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Ladybug Kids

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Everything posted by Ladybug Kids

  1. Of course! I routinely post photos not only for nice EarthCache locations, but for any cool geocache location/experience. I have nearly 2800 photos posted with more on the way.
  2. You can purchase 2009 and 2010 Alaska geocoins here.
  3. 100% serious. I'm very familiar with the EarthCache and Geocaching guidelines as well as the Knowledge Books content. I can't find a section in any of those resources where it says one has to wait for e-mail confirmation of one's answers for an EarthCache (or a virtual cache, for that matter), before one can log a smiley. I log my find, send the required information in an e-mail to the cache owner, and get on with logging/life. Sometimes, the cache owner and I will swap subsequent e-mails if the answer(s) isn't quite what s/he is looking for and I make the necessary corrections. Most of the time, I don't receive a good/bad/indifferent response from the cache owner, so I'd would be waiting a lonnnngggg time before I could log my find. I've never had a find deleted following that process.
  4. Really? Can someone link me to the appropriate section of the EarthCache or Geocaching guidelines that explains one has to wait for an affirmative response from the cache owner before they can log their found? Not being able to log a found until receiving a cache owner's response sounds like an additional logging requirement (ALR) to me.
  5. Benchmark cache is hidden under the watchful eye of the security camera of the Fairbanks, Alaska, main police station.
  6. After a recent flurry of sales, there are now 94 bronze, 28 silver, and ten gold relief 2010 geocoins left. There are also plenty of matching 2010 pins in stock.
  7. No complaints here other than not getting any fool's gold . Your project provided me with the inspiration to look into Alaskan jade trackables.
  8. I received my Welsh slate geocoins in Alaska and am very pleased with how they turned out. I really appreciate locally made geobling!!! Thanks for your efforts.
  9. Once you load a GPX file containing caches onto your GPS, the caches will stay on your GPS until you delete or overwrite the file.
  10. Find Nearest to Home GC1605X - Ugly Cache in the Woods (Alaska, United States) 0.111mi Find Farthest from Home GC15NT0 - United Colors (Lisboa, Portugal)5194.227mi Find Farthest North GC6341 - Burr (Alaska, United States) N 71° 17.280 W 156° 46.799 Find Farthest South GC676E - Trail's End (Hawaii, United States) N 20° 36.046 W 156° 25.193 Find Farthest East (from Prime Meridian) GC17134 - Frankfurt Airport - StopOver - TB/GC-Hotel (Hessen, Germany) N 50° 03.251 E 008° 35.122 Find Farthest West (from Prime Meridian) GC6341 - Burr (Alaska, United States)N 71° 17.280 W 156° 46.799 (It was a surprise to me that Barrow, Alaska, is west of western Maui!)
  11. Shameless bump... There are still bronze, silver, and gold relief versions of the 2010 Alaska geocoin and antique bronze and silver versions of the geopins in inventory.
  12. Jacket? LOL!!! That's t-shirt and shorts weather up here that we won't see until late April or early May.
  13. You may use the GeocacheAlaska! GSAK FUNdamentals materials downloadable from the GeocacheAlaska! Education webpage.
  14. -48° F (-44° C), Fairbanks, Alaska. Actual air temperature, no windchill.
