal preference as far as I can tell.

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