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Everything posted by lordelph

  1. I'm from the UK and I visit Alexandria, VA several times a year. I nearly always arrive on a weekend with time to kill, and I've pretty much done all the typical touristy things in the area. So the next time I'm over, I want to get out and do some caching. I'm no so bothered about numbers, I'd much rather spend the entire day walking to one or two epic geocaches than bagging one every quarter mile. I also want to get out of the DC area and see some scenery! If it helps narrow things down I'll do this on a Sunday in mid November A non-caching friend will be driving me, would like to be in a location within 1-2 hrs drive of Alexandria I'm happy walking around 15 miles in hilly terrain (longer if it's a flat area, but flat isn't very 'epic'!) One scenic circular route would be good, or a handful of smaller routes within a short driving distance of each other Want accomplish this during daylight hours, of which where are just 10 in November Advice of any local cachers much appreciated
  2. I'm working in the US at the moment and have a spare day to do some caching! Now, I didn't come totally prepared for this. I have my Garmin 60csx, an SD card, no USB cable and a MacBook Pro. Is there any way I can grab a pocket query, and turn it into something the 60csx will recognize if I drop it onto its SD card? EDIT: mucking around with a Mac build of GPSBabel, I'm sure I'll have this cracked shortly...
  3. It's in the very first post on this thread: http://files.dixo.net/lordelphs_icons.zip
  4. Many thanks - the regular download link now has these updates incorporated!
  5. If you send your edits to lordelph at gmail.com I'll update the download.
  6. This is fun. Here's another, no answer this time.... My first is in Bletchley but not in Park My second in submarine, not in ark My third in codebreaker but not in spy My fourth is in girl but not in guy My fifth is in hormone but not in cure My last in gravestone and not endure
  7. OK, here's a quick one. HIDDEN: My first is in hole but not in burrow My second is in field but not in furrow My third is in road but not in trail My fourth is in haddock but not in whale My fifth is in earth but not in star My sixth is in near but not in far I tried to use "countryside" words but failed a bit with haddock and whale If you want to make people really groan, you can ask them to find the hidden word!
  8. There a great guide to photography and UK law which includes sections on trespass. Well worth a read, particularly if you like taking pictures while out and about.
  9. Though I don't use one myself, I thought this might be of interest to any N97 users out there: See: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/08/n...TC-0D6B48984890
  10. I know I can get up to 1000 on mine.
  11. Wait till you see LordElph's *Lovelier* icons then!
  12. I spent quite a while crafting the "Lovely Icons", if memory serves I think I did the rough vector drawing with Fireworks, then touched them up in Paint Shop Pro pixel by pixel, as well as trimming the palette to 16 colours. White is always transparent, and can be in any colour index. If you want white in your icon, just use a second index with an RGB value of (255,255,254) or similar. The centre point of the 32x32 icon is the "hotspot", so base your design around that point. Aside from that, good luck!
  13. This weekend I went to a camping show in Codicote, North Hertfordshire to pick up a new tent for the summer. If you're in the area its well worth a visit. Prices for the Vango and SunnCamp tents I was looking at were cheaper than from Internet suppliers, and you might be lucky enough to haggle further discounts . It's at the Wyvale Garden Centre in Codicote until 14th June.
  14. I once "liberated" a china figurine from my father's house and sent it out as the Gallivanting Gardener. He was a little apprehensive when he found out, as it was collectable, but I assured him it would be fine and he would be reunited! Sure enough, after a few months he disappeared. Sounded like the cache he was in was muggled so I assumed the worst. But two years later he just reappeared back in circulation! As my Dad's 60th birthday was approaching I arranged to have him posted back to me. I created a new account called AirbrushedStripy (anagram of Birthday Surprise) to hold him as my dad was watching the listing. On his birthday we had a surprise party with Gallivanting Gardner as the guest of honour. Sounds daft but you should have seen the look on his face So these tales of travel bug woe can have a happy ending....
  15. You can load OpenStreetMap data onto many Garmin models, see talkytoaster's posts on the subject. His website includes compatibility details too. With contour lines they aren't too bad on my 60CSx. I do use a Mio with Memory Map, but I'm steadily weaning myself off it by writing some new software using OpenStreetMap derived maps.
  16. Thanks for making the maps available in this form, I used them myself in the Brecons last weekend and they worked a treat on my 60CSx. The OSM map is really coming into its own now!
  17. Latest version v0.34 from last August is working for me with Firefox 3.0.6 If you've ignored a lot of topics, its possible you've run into some storage limit with Greasemonkey. I may need to add some ability to only remember the last X ignored topics if that's the case....
  18. I did a CITO event in Reading which had been organised with a conservation group. I think they organized skips and equipment, and were overjoyed when 100+ willing volunteers turned up en masse! So targeting a group like that might bear fruit...?
  19. Yarrrr, Piratemania was a lot of fun last year. If you've never been to a camping event but fancy giving it a try, you can be sure of an extremely fun and friendly weekend. Mark puts a huge amount of effort in, and you can be sure of doing some quality caches. Plus, if you want to, you can dress up like a pirate. Everyone secretly wants to dress up like a pirate. And remember, there's only two kinds of pirate, red and blue. But which one is best? There's only one way to find out - the winning team gets that mighty great chalice I'm holding above....swashes will be buckled, broadsides blasted and sea shanties sung!
  20. Looking forward to some quality caches! Am hoping to make it to the pub on Friday so will toast your retirement with any luck!
  21. I like the xmas one, gets me in the festive spirit! You can see all the videos here http://uk.youtube.com/lordelph - bring on summer 2009 so I can make some more!
  22. First Capital Connect have a promo leaflet about making the most out of trains, and it mentions geocaching! I believe "Victoria and Richy" have stumbled across a baby alien nestling in a cache... Alternative captions welcome
  23. Gary "Inunshuk" Rogers appealled for help with his original "geograph" idea on these hallowed forums over 3 years ago. Myself and Barry Hunter answered the call and Geograph British Isles was born! This morning we published our millionth photograph - every single one of which is freely available for re-use under a Creative Commons licence. I've met many cachers who are also contributors to Geograph, so I salute you all!
  24. 'tis fixed GeocachingMapLinker.user.js
  25. The original is now fixed also. Wish I'd noticed Edgemaster's fix first....
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