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Everything posted by dblrngr

  1. I would be in for one bronze. I would also take a silver - if you have a waiting list going.. thanks dblrngr
  2. I'm kinda new to the forums. Jumped in one day and never did get myself introduced. I became involved in geo-caching over a year ago, but didn't really get into it for many months after that. I'm originally from Nebraska, but have lived in Wyoming for most of my 50 years (well..two saturday's away will be 50). I am single and have no children....Not yet sure if either is a bad thing or a good thing? I can tell you that most of my friends have a definate opinion. I enjoy traveling, bowling, billiards and anything to do with water. I do not so enjoy yardwork, traffic and long stop lights. Thats about it... dblrngr
  3. To Kilted Cacher and The4Grays. Yep, I had you down twice..and have deleted the double order To TheWalkabouts - email sent Dang - I tried hard to keep it all straight. sorry for all the confusion dblrngr
  4. ooocheey.. you are correct...I will get it changed. thanks - dblrngr
  5. We are now at 1,000 coins. Any posts beyond this one will be on a waiting list of sorts. I am concerned that I have some names down for bronze coins that are also part of an ordering group. If this is true, could I please have the person that is in charge of group ordering PM me and let me know so I can get the list fixed. My hope (i'm not sure how the pay pal stuff works) is that everyone on this list will have first ordering privledges. WYlostinMA is working on finalizing the ordering thru pay pal. The design should also be forthcoming. Again, thanks to all of you for your patience. (OFFICIAL LIST) NAME - Bronze / Silver 9Key - 0 / 3 2Bugs - 2/ 2 2golfers - 0 / 2 Allanon - 0 / 1 Alnilam - 4 / 2 AtlantaGal - 1 / 1 avroair - 2 badlands / 10 - 2 Balla & Silly - 0 / 2 Barthonis - 1 / 2 Big JohnP - 2 / 2 bikinibottomfeeders - 2 / 1 BisonWoman - 5 / 2 bldebabe - 1 / 1 Blind Avacado - 0 / 1 Blue iis - 0 / 2 bluegillfisherman - 2 / 2 brianb - 2 (if trackable) bullit - 60 / 0 Bushwhacked Glenn - 2 / 2 Cache-bert - 4 / 2 Cache-Hounds - 2 / 1 Cache Buzzards - 2 / 1 Cache & Keri - 5 / 2 CacheHunters42 - 2 / 2 cainrcc - 1 / 1 Camp Explorer - 2 / 1 cascadepkr - 1 / 1 catweasled - 2 / 2 Cav Scout - 2 / 1 cazray and Mrs.caz - 2 CENTS - 2 ChileHead - 2 ChilliBusher - 2 Cog&Gil - 6 / 2 Cornerstone4 - 2 / 1 cpparrothead - 2 / 2 Cruiserdude - 2 / 1 Damenace - 0 / 1 Darby Gill - 5 / 1 David21&fisherwoman - 0 / 1 dblrngr - 0 / 5 dhenninger - 2 / 2 Dhobby1 - 0 / 2 DLiming - 2 / 1 Doughball - 3/ 1 dzrtgrls - 5 / 2 D@nim@l - 2 / 2 elmosmelmo - 1 / 2 Escapades - 3 / 2 fisnjack - 2 Fluffy&itchy - 2 / 1 FOtOmOm - 5 / 2 G Force - 2 GeoCrickets - 0 / 2 geolands - 2 / 2 geometeacher - 2 Ghostwriter13 - 2 / 2 ghostwriter13 - 5 / 2 Go JayBee - 8 / 2 GoeFaex - 2 / 2 Golfin'fool & me too - 2 GrandpaKim - 0 / 2 hammerjane - 0 / 2 hydnsek - 42 / 2 icar - 5 ICE - 35 / 10 IcecreamMan - 1 / 1 Jagman714 - 1 / 2 Jake - Team A.I. - 4 / 1 jamrasc - 1 Jan and the Percey Boys - 2 JeeperMJT - 2 / 1 jenbut - 1 jime 71211 - 3 / 1 joefrog - 1 / 1 JoGPS - 3 / 3 junglehair - 2 / 1 kentuckygirls - 2 / 2 KevinG68 - 2 / 2 Kfam - 5 / 2 Kilted Cacher - 1 / 1 Kilted Cacher - 1 / 1 KirklandExplorers - 2 / 2 KKTH3 - 2 Krew - 2 / 2 Ladebear68 - 3 Ladybug Kids - 5 / 2 Ladycacher - 5 / 2 larobley - 1 / 1 legm - 2 / 2 legna and sOulbAit - 2 / 1 leighhale - 2 / 2 Lemon Fresh Dog - 10 / 2 LSUMonica - 4 macatac1961 - 0 / 2 maggieszoo - 2 / 1 malloc - 2/ 1 ManGenGho - 1 / 1 MarcusArelius - 2 marmetion - 2 / 2 Maxine&Me - 3 / 2 Me & Bucky - 5 / 2 michigan chris - 1 / 1 MikeOtt - 1 /1 Moun10Bike - 0 / 1 Mr. Fantasic - 3 / 2 mtcd - 4 / 2 Mystery Ink - 2 / 1 M&M Hunter - 1 / 2 Night Hawk - 0 / 2 Nimli - 0 / 1 NorthWes - 2 nscaler - 2 / 2 Nurse Dave - 115 / 1 ogeo - 2 / 1 OldBaldEagle - 2 ou8alizzard - 2 / 2 OurWoods - 0 / 2 OurWoods - 2 outdoorlady79 - 5 packerbacker78 - 2 parrolet - 2 / 2 PassingWind - 1 / 1 Patudles - 3 Pengy&Tigger - 5 / 2 Pepper - 0 / 1 peppermill 6-Pack - 1 / 2 Prairiepartners - 2 / 3 ProTechCC - 0 / 1 Prying Padora - 2 rcnp - 2 / 1 Redwing Dave - 51 / 2 rivercity - 1 / 1 robinego - 3 Rubiconlwb - 0 / 2 Rupert2 - 2 / 2 RustyBeer Can - 4 SeabeckTribe - 2 shasties - 2 / 2 Shop99er - 1 / 1 Shydog - 2 / 1 SirGerald - 0 / 1 smokey & the teacher - 2 SoMDCacherz - 1 Son of Cyclops - 1 / 1 southbayday - 5 southbayday - 5 / 2 Special Ed - 2 / 2 Squealy - 2 stbk - 0 / 1 stbl - 0 / 1 Stuck on WGS84 - 0 / 2 Susanne&Mark - 0 / 1 Team A.I. - 4 / 1 Team BuddyMac - 2 Team CovChev - 1 / 1 Team Ferret - 0 / 2 Team Kozmo - 2 Team Noltex - 2 Team Rainbow - 2 / 2 Team Sand Dollar - 2 team simpson - 1 / 2 Team Simpson - 2 / 2 Team Wolfsbane - 2 / 2 TeamZebra - 0 / 2 teepeeayy - 2 Terrible Ts - 0 / 2 The Rubicon Brothers - 3 the4grays - 5 the4Grays - 5 Thorny1 - 0 / 2 Thoto - 2 / 1 tiki-4 - 2 / 2 tin-ear - 6 / 1 tmocm - 1 / 2 Toojin & Bart - 0 / 2 trail hound - 1 / 1 treasure1 - 3 / 3 trippy1976 / 5 / 2 Undaunted - 1 / 1 Utahbill - 0 / 1 Vargseld? - 0 / 1 vds - 2 verno6000 - 1 / 2 Walkabouts - 0 / 2 WARedBear - 3 WildwoodBob - 2 willcall - 5 / 1 Windrose - 0 / 2 workerofwood - 0 / 1 WWonka - 1 Wyoming - 80 xfalcon1 - 2 / 2 XRN95 - 2 / 1 YemonYime - 1 / 1
  6. I would order 2 and pay by PP
  7. Paid for one bronze... thanks - dblrngr
  8. so, could someone help me here. Is there a protocal to using a PM thru the forum versus e-mailing them through their profile? Is there a time to use each...or will either do at any time.
