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Everything posted by Windsocker

  1. Take a look at GeocachingIreland you'll find some guides to Dublin caches there
  2. after a day out placing some new caches i came back to enable the caches got 2 done and just approved. But for the past 4 hours all i'm getting is server busy error any one else had problems today
  3. Hope you recieved my order ok it was for 1 gold and 2 silver
  4. Well Done Paul I've enjoyed some of your caches on my trips to the uk
  5. oh silly me Thanks a lots guys owe you all a beer
  6. Email me the text file you are trying to load and I will take a look at it and should be able to track down the problem. Thanks Clyde email on its way
  7. I have a dell x50 and gpxsonar i'll help out if i can
  8. The file I'm trying to import is from gpxsonar, it has worked fine in the past with Gsak but has now stopped. i have opened it in notepad and the information is all there. I have made another file by exporting new find notes from gpxsonar today and tried importing them from the pocket pc and desk top with the same result. I don't get any error Gsak imports the note but noting is added. Two other thoughts: 1) I'm assuming that you're ticking something other than "ignore" in the "Notes Already in the Offline Database" dialog (assuming you're getting this dialog). (See GSAK help or here online). 2) Is it possible that you've locked the waypoints that you're trying to import the notes into (on the Waypoint>Edit dialog, the check box just below the coordinates)? Edit: a third thought: Have you changed the waypoint code, either in GSAK on your PC or in the files loaded into GPXSonar? For example, if you use "%drop2" when you export from GSAK to GPXSonar, then try to reimport from GPXSonar to GSAK, GSAK is not able to match the waypoint codes (one will be "GC1234", the other will be "1234" - not a match from the computer's point of view!). If neither of these help, I'm out of ideas. Best bet is to wait until it's daytime "down under" and Clyde gets on the forum! Thanks for you idea's went tru them all but no luck i have been able to open old notes and the dialog box pops up ok weird one this
  9. I just got a set of Hama rechargeables there great but they do make the gps a little heavy
  10. I'd guess the text file you're trying to import is either corrupted or not in the correct file format. GSAK imports notes only in tab delimited text files with two fields: field 1 is the GC Code and field 2 is the note. You don't mention how you created the file, but if you used GSAK Notes>Export the format should be correct. In that case, I'd assume a corrupted file and delete the existing file from both the Pocket PC and your PC and then regenerate it. If you used some other program or method to generate the text file, open it with Notepad on your PC and see if it has the required format, which is: GCCode <tab> Note. If it doesn't have this format (or you can't open it in Notepad) then you'll have to regenerate the file in the appropriate format. The file I'm trying to import is from gpxsonar, it has worked fine in the past with Gsak but has now stopped. i have opened it in notepad and the information is all there. I have made another file by exporting new find notes from gpxsonar today and tried importing them from the pocket pc and desk top with the same result. I don't get any error Gsak imports the note but noting is added.
  11. I have a slight problem For some reason i can't import notes into Gsak from my pocket pc it has being working in the past,even asked me if i wanted to overwrite the excisting notes, It can find the file but notting gets added,I have copied the file to my pc and pointed gsak to it with the same result Has anybody any ideas
  12. two cause i read instead of writing
  13. Yep what a great idea it would be nice to be able to log these
  14. Yep what a great idea it would be nice to be able to log these
  15. email received and replied thanks
  16. i think its a great idea i've just being looking back at old caches i've found that are now archived brings back a few memories
  17. The windsockers 14 July 1966
  18. calender page wont open i'll try again later
  19. I have the old street pilot 111 in my truck gets me to the caches most of the time the downside is only 500 waypoints can be held in memory. hope to upgrade soon but still not sure which of the new models will do the same job
  20. 18.20 its back up
  21. I started in September 2004 when a friend from an off road club I’m in asked me to take This Tb to Ireland. I had no idea about Geocaching so we went to This Cache for me to see what I had to do. I’ve since logged 1 more of this series but I think I’ll hold a lap record for the slowest lap around Silverstone. I then went to the then Dublin Airport Bug hotel and placed the tb in the cache just before I finished 2 airport policemen came by asking what I was doing so I started to tell them something I knew very little about, after a while they left and I went home and started to look into Geocaching some more and got hooked. I’ve now just passed my 200 find not to bad I think as I can only cache in the winter months but its get to find so many interesting places that I never knew existed Well that’s my story.
  22. Try an acid etching primer that works very well on plastic
  23. I could help with your test (Dell x50 ppc2003)
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