  15. Depends on the location because I believe geocache placement should be all about location. Please take me to an area that features a great view, a historic site, an oddity, a cool geological feature, an area of special interest, or a pleasant walk through an area I wouldnt have otherwise known about. It doesnt have to be a place of outstanding beauty, but it should be a cut above the ordinary and will make me say "cool! (apologies to Briansnat) I "favorited" my first LPC ever because it offers a sweeping 360° view of the city of Anchorage, four mountain ranges, three volcanoes, and North America's tallest mountain. GC12EA
  16. I sometimes get wide-ranging answers like that to the first question of my Castle Mountain Fault earthcache even though all the information required to reach the answer is provided on the cache page. However, some people are not and/or never were very good with math word problems, so I'll e-mail back a response along the lines of, "your answer of ____ isn't quite what I was looking for. Can you tell me how you arrived at it? I'll be happy to help you out if I have a starting point." That puts the ball back in the cacher's court explain their method and to try again, yet leaves the door open to receive help. I recently visited a number of danieloliveira's very nicely done earthcaches in Portugal and he related to me how some cachers have real difficulty estimating the size of objects. He knows they visited the location because the accompanying photos are correct, but they'll say a feature was three meters tall when it was thirty meters or that a fossil was ten centimeters long when it's really only 20 millimeters. He's attempted to remedy that situation by providing ranges of sizes to choose from that provide the cacher with the right order of magnitude to choose from. Having run into the wall (literally and figuratively) on some earthcaches where I just didn't "get it," I try to empathize with with cachers that don't "get" my caches, help them along, and sometimes adjust my cache page in recognition that perhaps I didn't get my write up correct on the first attempt(s).
  17. Very cool photo sequence! I post photos for great (and just plain nice) caches (earthcache or other) with my logs. Folks who take your (and my) approach to enhancing our logs with photographs (nearly 2800 and growing) will continue to do so. Those who are on the fence about posting a photo may or may not depending on their mood, time, battery status, etc. Those who have been adamant about never posting a photo won't change.
  18. I know I have been attracted to some locations due to the photo gallery. One can still encourage posting of a photograge this way: Optional - to earn "extra credit," post a photograph of yourself with your GPS at your favorite location with your log.
  19. For the most part, I have found Earthcache owners more than happy to walk me through where I may have made a mistake in meeting the logging requirements and I do the same for those who seek my earthcaches. In many cases for me, earthcaching is about learning about something new, and sometimes that is an iterative process. Don't let what you read in the forums be overly discouraging. In a lot of cases, those who participate in the forums (a small subset of the overall community) are passionate on one side of a situation or the other and the majority of folks who have more moderate opinions don't chime in. I find reading the forums to be a good way to understand differing viewpoints which I use in forumlating my own.
  20. As stated by geoaware, some Earthcaches are transient/periodic in nature such as the Turnagain Arm Tidal Bore Earthcache and a photo is a great way to record them.
  21. There are still bronze, silver, and gold relief versions of the 2010 Alaska geocoins in inventory. Don't miss out on your opportunity to own what will most likely be the last of the series of these Made in Alaska geocoins!
  22. And how would I, the cache owner, assign a FTF to an individual in a group that claims a co-FTF for everyone if I wasn't there to witness who was actually the first to see, and therefore, find, the cache? The OP infers I could chase around members of the group via e-mail, sort out the various stories, then then be judge and jury on the FTF. I don't think that would make me many friends in the caching community and it's creates work for me. In addition to other resources cited, GSAK users can use a macro to parse their logs to create a FTF table and count. As a result, FTF hounds can keep easily track their own FTFs, post them on their profile page (or in a bookmark list to display on each cache for which they were the FTF), and not create additional overhead for Groundspeak or the cache owner. I enjoy being FTF when the opportunity presents itself, but I don't want to get into being a referee/judge for my new caches.
  23. Groundspeak relatively recently started hosting activation code retrieval. The Alaska geocoin activation code retrieval is being hosted ONLY on the Groundspeak site. As mentioned in an earlier post, while Groundspeak works out the bugs, 2010 Alaska geocoin purchasers may e-mail (or PM) me through my profile and I can provide activation codes as well.
  24. Cachers who purchased Alaska geocoins who are having trouble with activation code retrieval from the Groundspeak site may e-mail me for assistance. Please provide the tracking number of each coin and whether it is a coinament or regular edition coin.
  25. I just became aware of the problem last night. Cachers who purchased Alaskan geocoins may e-mail me as an alternative to Groundspeak to retrieve their activation codes. This appears to be an intermittent problem because I've had no problems retrieving activation codes.
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