  9. I was in for 1 originally, could you change this to 3.. thanks - dblrngr
  10. I promise, no marketing pnenomena. We are working on the project. With the summer upon us and kids and family to deal with we are, admittedly, moving along at a rather slow pace. A question in the NW section questioning if there would be an interest in a coin ballooned rather quickly and we were not quite prepared for the response... I can not speak for others, but I think I have kept close track of those I have promised a trade. When that time comes you will be the first ones I think of. That said.... please have just a little more patience, we are indeed working at it.
  11. PP'd for 2. going to San Fran this coming week. I'm try and get a coin in each state I geocache in... one more checked off. thanks much
  12. pp'd for 2..... great coin..
  13. thanks sooo much. I appreciate the quick response. On our way Monday morning... 2 hour drive just to get to an airport that is a half-way reasonable price.
  14. I will be in San Francisco 09/19-21. Could someone maybe give me a few caches close to the Holiday Inn (golden gateway) on Van Ness Avenue. I will be in conferences all day and in get togethers in the evening, but would love to hunt down a few caches. Only problem... I'm gonna be afoot. Anyone know of a few within walking distance. thanks much...dblrngr
  15. Gillette, WY had its first cache placed in June of this year. Since then two of us have placed 9 more caches. After 2 DNF's last week, I found that one of mine was missing. CAT2 just called and she has one missing also. Looks as tho we have a cache collector The cache is no big deal, but I feel so bad that the Chilly Willy TB has also gone missing. Yingling I am so sorry about your TB. I am heading out right after work to collect the other two TB's that are in our caches. grrrrrrrrrr... thanks for letting me vent.
  16. I will contact KKTH3 and WYlostinMA to try and get a run down for everyone. Hopefully we can at least get everyone a look at the design and an estimated time frame of when pay pay will be set up. So sorry for the delay in the process. dblrngr
  17. just pp'd for 2 coins. nice..nice..nice..
  18. Speaking of spoilers....I would love to take more pictures and include them with my logs (as I love to receive the same). My questions is.....do I need to pay real close attention to the pictures to not give away to much... or is it common knowledge that if you start looking at pictures you are going to most like get some really good hints?
  19. Here is the certificate I use and put it in a small frame. I have only placed two caches, but they both had a FTF & STF. I most definately will continue with this... I've had a few FTF, but no cert yet. I'm patiently waiting tho. I hope this works... and that you can read it? FTF Cert
  20. I'm with 9Key on this one. Is there any way you could get us a picture?
  21. this is a test
  22. dblrngr

    Feature Request

    I would second that motion. I always post as soon as I can when I find a cache, but the pics might come later down the line. I would also like to know when a log is edited with the pics, or whatever else might come along...
  23. I was visting long distance with a friend, she was telling me about how she and a mutual friend went geocaching. I couldn't grasp it on the phone and said, oh well. About a year later the mutal friend and I were on vacation in Seattle and he pulls out this machine and hands me a piece of paper. My first cache "Welcome to Seattle-The Original" I was hooked. My third cache that trip was "Wreck Beach" OMG I thought I was gonna die. Terrain of 2. Now mind you I am not a hiker. I climbed down and up I believe 315 steps (handmade from railroad ties). To this date I have not attempted a 3 and probably never will. But we did have a great time. BTW I got on e-bay while on vacation and had a GPSr setting in my mailbox when I arrived home
  24. you can put me down for 4..doesn't matter if numbered
  25. Are there some engineer/cachers out there ?? Maybe the plans could include a "log only" cache?? http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/news/bizarre/0...5_APsn_loo.html
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