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Posts posted by bubbledadj

  1. I understand the need for PMO caches and thank you for those hints in my friends logging these caches. What I am objecting to are whole series where there is nothing special about the caches, not really at much risk, quiet paths. I like the PMO for a little while then opened up to all idea, that would be a nice sentiment.

  2. there seems to be a rise in the number of people putting out caches which are premium member only, now I am a premium member but some of my caching friends aren't. Now I understand if it's a special well cammoflaged one off cache in a high traffic area, but when it's a series of 15 - 20 35mm film canister micros I honestly don't see the need to have these as premium member only. It means I cannot go and find these caches with my friends and I feel this sort of behavoiur by certain geocachers discriminating against those who cannot afford to be a premium member, shouldn't the sport of geocaching be "for all"

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